5 Things I Wish Women Knew About Men

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"I shouldn't have to ask" is a very immature mindset. How else can a woman or anyone get what they want unless they speak up? As the saying goes, "Closed mouths don't get fed." I LOVE when a woman communicates EXACTLY what she wants, what she's feeling, or tells me something I did wrong so we can fix it.


I still remember a compliment a stranger gave me 20 years ago. Never underestimate the power of a compliment.


"Men have insecurities too" resonated with me so much. Several years ago, when my soon to be girlfriend told me that I seemed to have my life all together, I told her about some of my biggest failures and insecurities. She reacted by putting her trust in me because of my honesty. I am now truly blessed to be married to her. My wife is my biggest supporter, even when I am going through a particularly hard time and I don't feel worth supporting. She doesn't excuse mistakes that I make (nor should she), but I never have to doubt that she still loves me. I will love and support her with the rest of my life, no matter the hardships we go through. She means so so much to me.


When "I shouldn't have to ask, you should just know." morphed into "If you really loved me, you would..." I knew it was time for that relationship to end.


Courtney really is such a class act. What I like about her channel, is that she's definitely not siding with men, or just trying to earn points, so-to-speak. What the goal here, is, is holding both parties accountable, which is hugely important in a society that intends to make strides.


Important things: 0:42 First Thing - Men Have Feelings Too; 4:16 Second Thing - Men Aren't Mind Readers; 5:52 Third Thing - Men Like Compliments Too; 7:37 Fourth Thing - Playing Hard To Get Is A Turn Off; 9:58 Fifth Thing - Men Are Looking More Than Sex; and 10:39 to summarize all the told here.
What you have told there Courtney, that is so true. All of them for me were just wow. I might add one sad thing. And before I say it I have to apologize to men, and women that are reading this. But what is sad is that there is lack of empathy. Unfortunately, we can see it in either men, and either women. Meaning to say some people don't have, and don't show empathy at all (honor exceptions). Sad, but it's true.
Among the all told here I might add few other things. And those are: Sixth Thing - Men Like To Get Support; and Seventh Thing - Men Like Also To Get Help As Well; Eight Thing - Men Also Seek The Maturity; Ninth Thing - Men Also Seek Someone Who Can Rely On. But these things that I have mentioned can be partly used in Fifth Thing Men Are Looking More Than Sex. Why? Because, the sex is not the only thing that is important. The commitment is also very important for both sides, and also for good relationship (believe it or not).

Thank you very much for this Courtney. That means a lot 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
The color of your eyes goes well with the pattern of the dress 👏👏👏👏👏👏.
La perfection madam❤💙🤍.


It's so encouraging to hear your words, it's so rare to hear a woman simply understand that men are also life forms that have feelings like everyone else. Men and women are not enemies, but respect and mutual understanding are the key to a healthy and successful relationship, in my opinion.


Being in a 10 year marriage where my ex-wife never complimented me, was always highlighted when others complimented me. I didn't realize how much I needed her words to build that part of our relationship. Post divorce, therapy and a new girlfriend has opened my eyes to how important and vital receiving compliments are to my daily. I don't seek them but I definitely notice when I get them because I don't know how to respond to them. Great tip, but it goes both ways for sure.


To play devil’s advocate on the communication topic, as a man I also have a hard time with communicating my needs. I’ve learned that a lot of it stems from my experiences where any time I tried to voice my concerns or thoughts I was shut down or told I was being “dramatic” or “whiny.” I’ve come to believe that people who struggle with communicating with others likely have been punished in the past for speaking up and not just going along with what the other person says.

That being said, it still falls on me to acknowledge this about myself and work towards overcoming it.


Truth! Thanks Courtney for again being positive and conveying a unifying message here! Enough of this Women or Men are terrible nonsense!


I am 50 and felt like my view of relationships was so obvious to me, yet no one else seemed to have the same viewpoint. Then I found you, Courtney. It is so refreshing to hear someone share wisdom that is so on point. I am sitting here completely agreeing with what you have to say.


0:44 men have feelings too
4:17 men aren't mind-readers
5:53 men like compliments too
7:38 playing hard to get is a turn off
10:01 men are looking for more than just sex


Men aren’t less emotional, they are just told not to be by society, and the worst part is there aren’t too many people out there telling you to hide your emotions, my dad never taught me that, it’s the look in the eyes of people I know when I’ve let my pathetic side show that taught me, the pure lack of attraction that has left a woman’s face when I’ve broken down. It’s the evidence that nobody cares, and even worse, you’re a blight if you need anything emotionally, that makes us suppress our emotions.


"Words of affirmation" is one of my "love languages". So saying "thanks" and other statements of appreciation really mean far more than the mere words would indicate. A statement of "I really respect the way you can deal with XYZ" might bring me to tears. I can feel parched and dry like a man in the desert and encouragement like this is like falling face first into an oasis. If a woman is not feeling loved, these compliments might be harder to say. But affirmations can trigger the connection that women desire.


Men aren't mind readers! Yes! I had this exact conversation with one of my female coworkers today about anniversary gifts. I said tell us what you want and we will give it to you. She disagreed and and told me husbands/boyfriends should know their partners well enough to find a gift that is appropriate and what they want. Just telling us what they want doesn't make it special. Why does it have to be so difficult?


All of Courtney's points are dead spot-on. Ladies, if you heed this advice it will make the world a happier place for all. Men and women need to be more patient with each other!


Thank God Courtney made a video like this that's aimed for women. It's honestly really refreshing for her to A. Have the backs of all her men followers like me and B. Give healthy advice to the 5% of women that follow her. Hopefully a video like this will help her attract more women in a positive way.


So refreshing to hear empathy, compassion, and balance of perspective as suggestions for relationships. Even as a married man, I can never stop growing in how to communicate. Your content continues to strengthen my marriage. Keep up the good work.


100% Agree with your points here. Those basic 5 points sum up a ton of men's issues with even finding a partner and how women have become so closed off from men's needs/wants. We're expected to be receptive far more than they tend to be.


Told my Wife if she ever has something wrong she needs to step up and talk about it instead of trying to give hints or cold shoulder etc because when she does that I’ll just ignore her.

My Mother did the same thing when I was a kid. Would get angry at me, not say anything, would withhold feeding me as a child and would always say “you should just know”. If she would ask me if I knew something or how I didn’t know something, I’d ask if she ever taught me how to do it or told me about it, “No” was her favorite answer.

Mothers don’t teach their kids, Fathers do. The only thing my Mother really “taught” me was to cook, and that was just from watching her and being forced as a kid/teen to cook for myself.

My Wife is surprised I can cook so well.
