The SECRET OP Champion for LOW ELO in Season 12 - League of Legends

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on a side note, if you raise your ghouls but miss the e, the lane would be push and it could end up bad for you. So my advice is e first when you have 4 graves, if it land it will automatically raise the ghouls


I'd LOVE to see a series on these 'knowledge check' champions. That would be insanely useful I think since a lot of advice is to main just a few champions to climb, but since there are SO MANY it's kind of hard to learn exactly what everyone does to play vs them...


That outplay he did during lvl 5. It was such a challenger outplay. He was low hp but not low enough. He knew abilities would heal and he did not just stand in a minion wave, he actually kited during that time while he knew he would have enough hp. Just damn. I would assume I win it for urgot, because I would forget about Q healing factor


Wow, Warden's mail never occurred to me as a good Urgot counter and I play the champion quite a lot. Previously bramble vest was the counter item but this one is just too good.


I've always found great success on Yorick over the years, as I find his main pushing strategy to be nearly impossible to beat. Granted, I've never played above Platinum ELO with him, but I've generally felt unstoppable as though his playstyle has no counterplay. That being said, when I fight a good yorick, I thusly have no idea how to deal with him. The best advice I can give for a 1v1/ teamfight with him is kill his maiden before killing him when you can, as it makes him significantly weaker and he loses a lot of his dueling power. As for the way he split pushes? If anyone could give advice on how to stop that, that would be great because I've never had anyone in my games be able to stop one, so I'd love to know


The silhouette of Yorick from the thumbnail made me guess right immediately.


I see guides that tell you to max W second, as it increases the amount of basic attacks it can receive before being destroyed. But I never do that because people don't know you can actually destroy it with autos so I max E second lol


Ahh as a Yorick main this is why out of nowhere i am suddenly facing a ton of yorick bans.


you can also E then wake up the mistwalker, they will jump after popping out of the ground.
its nothing big, but you can catch them off guard more easily IMO


I have noticed this in recent months myself and the reason why Yorick is so good is simple: nobody plays him and thus nobody knows how to play against him and this has been the case for basically forever. By the way, I played Graves against him when I had to face him because it's easy to avoid his circle as Graves. Urgot is definitely not the worst matchup for Yorick.

Regarding Urgot, this Urgot is terrible. First he ints at your tower and then he would have killed you easily for your overextension at 4:25 if he had moved to the right after flipping you because he has all his shotguns up at the left side.


I've climbed to gold 4 with 70% winrate on yorick check opgg (Naimanir) There is a lot of things to know on this champ so I'll list things here:
1. When you press R always spam your q, it will make that your ghouls and maiden won't die when you do but your R will be on CD (your ghouls and ult will continue to dps after you're dead but also it unlocks 2 maidens) when you summon the second maiden, don't forget the q r thing. The second one will be automatically unleashed but the next ones will follow you. This first thing was quite long but super usefull. It is a bug but Riot doesn't give a fuck about the champ and it is in the game for 5 months, they know but they don't patch it. You're not gonna get banned.
- You can solo nash at 20 if you save 4 ghouls. You engage with your ghouls and when they die you R so you have ghouls again. Works with any build.
- Your w tank a tower shot and can block minons so you can freeze easily. If you cast it between the wall and the tower it will stop the wave from advancing (the minions will litterally go in the jgl) so your wave can fully come in tower range.
- in late game your ghouls solo nash.
- when you wanna roam (yorick has good roams actually) you always summon ghouls and let them attack the wave once: they will push the wave and you'll get xp and gold of the minions killed. It enables you to push 2 lanes at once or even 3.
- You want to always have prio:your ghouls will hit the tower and give you plates.
There is a lot to say on mid game and late game so I bring you two channels : Kampsycho and Krykey.


Had a game where I was Garen top vs Yorick. Soon as he hit 6 he popped maiden. Enemy Vi took Herald. She came top with it and it was like I had 4 champions on top lane shoving tower. I couldn’t do anything about it but walk away.
When this sort of thing happens you can’t do anything but hope your other lanes win and carry because you’re forced to just sit top and delay his pushing. That’s why Yorick is so strong.


As a illaoi top main and a swain sup main after your picture i guess i better start offhand yorick for the hat trick 😅


Finally someone whi recognizes how strong swain is in low elo. Im a swain main and in low elo and its rare af to see enemy players who know how to counter swain


I love playing Yorick, played him since before rework. The other day I got 2 towers and an inhib with a single ghoul pushing with a minion wave. Apparently Bronze and Silver players ignore ghouls if they are in minion waves :D


It’s much better to raise the ghouls with the E, it guarantees all of them hit at least once


Meh...I use Urgot vs Yorick. I save my W, auto-canceling Yorick's mist walkers, which basically disables one of his few damage abilities, gives me a lot of extra gold over the course of the game and nullifies Yorick's split push ability. I will slow-farm until lvl 9, but Yorick is not much of a threat. Keep moving and watch spacing to avoid his prison, and he's done. The only problem I sometimes have is the syphon of Yorick's Maiden. But, one cloak takes care of that.


been doing this so much as yorick this guide will destroy my push in elo this is sed


Low rank scrub here, yorick has stomped me hardddd. Like into the dirt hard


Can we get one of these kinds of videos dor each role
