5 Things I Wish Women Knew About Men

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Also, if he ever does share his emotions with you, don't EVER use them against him. Or you will find that he shortly stops trusting you and the entire relationship will collapse in on itself.


Yep! I do struggle with that first one. I grew up #4 of 8 kids and talking over people to get room to talk is kinda what we did. I didn’t realize how annoying it was till my husband pointed it out. Hopefully, I have improved over the past 10 years. Habits can be hard to root out.


Compliments: I am an old guy with white hair and beard. I am a big guy but not a big gut. I am on vacation and was sitting on a bench waiting for others in my party. I started talking to two ladies from the US. One said, "Are you single?" Then she just brushed my face and said. "You are cute!" I have to tell you it has been over 40 years since I got a compliment from a woman, and it stands as a high point of the trip.


All a man is looking for in a woman...
A) Give him peace and kindness.
B) Be mentally stable.
C) Uplift his social value.

That's it. That's literally it.


I'm a man. And I approve this message.


Being humanized is lovely thank you much


Verbally let him know that you respect him. Just as a woman thrives on hearing they are loved by their man, he thrives on hearing how much you respect him. Actually, he most likely needs to hear how much you respect him more than hearing how much you love him.


In the early 1980s, I worked in an office that required men to wear a coat and tie. When I bought some new shirts, I added a pink one for fun. When I first wore it, a woman came over to me and told me how great it looked on me; she even opined that pink was my color. From that singular compliment, I kept a pink shirt in my wardrobe until the day I retired six years ago.


I am married to the world expert on everything. She will ask me to do something because she doesn't know how...and then tell me not to do it like that! Grrr!


Respect is the common foundation of True Love and understanding!!


Moving my things around, storing them in ‘your’ alternate locations is one of the most infuriating things you can do to a guy…


Like usual you're spot-on every one of these points thanks so much Sarah for reminding me how rude my ex was


The problem is, no woman will ever follow these instructions. They will never follow ANY instructions that could blemish their ego..
FYI.. I'm divorced after 32 yrs.. my sentence is over.. My 28 year old son and approximately 12 of his friends vow to NEVER marry. They realize marriage is a losing scenario. Everything to lose, nothing to gain..It wasn't me that educated them.. They educated themselves


#6: Men love when you initiate affection!


Another good way to show your man that you care is if you know he is having a hard day at work or normally text you on his breaks but doesn't, he's most likely not texting because he is having a hard busy day not because he doesn't want too, send him a quick text, while expecting no text back, just to tell him you love him and that he is awesome. Last week my man was having a super hard day so I sent him "hey my handsome, I know you're having a rough day so I just wanted to say I love you and that you are the best and you got this! Only a couple more hours till you're home and I'll have coffee ready for you with dinner on the table with a big kiss. Thank you for these hard days you work for us". I gave him something to look forward to after his hard day. Well when he got home he said I made his bad day better. He thanked me for the coffee and gave me a huge hug and kiss. And that's how it always goes a win for both of us.


We love! Being micro managed. Nothing was more pleasing than being told how to do a task once asked. It's not about getting it done, it's about her trying to train you to do her way.


The last one is so true. Women are bad about giving compliments. I was married for over 15 years and can't remember getting any compliments. Just what she thought I was doing wrong.


YES! My ex always moved my stuff or would just toss it. Best part is she would never remember moving it or where she put it. If someone does that in my work truck, they won't be doing it more than once.


My ex once rearranged all my drawers in the home office. She was livid when I then dumped all the drawers and bins she had "organized" my stuff into because I couldn't find the thing I had put HERE and she wasn't sure which sub-container (yes, container within a container) she had moved it to.


One of the worst arguments I had was with a woman I was dating, who repeatedly kept moving my stuff to places she "thought were better for them", after I told her time and time again to just STOP moving my shit around. Funny part is she didn't even live there, and still felt justified in moving my stuff without permission, and then arguing with me about it.

We weren't together much longer after that.
