The symptoms of a spiritual awakening!

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I got extremely sensitive to energies. Which wakes me up many days.. I was an empath before but this made it ten times sensitive. This channel has been so amazing in the help of my growth on this journey. In finding this channel about 3 weeks ago I have gone further than ever before 😊


Thank you. In the past 2 years I've lost 25kg and in the last 6 monts I've gained some back and feel bad and tired and in pain, I wanted my life to transform too quickly because I didn't want to live anymore but I have to stay because of my son. I'm trying to pick myself up again and not torture myself. ❤


Also digestive issues and food sensitivities are common too.


I love you! Thank you for all that you share. These little gems feel so comforting and grounding, when the whole world can feel like it’s melting. ❤🙌 Love & blessings always


I’d like to add one more here: Loving yourself wholeheartedly. Tending to yourself. Making yourself the biggest and utmost priority.

I find that to be my ultimate game changer through this process.


I have all of these symptoms and more, I thought I was going crazy literally. Thanks for bringing this up


Thank you 🙏 so tired and achy and overwhelmed 💤 bless you 💕


Over the last months, I gained weight, I had episodes of derealization and depersonalization, fatigue and anxiety...I had no idea of the concept of spiritual awakenings, thanks to this channel, now it is getting better


As a former practicing attorney, I understand why you would advise people to go to a doctor for a check up. A western doctor may be able to rule out any physical dis-ease. However and generally speaking, western medicine still operates from the old paradigm and therefore, a western doctor would most likely not have the training, education, and experience to assist in anyway with a spiritual awakening/spiritual emergency. It's best not to mention one is having a spiritual awakening/ascension. Because most likely said doctor would diagnose the person as having a pathological episode requiring confinement, sedation, etc. The medical system is one of the old systems being dismantled because as it currently exists, it no longer serves us. As someone who has been on a spiritual path for 23 years and experiencing this current spiritual awakening, I remind myself that what I'm experiencing is unexplainable and to be aware that most people who are still living in the reality of the old paradigm will not understand, want to explain it away, label me insane, become fearful, etc. We must use discernment and remember some spiritual people are spiritual and others give the appearance of being spiritual. Always go within! If your guidance isn't clear, do nothing until it is clear. Remember, so many people have no idea what is happening with the evolution of human consciousness and that includes even some so-called spiritual people. So far, the only thing that has helped me manage these symptoms is CBD oil and deep breathing. My guides told me to drink alkaline water rather than purified and to rest as much as possible. What works for me may not work for you. So again, go within and tap into your body's wisdom. Be aware and stay in the heart space! Love, peace, and healing to ALL sentient beings!


Thank you so much for your wisdom and help


I find that getting a good sleep, and being in nature are my top 2 best ways! When I do not get a good sleep, my days just drag by... it is crazy.


Thank you have helped me so much the last few yrs❤ since my love to all🙏🙏🙏🙏


Thank you so much beautiful soul. Yes I do get these pains .I am so grateful for you Sharing this with me ❤❤❤


I had all those symptoms before it started. Some just got really intense. Dealing with the symptoms, getting use to crazy synchronicities, and bringing myself to who I'm supposed to be is some of the most difficult crap I've ever dealt with and I've raised seven kids. When you start feeling your deceased loved ones physically touching you because you're ready to join them, things really start changing. Then God, the divine, Allah, universe, or whatever you want to call the creator will show themselves to you.


A doctor for a checkup? Any doctor in America is going to put you on pills, I’m sure some kind of antidepressant if you’re going through a spiritual awakening. Better advice would be stop eating sugar and switch to Whole Foods.


Always good to see your videos Christina❤ I have felt very crappy


Grounding is amazing, just please oil your feet very well before going barefoot, and wash your feet and dry them VERY well afterwards. A lot of people are getting ringworm, fungal infections, etc. The microbes are very high right now. If you get a cut, disinfect immediately.


Wonderful messagei needed this advice


I am experiencing all of those symptoms, aches &’pains, exhaustion, feels like I’m burnt out. Weight loss. Muscle weakness. Anxiety. I’ve already been through a spiritual awakening so why am I going through one again? Is it almost like an ascension?
I’ve no motivation either and just recently I had set up my own business in the healing world but I’ve had to take a step back because I’ve burnt out and I wasn’t enjoying it as I put so much pressure on myself in regards to how many clients were coming so it became forceful and stressful :((( taking a step back now to reset and see how I can move forward maybe without the need of social media as my mental health suffers hugely due to this. Any advise please send them on or insight of anyone else is experiencing what I am. It’s scary but I do trust it will pass ❤ thank you Christina as always x ❤


Thanks a lot 🙏
God bless you 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
