Bojack horseman - Diane divorce monologue

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Going through a divorce / separation is one of the hardest things that someone can go through in life.

After watching this scene from BoJack Horseman Season 5 Episode 2 where Diane is on her journey of finding herself again after a divorce really hit me hard and brought back my own memories of the journey that I had to go through.

Wanted to share this episode for those who are dealing with divorce/ separation.

Just know that if you'll hit your highs and you will definitely hit your lows, but in the end, you will survive.
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This is a great Diane moment. So many people would assume that she should be happy because she got a divorce, when in reality divorces can be just as painful and traumatizing than the marriage they're leaving. Diane clearly loved Mr. Peanutbutter, she just couldn't handle the lifestyle anymore, so of course she would be distraught when she has to face it head on. She still loves him, but love alone can't hold a broken marriage together.


Diane didn't just learn about the pain of divorce, she also learned about the pain of being diaspora. She grew up in a completely US American household and family, the only thing that connects her to Vietnam and Southeast Asia is her ancestry. She might be able to physically blend in with the crowd, but she will never be culturally Vietnamese, and the only way she could have some semblance of that would be to live in Vietnam for at least 5 to 10 years and learn the language, but no matter how hard she might have tried, she cannot erase the American part of her.


such a small detail but I’ve always loved how they let diane ugly cry in this scene, it feels so real and I love it


The worst part is that she and Mr.P aren't even divorced yet, They were in the middle of the process and she sees that happen. And to make it reasonable in her head, she goes to "reconnect with her roots" to escape the pain of it all.


There’s nothing worse than growing past someone before you outgrow your love for them.


Just another thing to point out. Diane has been in her relationship with Mr.Peanutbutter since she was quite young and immature as she herself has pointed out. These type of relationships become a large part of your life to the point that you feel lost without them or in some cases you don’t leave because you question what you would do without them? Thus why Diane feels lost.


You can genuinely love someone at the same time be completely incompatible with them. And that's what happened to Dianne and Mr. Peanutbutter's relationship. They truly loved each other but were too incompatible. Their preferences, lifestyles, philosophies and interests conflicted and clashed too much which made their marriage unstable, unsustainable and painful and the only way out of all that was to separate.


This show was so god-damn well written! (And very well voice acted as well.)


I remember thinking “fuck, I just wanted to watch a breezy cartoon” after watching this episode for the first time. Bojack horseman is such a brilliant, deep, thought provoking show. Just wow.


Incidentally Mr. P most likely had similar thoughts of this.


this monologue brings warmth to my heart. i found out my ex was making out with my best friend and i felt broken. my best friend always pushed me and him together saying we were so cute together. my ex said if we ever plan to go see someone else, we would tell each other. and now finding out from your best friend that they were gonna get together and they were having a little thing. it breaks your heart to think of all the small things that he used to do with you to make your heart skip a beat. and now you feel backstabbed my two of them. dont know where to go to or who to talk to. but you know at the end of the day you’re alone and its not always a bad thing. and thats why i kin diane


The sheer down-to-earth boldness of the show, wisdom and realistic optimism.... Is what makes it so great.


the most saddest episode ver
it was relatable for me


I'm happy Diane eventually did find someone new. I hope they have a better life together than what she and Mr. Peanut Butter did.


This kinda happened to me today. Not the running to Vietnam part, but I heard that my ex found someone else. It hurts, but I’m also happy for them. It’s a weird feeling, ya know? It’s a bunch of emotions at once but I know one thing. We will never be a thing again. Nothing with ever be the same. And that’s what hurts the most.


I keep forgetting it's Alison Brie doing the voice acting


After going through a breakup with a person I still love this feels therapeutic to hear


This episode broke me. Especially the ugly crying scene. I cried with her.


first time i watched this my fucking heart broke into a million pieces bc there's no one who voices the pains i feel on a daily basis better than the character Diane lmao
so beautifully written


Yep. Being alone is comfortable, being loney sucks. Being lonley and alone is the absolute worst
