EASIEST Iron Farm For Minecraft Bedrock 1.21!

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EASIEST Iron Farm For Minecraft Bedrock 1.21!

This EASIEST iron farm Farm that works in MCPE, PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch and XBOX. It's build in a Minecraft 1.21 Survival Farm world!

This farm is built in 1.21, but works fine in older versions. It gives you a lot of Iron and poppies.

Material list:
- 1 Slab
- 1 Water bucket
- 1 Lava bucket
- 3 Hoppers
- 2 Chests
- 1 Torch
- 20 Beds
- 20 Vilagers
- 20 Fletching Tables (Or other workstations)

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Material list:
- 1 Slab
- 1 Water bucket
- 1 Lava bucket
- 3 Hoppers
- 2 Chests
- 1 Torch
- 20 Beds
- 20 Vilagers
- 20 Fletching Tables (Or other workstations)


increase efficiency by ensuring at least 10 cats are safe near the farm. Villages have a 50% chance to spawn a cat or golem, but if that cat cap is reached that becomes 100% golem and you will produce twice the iron.


Okay, I just built this farm and read through the comments. It seems like there are a few recurring issues that needs addressed, that I have even had to fix up myself. Here is some tips for those of you who still have a hard time setting up farms, and their basic steps.

1. Items not filtering to the chest correctly, but ending up stuck in the hoppers instead.

Answer: Make sure your hoppers are facing correctly. For this farm you need to place a hopper facing the wall, so that the output is literally on the wall. Then make sure the next two hoppers and their output face directly into the first hopper. After this step, make sure you break the block in front of the first hopper and place your chest. If done correctly, the Iron will filter into the chest with no problems.

2. Golems spawning outside of the spawner, above land.

Answer: You need to use some sort of half block to cover at least a 10x10 area around the spawner. I used Cherry Planks and it works fine. I find gathering leaves annoying, as I make most of my farms early on. I recommend just using slabs since they are very easy to make in bulk.

3. Golems not spawning after proofing the area around the spawner.

Answer: After spawn proofing at least a 10x10 area around the spawner, you need to do the same for any caves below. In my case, fully waterlogged caves DO NOT spawn golems, however, of there is a block of air a golem can still spawn in that water cave. You DO NOT fill in the entire cave. All you need to do is slab the caves floor below your spawner, I usually just take the coords for my original 10x10 area and proof it there only. Saves time, effort, resources, and my ability to think straight while fixing issues.

4. Even after all of these steps, my spawner is not working!

Answer: You need to make sure all 20 villagers are linked to their beds and workstations.

For the bed issue, simply go below the villagers, break all beds, and replace them. I recommend to slowly do this step. As you want to make sure that green particles are shown on each bed, proving that a villager has successfully linked to that specific bed.

You can use ANY workstation, fletching tables are one of the many you can choose from. I use composters since they are easy to make in bulk, compared to some.

Make sure all workstations give off a green particle, this shows a villager has successfully linked to it.

If you have one GREEN COATED villager, that is a "Nitwit", they refuse all jobs and will cause your farm to not work. Simply kill it and wait for another villager to grow, and link to its workstation. If the villager grows to be a Nitwit, repeat the process until it becomes a working villager.

You must be around 150 blocks away from ALL villages. Breaking the bell and killing the villagers within a close village should solve this problem.

The Wandering Trader can mess with your farm. If he spawns, kill him.

Have around 5-10 tamed cats near the farm. This will increase rates, because less cats are spawning and it leaves more room for golems [I have 5 and no cats spawn].

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I will add them and their answers above. 🤗

I have sat here for about 10 minutes, and this farm has given me over 120 Iron so far. If you do all the steps above correctly, you should have similar rates.


Each villager requires 12 food points to activate willingness, with loaves of bread worth 4 points and carrots, potatoes, and beetroots worth 1 point each. When they are willing, hearts appear over them


Instead of using a slab you can use a trapdoor so that you can still open the chest as well as let any cats that have spawned in the water to be free from the lava so you can tame them and then better get spawn rates of golem


If it doesn't spawn, check if there are caves nearby! Cover them.
20 BEDS (60 Oak ; 60 Wool);
20 FLETCHING TABLE (40 flint; 80 oak);
20 VILLIGERS (no green);
3 HOPPERS (15 iron; 3 chest - 24 oak);
1 CHEST (maybe two) ;

in 10 minutes AFK 60 - 80 iron (maybe more)

works fine in 1.20

It is not a problem if cats also spawn

If you put zombie, will not affect/ increase the farm. Only in Java works with zombie.

If they spawn outside make sure you are away from a village, put the torches next to it, check if is not the villager with lama next to it, check to be on small flat zone or cover it with leaves next to it


Your farm is the only farm that works for me and have tried 7 different farms. Thank you


I had an interesting time with this build, I live in a cave, so I built it in a cave and when I first built the farm the golems were spawning all over my base except for in the farm, so I improvised and built the iron golem collection system where they did spawn and sealed the villagers up forever 😂


Thank you sm!!! Best iron farm ever! Started working as I was finishing it 😁😁😁


I really like this build! I just started a new world for 1.20 and it really helped me get going when I started out :) its could be more efficient but it gave me more than enough iron for my regular survival purposes (armor, tools, buckets, etc.) and it definitely is the EASIEST iron farm i've ever built.


I can attest that this one works.

I Made sure there wasn't a cave *immediately* nearby, but I knew there was a massive cave system with a stronghold and ancient city not too far from the surface of where I set up the farm. Just make sure of what's beneath your farm.

The biggest hurdle was gathering the villagers needed and breeding them, but I'm just glad I actually got this to work.


This is the best .I have so many caves around my base so I made my iron farm over ocean.Transporting villager was hard (one killed by zombie) but it was worth the hard work.I’ve got 3 stacks of iron after some faking.Thanks man .Keep up the good work❤️❤️


Seriously spent years looking for a good iron farm and this one is the simplest and works amazing! Only thing I did differently was built it above ground and surrounded it with stairs and half slabs.


Thanks bro! Ima use this in my survival world.


Worked great. I did have to spawn proof, but using your method, it was fixed quickly. Thank you, and great job! 👍


For people who have villagers not breeding you can make the villagers breed near the farm and then break the beds that are not under the farm and put the villagers in the farm


TYSM! this worked really nice! the only problem is that i had to remove my villager breeder from where it was, but apart of that this works super well! now i have enough iron for any other farm i would like to do.


pro tip: if you are still breeding your villagers and cats start to spawn; i think thats a good sign golems will spawn once u hit 20 villgaerrs


Thanks so much been trying to get one working and after 5 try’s of other farms this on is perfect


Great and useful farm! The one I built started spawning Iron Golems when there were only 10 villagers so I stopped early because of how good my rates were. The farm works just fine with only 10 villagers!
