Doctor Who — You would make a good Dalek

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1 part "You would make a good Dalek"
2 part "I am the Doctor"
Hello! This is my first clip about Doctor. Do you like it? I hope... I will continue to work in this format. But above all... I have to find a way to remove background music from conversations. It's very hard, I tried everything.
Please, help me.
My bad English, i know...
#DoctorWho #DoctorWhoEdit
Music: Mountains - Hans Zimmer (WMG)
2 part "I am the Doctor"
Hello! This is my first clip about Doctor. Do you like it? I hope... I will continue to work in this format. But above all... I have to find a way to remove background music from conversations. It's very hard, I tried everything.
Please, help me.
My bad English, i know...
#DoctorWho #DoctorWhoEdit
Music: Mountains - Hans Zimmer (WMG)
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