The Flaws of Quantum Mechanics | Gerard 't Hooft

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Winner of the nobel prize for physics, Gerard 't Hooft explains the challenges for Quantum Mechanics in the 21st century.

#quantum #iaitv #physics

Gerard 't Hooft:
• The notorious randomness of Quantum Mechanics is just a front.
• Underneath, the world obeys perfectly sensible, classical, rules, which govern building blocks even more fundamental than particles.
• To accept this, we need to accept superdeterminism.
• This argues that there is a subtle interdependence between experimentalists and particles, which creates a selection bias, misleading physicists into thinking that no deeper level of physics could explain the particle coordination.
• Some new laws of physics my harmonize particles’ properties with humans’ measurement choices.

Gerard't Hooft: Gerardus 't Hooft is a Dutch theoretical physicist and professor at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He is winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the quantum structure
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This guy is one of the smartest guys on the planet, with a perspective unique to solving intractable problems. A topologist, quantum theorist, and physicist of the first order. I cannot for the life of me comprehend the intricacies of the topological manifold that is his tie.


FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY FINALLY Actually, nothing less is expected of our intellects Thank you.


Not having an interpretation, nor meaning of the mechanics involve, prevents the next step of discovery. Shut up and just calculate is practical, but leaves science at the same locked door that is a barrier to future wonders!


Very well expressed video about the problems of quantum theory. I have been wrestling with this problem for many years and I am beginning to make progress. The first step is to really understand the nature of light. We have observed gravitational waves from neutron star mergers and found that other waves (gamma rays, X-rays and light) travel at exactly the same speed even though passing over a distance of 130 million light years which is undergoing Hubble expansion. This must mean that light and gravitational waves have the same transport medium. But we know that gravitational waves are wave disturbances of spacetime travelling through space at speed c. So light must travel as a wave disturbance of spacetime.

We know that light is emitted when an electron of an atom changes energy level. This suggests that electrons (and protons and neutrons) are looped wave disturbances of spacetime. Now we turn our attention to the double slit experiment. The wave quantum (photon) passing through the apparatus is a real physical wave spread out over several centimetres. When this wave quantum reaches the detector screen it can only be one atom on the detector screen which draws in all the dispersed wave energy. This collapse of the wave is just an interaction between the wave and the detector.

There is more work to do to show how all of the accurate mathematical results of quantum theory apply when we consider physical reality to be waves in spacetime and I invite everyone to help with this. I have reached this point so far:



All I wanna know is what happened to his tie?


Fascinating line of argument where he says it’s less important to be correct, than to reflect reality.
So many questions...🤔


Honest and realistic evaluation of QM.


I recommend Gerard (and anyone else of the same mind) to watch the Veritasium YouTube video: "Is this how Quantum Mechanics works?" It uses a bouncing oil droplet on a surface stationary wave (on a bath of oil) as an analogy. This analogy explains the double-slit experiment results in real-world concepts (demonstrated in the video). As in other fields (like cosmological electrical and plasma physics) it seems like some kind of aether might indeed exist.


It seems on the level of the mysteries of Quantum Mechanics, is the mysteries of how to do your tie


There are some information on the net on "veillance flux ". As I understanding the research is about the effect of observing , and intends to prove that there are particles emitted as a result of surveillance or observation. It intends to be scientific ( not spiritual or similar). If there are particles of such different nature and a corresponding field interacting with the particle, then the reality could be similar to the crown created in water around the droplet as a droplet falls onto it .


RD:The Calibration Society began thousands of years ago as a group of business interests who embraced the idea of a common time standard between worlds. A daunting task, considering the fluctuations in time-space between solar systems. For the purposes of shipping goods and services this was as critical as the time keeping methods of your railroads.

Eventually, the Society developed into more. It was determined that our operatives could impartially assist in the development of what we called "beacon worlds, " worlds who had not yet become part of any alliances and were still using things like radio communication for long distance data transfers.

We exist as go-betweens, and anti-espionage and if necessary, counter-corporate espionage agents because we are thoroughly familiar with and more than not also acclimated to functioning normally within the societies of those worlds.

Our opinions of those societies are held in the highest regard, because we do not represent nations per se, but the overall business communities of entire regions.

