These 10 Champions & Builds are SECRETLY OP...

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These 10 Champions & Builds are SECRETLY OVERPOWERED on Patch 11.20

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00:00 - Introduction
00:34 - Sett (Top)
01:38 - Vex (Top)
02:30 - Ziggs (Top)
03:22 - Hecarim (Jungle)
04:09 - Question of the day
04:19 - RekSai (Jungle)
05:11 - Singed (Mid)
06:08 - Akshan/Braum (ADC/Support)
07:01 - Swain/Galio (ADC/Support)
08:00 - Annie (Support)
09:01 - Sylas (Support)

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What Champion do YOU think is the most SECRETLY OVERPOWERED right now in League of Legends?


Qotd: i really like sivir with navori as third item since W got buffed from 70% to 90% damage at lvl 13, you're able to chunk the entire enemy team with that, and navori allows you to use W constantly and adds extra safety with the cdr to the shield and ultimate, the build is galeforce/kraken-> essence reaver-> navori, and for runes i go with lethal tempo, presence of mind, bloodline, coup the grace or cut down and celerity with gathering storm in secondaries


Qotd : Warwick. He didnt get any buffs or nerfs but the recent bug fix made him jump up in wr immediately. You used to be able to deactivate his w mark just by standing behind minions, but now that that’s fixed, he’s gotten much better as both jg and top


Trinity force in general is super slept on, there are many situations where it’s better than sunderer but people still haven’t adjusted


02:15 there is a hole in the ground WTF


When mobi boots is so bad even the builds playing around roaming such as predator Annie don't utilize it. From top tier on supports, situational on junglers and occasionally seen on mid laners, the item is basically trolling outside hook supports now. I wonder what's taking riot so long to buff it.


QOTD: Taliyah support, her insane level 1 damage, lane dominance and ganks really work well as a support, combined with the fact that there isn't as much mobility in botlane which is her main counter


Aery Jarvan, optionally with Zhonya's second or third
Flag has a 80% AP ratio, and it complements Jarvan's jump in and cause havoc playstyle. Bonus if you're playing it support since flag can constantly proc Aery over and over and gives you very noncommital poke/spelltheifs stacks for a melee champion. (Was a niche option back when moonstaff was OP.)



I am a Kaisa main. I have been experimenting with her toplane, cause I hate being dependent on a support.

I take conqueror/alacrity and I rush Guinsoos first item. Then Kraken, BORK.

You hit the Q evolve much later, and you max E first, which makes consistent farming much more difficult- but in early skirmishes, the one-item spike is pretty absurd.


QOTD: Hail of Blades Jinx. If you have a support like Pyke or Leona then you can play pretty aggressively for a Jinx.


Regarding Swain Galio bot, Swain and Maokai are also a disgusting combination. Big gank setups, strong level 6 and the ability to burn the enemies flash off a single combo makes for easy lanes, just be careful for the first few levels


The real synergy with sett is that you don't need item for a while once you get hullbreaker. His passive regen, doran shield regen and the hullbreaker let you stay on lane all the time, just like garen passive, since the armor stack when solo you get high chance to stay alive, get on top when loosing trade, and even farm when getting kite by ranged laner


QOTD: My friend has been having a lot of success with unsealed spellbook Twisted Fate support, taking Exhaust early and W first then being everywhere upon reaching 6, with the combination of TF R and unsealed Teleport. Typically builds Shurelyas into Rapid Firecannon with lucidity boots


Mejai's Soulstealer on Nami supp great vs adc's if you can hit your shit since they usually have no MR.
Usually built in mid game.


Something people are sleeping on is Garen

Works good with Predator and conqueror

Rush Prowlers Claw
2nd item The collector and berserker's greaves
3rd dead man's plate for the extra movespeed
with these items only. you will dominate toplane and get to that annoying adc in the first teamfights befor anyone even notice you


The build i find very underrated is Senna rush umbral glaive with blue trinket, item cdr runes and zombie ward (whichever keystone and mythic works)


QotD: Warwick Jungle with Goredrinker, Steraks and Conqueror. You will never die. And with Iron Spike Whip as the first item you can clear easily Raptors.


5:10 (Singed) DO NOT BUILD RYLAS ON SINGED IF YOU HAVE OTHER OPTIONS! Its a bait item and at most is a fill item when you already have Protobelt, zhonya, d cap/ viod or both, can do demonic if they have tanks, rylai should be the last item if you dont have an item to buy or do not buy it at all. You already have enough reach with proto and pred and thats all you need.


6:35 the Magister Himself. Didn’t know Skill Capped followed Brizz94


Qotd: my friend who plays a lot of offmeta builds and experiments a lot play galeforce on Pantheon support everytime when he feels like picking Pantheon supp
