23 Major Signs + Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening | LonerWolf

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Are you on a journey of spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening marks the beginning of your initiation on the spiritual path. This can be a scary experience, but you're not alone!

In this video, we'll uncover some of its secrets to help you navigate your journey, including:

2:15 - What exactly is a spiritual awakening?
3:26 - My own experience with spiritual awakening
5:31 - Why did your spiritual awakening happen?
7:05 - What triggers the spiritual awakening process?
8:12 - Spiritual awakening and the Dark Night of the Soul
11:58 - Different stages of a spiritual awakening
17:45 - Signs of a spiritual awakening
29:44 - Physical symptoms of a spiritual awakening
31:59 - Common spiritual awakening myths
33:44 - Frequently asked questions about spiritual awakenings
35:48 - Spiritual awakening and inner work

(Written and narrated by Aletheia. Edited by Mateo.)


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I have this feeling that many of those around me are living in a different reality. Conversations are as shallow as a mudpuddle on a sidewalk. I don't watch ANY tv so whenever I happen to see a commercial on tv at a friend's or family's home it's so foreign that it doesn't compute. Worse than a cartoon. I LOVE being alone and playing music for hours at a time. I'm 76yo and relish my quiet times!


From the beginning, from early childhood, I felt I didn't belong.
I've had great decades here and thete, but realized I'd put on a mask to play the game.
I can't play the game anymore. I see too much corruption, fakeness, etc, and I dislike it so much.
I'm 62 years old and have had so many diverse experiences. Like I've lived 15 different lives in this one life.


Thank you for this video! Crazy accurate. Next stop — inner work.
AND I’m not going insane!!!


Brilliant ♥ thank you so much Aletheia 😘.... as I said yesterday with "9 Signs You're a Spiritual Wanderer" I feel the same here, I can relate to all you said. Years of inner work, shadow and soul work and never giving in to the pitfalls... feels so very good now and I don´t think my journey is over yet... 🤗💜Love and light to you xxo Gina


Your videos are incredibly helpful. Thank you 🙏 The journey is a spiral for sure moving forward and back.


This is eye opening to say the least. I can relate to so many of these symptoms and signs. I have always been a lone Wolf. This video is speaking to my soul.


Thank you so much for sharing this video. I have always known my life was a spiritual journey and have, even as a child appreciated and trusted in guidance from my spiritual guides as I call them. But every so often have felt totally confused, extremely tired, lost and wondering if I was becoming insane. Now after listening to this video I realize that these phases were actually a deepening of my connection with my true self, my soul. I must admit that after each of these phases I feel happier, more relaxed and seem to attract totally different and meaningful experiences into my life. I am so grateful for all the work you put into your website 🙏🏻🥰


Thank you for sharing this!!
It’s unbelievable how I try to hold on to my old beliefs like I need those old clothes for something!!
We are all united!


Love this. I was so confused when my spiritual awakening happened. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I found loner wolf as a recommendation on Reddit and I looked it up and my life has completely changed. I started the inner child journal and it has been ongoing for the past 9 months It has been transformative. I am indebted to loner wolf for giving me direction as well as healing. I love you ❤


Thank you for the information and guidance in this video. It really resonates with me. Your voice and the audio are so soothing and calming. This helps me settle in and connect deeply to the content so I can get out of my head and be more present in my heart. Well done.


Some times I wanna take the blue pill, but I can’t stomach it. Can’t turn back.


I just learned about this term. I might have been going through this over 10 years ago


Thank you. I wept throughout. I have experienced almost every step of the process over the last 6 years. This confirms that I am on the path to knowing myself, so that I can truly know God (everyone and everything) One love, I wish you all the fulfillment and relation with God that you are seeking.


Back and forth, I sway with the wind
Resolution slips away again
Right through my fingers, back into my heart
Where it's out of reach and it's in the dark
Sometimes I think I'm blind
Or I may be just paralyzed
Because the plot thickens every day
And the pieces of my puzzle keep crumblin' away
But I know, there's a picture beneath


Yes, I agree 💯. Within this physical life time I have had at the least 4 different awakening moments. Very significant times of inner standing that has led to my growth. Only recently (5 yrs or so) have I understood what was really happening. Blessed be Holi ones on the journey to personal truth and being the true eternal beings we are!


This is exactly how I feel an what ive been going through. Lonerwolf, dropped in my spirit today to check out, and I see why now.


I lost everything during my spiritual awajening, u atarted to practice celebacy etc and have been single for 5 years now and could only have a fodly relationship now .Then i experienced a spontaneous kundalini in rhe 5 th year 🙏


All of these apply. Especially the loneliness. Thank you . Namaste.


Gazing at people, some hand in hand
Just what I'm going through, they can't understand


30:14 thank you so much for providing this in a mode that does not have to be read. I wanted my mother to read various articles by Loner Wolf so she might be open to the enlightenment and healing that loner Wolf has contributed to my life, She could not see the text well enough to stay engaged. I will share this and hopefully more audio will be available for those with poor eyesight. Thank you again for this content.
