Vienna under water. Historic floods continue in Austria

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Floods continue in Austria!
On the outskirts of Vienna, more than 110 liters of rain fell per square meter - the highest summer figure in the 152-year history of measurements. In just 13 hours, 600 fire calls were made.
#austria #typhoon #rain #tyrol #flood #stantonamarlberg #vienna
#earthquake #weather #disasters #storm #news #landslide #arlberg
The channel lists natural disasters such as: 1) Emergency geological situations: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mud, landslide, landslide, avalanche; 2) Emergency hydrological situations: flood, tsunami, limnological disaster, flood, flood; 3) Fires: forest fire, peat fire; 4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Storm. Daily monitoring of natural disasters around the planet. Stay up to date. Subscribe to the channel, please, you don't care, but I'm pleased :)
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Dies alles ist auf die Sünden der Menschen zurückzuführen und nur Gott kann uns retten


Oh dear😟 my plans to visit Austria (Vienna and beyond) for next May😢


Stimmt doch wieder nicht, ich lebe in Österreich und habe nichts in den Medien gehört🙂🙃


Ich wohne in Wien...Am Samstag war bei uns große Unwetter, das stimmt....


Abstract :

The energy that dominates the earth is very great, some of it is natural, like the heat of the sun and volcanoes, and some of it is human action, by cutting down trees, without replacing them and cultivating in their place...
There are five forces that control or dominate the planet...
1- The first theory (horizontal dynamic movement) and its end...
The occurrence of storms, rain, floods and snow, at unexpected times and places, is because of the expiration of this theory, which needs to be balanced...
2- The second theory (vertical dynamic movement) and its end...
This movement or force controls or dominates the earthquakes, earth cracks, drying up of rivers and lakes, earth openings, mountain collapses, and the emergence of drinking water springs on the ground...
It becomes out of control...
These phenomena increased due to the end of this theory...
The third theory: it is water that rotates the earth...

The fourth theory: the Earth's axis of rotation has tilted 2° degrees...

The fifth theory: The Earth has a new orbit...

These studies had completed and sent on July 26th 2000



The summary of climate change is easy.
It is the change of humidity in atmosphere, which produce between the (land)and the(seas & oceans) on the other hand...
Occurring of rains, snow, storms, and floods at time and in unexpected places, confirms my theory(the change in the directions of winds)which must be balanced...
How to reduce the heat of the earth and atmosphere?
We must supply the earth with a natural cooling places...

1- To balance the water vapor which produces between the( ground)and the(seas and oceans )...

2- To balance the pressures of the air in the atmosphere...

3- To balance the directions of winds which caused the climate change...

4- To control upon the storms and harricans...

5- To revive the the first theory of climate change (dynamic horizontal movement).
6- To balance the percentage of gases forming the atmosphere.

NOTE :The lack of water vapor is of land not of seas and oceans...

These studies had completed and sent on July 26th 2000...

Yousif A Tobiya


Jangan kaget dunia dihancurkan ikuti pemimpinmu kami suka membinasakan mereka ka lindungi lauoun akan punah tak ada sisa santaibsaja semua akan disapu kita. Ketemu dalam kematianmu semua dari Kristus penciptamu keras open jujur ini yang menimpa bumi kau menghendakinya punah lebih baik sari pada pencipta pelihara kamu tak tau bersyukur lihat Indonesia akan sama jg angan iri semua a akan sirna adil


Думаю что провительство помогут людям которые постраждали от такой беды.


Тяжолое положение в Австрии , дождь да ещё и град.


Semoga Yang maha kuasa melindungi hamba-nya. Semoga hujan cepat surut. Semoga keadaannya cepat pulih kembali semula 🙏. Ini video kami file untuk pelajaran bagi kami yang tinggal dekat 4 gunung dan dekat 3 Danau dan dekat 2 sungai besar diDesa Desa'polosok diBali Indonesia


Die Europäische Union verfügt über ein Programm zur Landschaftsgestaltung und Baumpflanzung, das jedoch noch nicht umgesetzt wurde


The world 🌍 has changed
**Nam myoho rengekyo**
🙏 Pray 🌍 peace 🕊️ be safe+


Сколько же может лить дождь затапливая все вокруг.


The occurrence of stoms, rains, ice, and floods at times and in unexpected places, confirms my theory the end of the (dynamic horizontal movement )which needs to balance and it sill under control to balance...
But about earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sinkholes, tsunami, dry lakes and rivers, flow of water from the mountains and hills, explodeand of eyes water from the ground, formation of new mountains or islands, collaps of mountains, and cracks on ground, &, &, &,they are out of control or balance...
Note :The earth will become like Venus...

Yousif A Tobiya


Lost of (????)L daily as a form of vapor of water from the ground, has a big effect to rise or reduce of temperature by veiling the rays of the sun, and decreasing the earth's radiation...
Vapor condensation creates clouds that veil the sun totally, earth and atmosphere ...
This a mount of water vapor became produced from(seas and oceans)...
This means, the percentage of water vapor which produced from the ground and the (seas&oceans )is difficult...
This means the pressures of the air in the atmosphere are different too...
This case means the change in the directions of winds, which some called climate change and some called global warming, and then NINO and then LANINA, and this year they called global cooling...
Results :
These directions of winds, must be balanced...
These studies had completed and sent on July 26th 2000...

Yousif A Tobiya


So ein blödsinn! Wohne in wien, wasser nach regengüssen hat es in unterführungen immer schon gegeben. Habe auch noch video meines wohnhauses nach einem unwetter vor jahren, da war es ganz genau so.


Ужасное наводнение, что ж делать людям чье жилье затоплено.


C'est quoi encore cette vidéo catastrophe ?


These are the end times signs that have been prophesied.
Jesus Christ is returning sooner than many realize, repent
believe in the gospel of Christ and the coming Kingdom of
our Lord be born again in Christ and be saved. 🕊🙏❤✨
.This is the gospel of Christ: .
John 3:16
ROMANS 3:23-24
Colossians 1:14-15
Ephesians 2:8-9
Matthew 4:17
Acts 16:31
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Romans 10:8-10
John 14:6
John 14:15-16
ACTS 2:38
For whosoever will believe, shall be saved & JESUS CHRIST will
raise you up unto Himself at the last day this is the Lord's
promise to All who will BELIEVE in HIM. John 14:15-16 then take
up your cross and follow Jesus and keep His Commandments.
Matthew 22:37-40 GOD bless all who read these words. 🕊🙏


Fallait pas venir ds ma vie fils de juive
