What Will Happen in Dune Part 3 - Dune Messiah Explained & Predictions

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Dune Part Two is out now! This video contains in-depth theory crafting explaining what will likely happen in Dune Part 3. Dune Part 3 will be adapted from Frank Herbert's second book Dune Messiah. Dune Messiah takes place 13 years after the events of Dune and shows the downfall of Paul Atreides Emperor of the Known Universe. In the video I also provide a summary of Dune Messiah and use that as a basis to predict what may happen in Dune Part 3: Messiah. I look at 4 major plot beats in my theorizing, the time-jump, Alia, Irula & Chani, and the Ending.

00:00 - Introduction
00:55 - Dune Messiah Quick Book Summary
01:30 - What to Expect From Dune Part 3
11:55 - Predicting Part 3: Time Jump
12:52 - Predicting Part 3: Alia
14:21- Predicting Part 3: The Ending
15:52 - Predicting Part 3: Chani & Irulan
17:29 - Other Small Predictions
20:00 - Wrap-up







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I don't know too much about dune books (which is why im here) but i do know a fair bit about movies, and what I am sure is that Denis will not be directing any Dune movies after the third. He's said multiple times in interviews he likes new stories and challenges so I am sure he wouldn't stick with it for another 3+ years of filming, potentially reaching the 2030s.
My main worry is that it ends up being picked up by a company like disney, and they throw shitty writers at it and drive the franchise into the ground. Hopefully dune 3 is great though, im excited to see what happens.


I have faith in D. Villeneuve. He didn't screw up and I don't think he will with 3rd movie. The guy is visionaire and loves Dune


DV said that Chani is a key character, that she is the counter balance to the messiah cult and a voice of reason. I can see two parallrl plots developing: Paul, Teenage Alia, Duncan/Hayt in Arrakeen overcoming attempts on Paul's life, Irulan plotting, the development of Alia cult etc. anf chani in a Sietch being angry with Paul . There whe witnesses the developing plot against Paul and moved by her love for him, goes back to arrakeen to warn him. They bang and she becomes prego. The stone burner, blindness and all that remains rhe same.
I would also not be surprised if Alia's possession by Baron Harkonnen is included to have some more formidable villain. They could even make her+posessed the main 'villain' here


I really liked how you explained the possible adaptations Denis could make in regard to the changes he made for DUNE (1&2).


Recently watched your video on summarising all the dune books. Never realised Duncan Idaho was such a pivotal character. Well, his clones to be precise. Great stuff nevertheless. Will have to read the books!


Here’s another possibility. Part 3 and 4. Denis said that he was willing to work on part 3 but ultimately if the story continued, and if he felt like he lost his passion than he would pass the work over to director Steven Spielberg who has agreed to keep his vision of the films connected and ultimately give them more breathing space.


Awesome video! As someone who has not read the Dune saga by Frank Herbet, I have seen videos of people discussing the book Dune, Dune Messiah and the other books. I think in Dune Messiah we will see the twins being born, I think it would be cool to see Paul walk into the desert in the end. A scene that would be cool to see is maybe Denis can give snippets of Alia starting to be possessed. Have Alia make some dark decisions, and then have her back to herself reflecting on what she's done, feeling guilty, so the audience can tell that Alia is not fine. I love Denis' version of Chani. Maybe have more sibling scenes between Paul and Alia. This is my theory and I guess a bit of a fan idea on the relationship between Chani and Paul still having the baby's twin plot line in the story and telling the story of Messiah. Since Chani in the movie is a non-believer in the prophecy, she isn’t 100% religious, I think she is religious, but she sees that Bene Gesserit is using religion to manipulate her people. I think there will be drama between Chani and Paul before they get back together and after they are together. We know Paul can see into the future, he said that he and Chani will be together. What if the visions he sees Chani and him getting back together isn’t the actual path and it happens completely differently. I know from the videos I have seen of people discussing Dune Messiah, there are Fremen rebelling against Paul. Before Paul and Chani get back together, it’ll be interesting to see Paul demonstrate to Chani that he loves her, etc. While Chani is having trouble trusting him, after watching her people leave to fight in the holy war, and then seeing the aftermath of Paul ruling Arakkis. Chani will join the rebellion group, but not in betraying or killing Paul, Chani will try to bring back the Paul she fell in love with in helping him make the right decisions towards the golden path and still keep an eye on the princess. Maybe see the influence that Alia will have on Paul in the movie. Maybe Paul feels a little jealous in the sense of Chani talking to a Fremen more than with him. Somehow Paul and Chani get back together, still using the plot story of the twin babies, Chani will keep talking to Paul, until the birth of her babies, she dies and then shows the end of Messiah. It’ll be interesting to see Princess Irulan turn against the Bene Gesserit and see her make the decision to raise Chani and Paul children at the end of Messiah. Something like that.