In Earth's case, however... My species is responsible for dispatching the Ael'Kayeen.

We brought about the cataclysm which ushered in the Younger Dryas. But the Ael'Kayeen, they accelerated your evolution and created nations here, for the sole purpose of harvesting your genetic material.

You were quite literally modified to be like the genetic version of 0+ blood. So you could be a viable product for a burgeoning life extension industry. There were many investors in this life-preservation and extension industry. Currently, your status is unresolved.

The Society is here to determine your worth, and to act as witnesses in the ongoing litigation.

This is quite serious, as you are still considered but mere lab animals to some. I know you do not see it this way, but your species demonstrates this leaning on a daily basis. Our impartiality is legendary; as is our ability to spot opportunities for legitimate and profitable trade.

I am a reptilian. And we are known for our resourcefulness. Most of us are not as bad you have been led to believe.

The reasons why you don't hear us is because we don't use radio communication for long distance data transfer. It's like snail mail. Why wait for something to travel the speed of light when you can "bump" particles into a code language based on simultaneous spookiness?

We only use radio transmissions for local communication and even then it's encrypted because it contains information. We call planets like yours "beacon worlds" because you're like baby chicks cheeping away. But such calls fade into the noise of the universe quickly.

There is memory in nature. It functions in fractal patterns created by "spooky action" via the angular direction in which co-particles respond to change. These changes are not bound by light speed. They happen simultaneously across kindred space time. It is a living language lifting fields into being. This resonance is a two dimensional cloud base reaching from within and around a three dimensional, tornado response drop DNA. It is a resonance that reaches out to give life things like symmetry and faces that speak thought process that jack knife even time space itself. Seek it. Life is not an accident. It is an inevitability. The universe is not dead, but alive and looking back upon itself in time.

///There are words we use that do not translate well into English. I have chosen metaphor in the hopes that mental images will suffice.///

The information contained in DNA stretches all the ways down to the spin characteristics of sub-atomic particles. These vibrations create patterns which are considerably more complex than the simple on off switches used by ones and zeros in your computer language.

This resonance is how a spider knows how to build a web. The communication of these sub-atomic particles instantaneously causes reactions throughout kindred space-time. It is one of the reasons why rice has so many more genes than a human being.

It is because rice is more common in the universe than people. The so-called "genetic dark-matter" your scientists can't make heads or tails of is simply those particles responding to disease on other worlds and preparing that particular species for the hitherto unknown possible emergence of the same on its own world by informing it through the ladder of its genes.

When you extend your influence into space, you will discover that if a particular parent star goes nova and from its travails brings forth other smaller stars like your own, those worlds which form will have a closer connection through the co-particles to other worlds. Life then becomes easier to develop (and similar in form) because of that quality which the two dimensional plane brings up into this great three-dimensional simulation. I should also point out here that the discovery of rice on another world other than our own was the final nail in the coffin of mechanism. We then began viewing the universe as a living organism rather than a dead, deterministic machine.

With the end of nihilism came a new, hopeful way of looking at nature which caused a rapid growth of knowledge and with it the cures for many diseases and a knowledge of genetics married to physics which before would have been reviled and stifled by philosophical dogmatists

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Next level of genius: Gerard 't Hooft showed us how to re-normalize the quantum world, and now boldly argues that one better not de-normalize it in the first place. This is how one can collect the Nobel price twice for nothing.


Einstein's legacy is to make common sense of QM.


I so love Gerald Two Hoofs, as we call him in Canada. He's such a devil.


What is unreal about QM is that its the only theory that gives both a local and a global view simultaneously. That is how it is the most powerful and successful theory.


If every photon (and electron, etc) was in orbit with an undetectable dark matter particle pulling them into polarizable apparent axial or helical waves as they travel, it would explain 'wave packets', the double slit, uncertainty, and wave particle duality in general, no? Can anyone name an experiment that proves this impossible? Can everyone agree that since everything from gluons and electrons to solar systems are in orbit with something, pulling them into apparent waves as they travel through space and that therefore this would be the most apparently obvious explanation, especially given we know we're in a sea of dark matter but do not know where it's distributed?


If a common identity is accepted for photon with quantum and both with the volumetric shape of a tetrahedron - it follows that energy has shape and that the geometric coordination system used by nature for irreducible structures is based on 60º - the same characterising ‘honeycomb’ geometry.
The unification of force and shape in this triune identity renders that abstract relation of force and shape which ‘occurs not’ in the 90º coordination of cubic volumetric mensuration less interesting as a consideration than that of developing a comprehensive (now) vectorial geometry based on the tetrahedral 60º system.
Here it is necessary to find a comprehensive ‘All-Space’ matrix based on the latter (tetrahedral) system to replace mensural gridding by Cubic ideality and one allowing for exchanges of energy in its behaviour.
Because shape and energy have to be considered together both the rules of polyhedral topology and the rules governing energetic phase changes will have to be integrated and these are the respective worlds which have characteristically preoccupied the intellects of Euler and Gibbs.
The matrix is developed by considering the association of equal radiused spheres in closest possible proximity to one another. The pure or abstract nature of a sphere relates to the real, practical nature of a quantum/photon/tetrahedron through the spherical volumetric space defined by various axes of spin from its mid-edge, vertex, or mid-face, and from any of the series of polyhedral forms in the upward succeedanaeum deriving from it.
Equal-radiused spheres will associate in a shell of twelve spheres around a central sphere and each will touch its proximate neighbours once and the central sphere once. Connecting the mid-points of all the twelve spheres of the shell will yield the polyhedral form known as a cube-octahedron. This form has eight triangles and six squares symmetrically arranged and it is also derivable by cheese-cutting the corners of a cube until the mid-edge points meet. The cubeoctahedron is thus a fourteen sided figure.
The difference between open- and closed-packing in spherical associations is exemplified by close spherical packing for the triangular ‘corners’ and open spherical packing for the square ‘faces’.
This figure may extend systematically in three dimensions in modular fashion as with stacked cubes and here with compacted spheres, but - curiously - within this extended matrix upon a cube-octahedral base are to be found regular hexagonal configurations initiated at the ‘triangular corners’ and extending on the four spatial planes of the tetrahedron. The matrix thus mutually accommodates the orthogony of cubic mensuration and the hexogony of tetrahedral mensuration.
One can perceive this ‘isotropic vector matrix’ made up either as associations of squares or as associations of triangles, but - like the colours of shot-silk - not both at the same time. And yet identical shared edge-lengths provide for each view.
The central sphere/tetrahedron periodically ‘disappears through its own existence’ by virtue of its unique capability as a polyhedral form to allow a vertex under pressure to pass through its opposite face and re-position itself in a different location of the general matrix.
When this loss of quanta from a centre occurs the outward pressure exerted by the central sphere which sustains the open-packed configuration of the ‘square’ faces of the cubeoctahedral form - is lost, and the spheres constituting these ‘squares’ skew sideways. The number of twelve spheres remains intact but they contract inwards slightly in an entirely close-packed icosahedral - or twenty-triangled - centreless configuration. This is a reversible phenomenon and the behaviour is regular and pulsative.
As with the periodic table of elements in its upwards building of associative complexities from the elemental simplicity of the hydrogen atom given value as 1 for atomic weight, so - upon the basis of an ideal unvarying common edge length - the series of potential configurations of polyhedral energy holding patterns permitted by the isotropic vector matrix build up from the value of 1 given to the volume of a tetrahedron. The two series are not likely to be unrelated.
The cubeoctahedron has a volumetric quotient of 20 tetrahedrons; the skewed, volumetrically reduced, shell-only form deriving from it upon the disappearance of the centre is recognised as an icosahedron. The volume of an icosahedron in terms of an equal-edged tetrahedron is 18.5 and the ratio of difference between it and the cube-octahedral form is thus 40 : 37.
There is an inward analytic geometry to be performed upon the tetrahedron which - curiously - precipitates minute energy fractions of intense and asymmetric character; opposed to this is the associative - synthetic - geometry of spheres of energy influence characterising the ‘mean-disposition’ and the ‘evolutionary behaviour’ of the isotropic vector matrix.
This is my understanding - under the constraint of an entire lack of mathematical technique by which to evaluate the exercise - on fundamentals which are developed to great extent and depth of consideration by Richard Fuller within the aedifice of his general Geodesic Theory: this is set down in his two-volume treatise
‘Synergetics’ (Collier-Macmillan ‘79/‘81).
It should go without saying that in its triune consideration it represents the Unified Field of Quantum, Relativity, and Electromagnetic considerations and provides for them one seamless language.