I wish they would make the storyline of the Holy War 12 years before Dune Messiah, I mean the Dune Messiah covers the timeline 12 years after the Atreides Empire was established and the Holy War killed 16 billion people in the Imperium. I mean even Star Wars Adopted the storyline after the Fall of the Empire further expanding the established universe of Star Wars, they could literally do the same thing in Dune expanding the Story like they adopted the Bene Gesseret story in Dune I mean who doesn't like to see the Chaotic War between Duke Atreides and the Great Houses.


Second book is tricky to adapt, Villeneuve needs to insert more action and a pace similar to part 2, and also needs to ending in an epic sad note but not showing Paul as a villain, rather a tragic character. I will wait for you video of Star Wars connections with Dune. I think Dune give Lucas a kind of a blueprint for the Skywalker saga. If will be very interesting to know what he have in mind for episodes 7-9.


That can always just say the emperor is like 200 years old and then he'll still look young for his age.


I think there is a hideous secret here: Mo has an inessential relationship with his sister.


If they don't show a Guild Navigator in part 3, I will burn my DVDs !!!


Thanks for the videos explaining the DUNE saga. I read these books back in the early eighties. From Dune to Dune Chapterhouse. Five years ago I finished the prequels. They IMHO while not as deep as the originals were still quite good. I would like to see a possible movie made on those books. Showing the start of the Butlerian Jihad, the origins of the Mentats, the Guild Navigators, who was the first Bene Gesserit. There are a lot of material that could be used to make quality movies with the right producer and director.


The Chani change has confused me with what DV is going to do but I think casting ATJ means there has to be a time jump so we get an adult Alia. It will be a crime to not get JM back as Hayt (kind of core to all follow on Dune stories so yeah must happen). He can include ACTION by having the Jihad still raging (or flashbacks?). I think the Feyd Harkonnen/Fenring baby is going to play a part (good call) otherwise why bother including in the script of Pt2? I really REALLY hope DV does not remove the involvement of the Spacing Guild and Tleilaxu in the conspiracy!


I didn't read the ending yet but from what i saw in the book after Paul's ultimatum to the great house/guild they all retreated
But in the movie it didnt work and he ordered war.

I believe Dennis will change a lot of stuff


Hey man really cool video. I actually am quite of the opposite opinion on the film/book changes. I pretty much prefer all of the movie changes to that of the book, and I feel like in many ways it makes it more comprehensive to our own time. For example I feel like the changes he made to Chani were brilliant, and it really serves both characters well- though admittedly it could take the story in a very different way. As things stand right now with the movies, maybe Chani won't really ever take the side of Paul seeing as though we won't really have to think about Leto II in the context of the movies. Obviously this pretty much alters the entirety of the Dune Messiah plot, but perhaps you could end the story with Alia taking over and going in the direction Paul's children went in instead. Personally I much prefer the way Chani and Paul contrast each other and kind of give us a reality check regarding Paul. Understand that this take is coming from someone who was quite impressed with the books, but also didn't always enjoy them as a reading experience or even agree with everything Frank was contemplating. Either way fantastic video and thanks for the well informed perspective :) Always nice to hear some different views.


Oh no alia's birth at the end of 3 would piss me off. Please no. We need a time jump.


Which chapter should I read from now to know what happens after part 2?


Could you also make a video on how Dune may have influenced A song of Ice and fire? The more think about it, the more similarities pop up.
Stark = Atreides
Harkonnen = Lannisters
Worms = Dragons
Red priests = Honored Matres.


Alia HAS TO MEET Hayt... right? That can only happen with a time jump, though I do like the idea of Chani's kids being born at the end of Dune 3 film, which means that Alia & Hayt are never an item i.e. J-Mo is not coming back. And removal of the Tleilaxu and the Spacing Guild, wow! Chani will be the opposition, sure, and I still can't wait for this film.