I am genuinely interested in Gerard 't Hooft's use of the word "reality". He says, the theory (of Quantum Mechanics) "is so successful in describing the world that we know, it nevertheless doesn't describe anything that looks like reality". Perhaps the key words here are "looks like" reality, but this seems to contradict the assumptions behind the words, "the world that we know". He seems to reject the idea that math modelling is fundamental reality and even that it might not be capable of representing it (a la Godel). But he also seems to suggest that it math modelling ought to fall in line with some kind of reality that we already know, or perhaps a reality that we would know if someone were able to articulate it for us, and until it does fall in line, we will work on the problem which he refers to (metaphorically?) as a "disease". The impermanence (inevitable atrophy) of all modelling in physics is (for me) a given, or perhaps THE given. We have, after all, created our 'realities' out of our modelling and our modelling out of our presumed 'realities' and neither are necessarily reality per se. Perhaps the weakness is that fundamental reality is not summed up in the physical or in physical utility after all, but in something more 'substantial' than the physical. Perhaps we are more literally co-creators, actually co-creating according to something more fundamental than "matter", something like moral character [objective moralisation is implied here]. Perhaps being is not fundamentally about or does not ultimately consist in particles after all. Perhaps particles and composites derive their appearance and form from the more fundamental 'substance' of 'moral disposition' and intent (or ignorance) in exactly the same way that their application finds expression. Perhaps intent is more significant than artefact. Gerard 't Hooft says, "Can we make a better theory that does describe things as if they are real. I say 'as if' because sub-atomic particles are so small and there are so many of them that we cannot really describe them the way they are. That's hopeless. But we can try to describe them the way they could be and the way their description makes total sense." The parameters of the comments here are relative and relatively small : 'making total sense'. The question remains, by what criteria? ... inner coherence? ... comparison with best human utility? ... academic authority/consensus? ... political or ideological authority?  

I am inclined to see scientific discovery and technological innovation as acts of literal creation rather than instances of discovery. This implies a lot with regard to the nature of 'particles' and the 'expanding universe'. Consistent with this is the likelihood that all modelling will prove to have been incurably impermanent. Modelling becomes our reality. Even though we theoretically and with feigned humility deny this, we seek to impose our models and enforce conformity to them through many and various means. But the 'reality' that permeates and sustains the model (dependent reality) and the model's 'material' artefacts (doubly dependent manifestation) is non-material or something like moral in nature (disposition, intent etc). Thus, all that remains is 'moral disposition' manifest through the application of what we imagine into shape and apply for utilitarian purposes, whether that utility be directed by compassion or 'self' interest, which is then the whole point... all that remains. This makes nonsense of our intolerance towards pluralism - of pluralisms in their various fields. It allows pluralism to persist and even to be cherished as our (humanity's) way forward, as the 'spice of life', pluralism being perceived as encompassing our respective ways of expressing creative potential and our respective ways of contributing to cultural flourishing, none of which are ultimate reality expressed in material parameters (intellect also consisting of material artefacts [mental objects]). Material and academic plurality 'just is' and despite all the competition these remain subject to moral intent. So, it seems to me that there remains a determination to reduce 'reality' to 'matter' and a persistent refusal, despite the fact that it is intent that drives this determination and despite the acknowledgement that Quantum Mechanics "Is marvellous theory that puts everything in context" and yet is not adequate to reality. (to be edited).


For all this talk of quantum mechanics, why don't physicists ever teach the public about how the wave function is a solution to a potential/kinetic energy configuration, and talk about the philosophical implemcations of the wave function?


"We want to have a credible model that describes that are being real. And this is our difficulty today, the models of quantum mechanics don't even allow us to do that. Now it becomes more serious. We're doing something wrong. Quantum theory is on the one hand so beautiful it shouldn't be corrected. But our interpretation of quantum mechanics SHOULD be corrected. " Gerard 't Hooft, 'The Flaws of Quantum Mechanics'
