Being a Christian Artist

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Trint99 asked me to talk about being an all out Christian in an Anti Christian Culture specifically in the Art Scene.

My favorite Art Supplies I often use in these videos!

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Thanks for Watching!!!
God Bless,

- Marshall Couture
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Never stop loving Christ! God bless you


Wow I was just reading about sharing in Christ’s sufferings in 1 Peter. This was a really wonderful video. I’m an artist and feel a lot of judgement for my beliefs with the other artists I know. It’s been hard for me to find a way to serve Christ with my artistic abilities but I hope to use it for His glory


I'm a year late but I specifically wanted to know if there were more of us out there in the art community! Really encouraged, esp since I'm plot-writing a graphic novel and I'm trying to incorporate my faith into it! Thanks!


i am a christian artist as well. I love drawing and making art, but Jesus is more important in ours lives.


This topic is what brought me to your channel. Glad I found you.


I've had a few unfortunate head-to-head problems with people that are atheist, and even been run out of art communities due to my Christian beliefs, but for the most part I find that people will just avoid the issue and be friendly, especially among artists. My personal philosophy is that I'm always happy to talk about it, just ask! And vice-versa, if your offended by it, I'm not ever going to push my beliefs on anyone, so it will probably never come up in a conversation with me. Thanks for making this video, it's nice to hear from other Christian artists with a great attitude about it!


I that !! I actually came to check about how to use my art talent in a way to Glorify the Lord. Yesterday I decided to stop listening to all those demonic kpop songs and rap... and American famous singers. I'm now looking for peaceful Christian music and worship songs and respectful Christian art. I stumbled upon you thank you brother for using your talents to serve christ and to show us how to (srry for bad English) it's tho really hard if I go on Instagram everything is bad all naked people drawings and demonic weird super weird drawings. Some of them are really cool but I know I shouldn't draw like that but it's gonna take some time to stick to this


I am a Christian Artist I have always included 1 Christian art in my exhibitions I take the opportunity to stir up conversation it often a pleasure for me


It’s cool to see other Christian artists. That makes me feel really happy


I love watching you draw...

And you have a really good message. As a fellow artist and a follower of Christ, I can confirm that there are more of us out there =)


Well I'm a anime Christian artist so I like to anime based on the scriptures of the bible with also encouragement.


You made this video a while ago but I am just seeing it now. Like you, I am also a christian artist. Most people who come across my art will see evidence of that and thankfully I have not had any overtly negative backlash about it. As a very sensitive soul, I do feel an ominous negativity towards my faith from the "world" but I am going to remind myself of your words that no actually threat or harm has been done. It's nice to hear someone else talk about it, thank you.


What a fantastic vlog Marshall! You made my year with this. I can't tell you how timely this is for me and how I've been feeling lately. You are right the art community mostly aren't Christians and I often wonder if because I openly share my faith if that puts people off from watching my vlogs and art videos and following me on social media. It's so good to hear your thoughts and I'm excited to become friends! People sadly have such a negative view of Christians and most importantly of Jesus, usually because of bad experiences and those who didn't show the true love of Christ towards them. Hopefully we can help change those views and bring positivity and love into the art community. Thank you for openly sharing this, you really made a difference to me.


This video encourages me too. I am an artist, who is a christian. I weave pictures, sometimes with a christian meaning, mostly not, but naturally for a christian there is no neutral zone- if you know, what I mean. Here in germany it seems to me, that there is so much esoteric art, so I love to see, that there are christian artists out there! Thank you.


I felt that you were a christian as soon as I saw a video by you. I said "I feel like he's my brother" and then I scrolled through your other videos and saw this. Praise God. Keep moving creatively in Christ. 🙏


Thank you brother. It is inspiring to know what they're are other artists like me out there. Thank you for boldly stepping forth, and setting an example. you've inspired me. I just found you some not sure if you've spoken on the topic more, but please share more of your faith. You truly given me strength just by know your out here. Keep in being a leader. I pray that Jesus keep you for all your days. Amen


Such an interesting topic, Marshall, and thank you for covering it. I agree wholeheartedly that it's about being respectful of each other, and emulating Jesus by being loving and kind and non-judgmental in our interactions. It's not easy to be public in our faith because of the potential lashback - particularly when we're not confrontational about our beliefs, or articulate in explaining them! I believe in setting an example - even if it's quietly - and learning to be more vocal about it along the way. :)


I definitely find myself much more leaning toward science and the atheist argument in debates and I agree there are people out looking for a fight. Thats not the kind of society or online community I want to be a part of. Though there may be fundamentals we disagree on in life we´ll always have more in common than not and in a world of dwindling resources with an increasing population taking time to be kind to others is paramount.


Thanks for being open to sharing about your experience and outlook as a Christian artist. It was refreshing to listen to. I'll be checking out more of your videos for sure. And I may reach out through your website, as you mentioned wanting to connect with other Christian art professionals. :)


I really appreciate this video Marsh. You have really been an inspiration to me. I guess you could say I'm a fan of yours been a subscriber for over a year I think. This all started with me wanting to make my own comic (for a long time now). I did the search on YouTube thing where I went around struggling to make my own comic, so I went looking up the tutorials for writing, and not knowing where to start. But I happened to see your one video on the mini comics and it really inspired me to want to try and make my own one day. I always seem to come across it. I am still in the process of writing a bigger comic at the moment. Still developing the characters. There are a couple of characters in this comic who I am still trying to figure out whether would be acceptable to God. Like having a half vampire for one of the main protagonists. I'd say it's hard when you wanna do the right thing in your stories but everything points otherwise and you know what the bible says and you gotta stop caring about what others think of you or what others may even say about your ideas or stories whether they're a believer or not. I think it's something that keeps me from actually starting because I'm so deeply thinking about the audience. I also wanted to say that your not only inspiring but I really truly appreciate you and your work. Anyone who can make even one page of a comic or even one mini comic. In my book that is very inspiring and awesome! Keep up the great work! Hopefully I'll be there as well one day. Still thanks for everything. (P.s. Idk if you'll ever get this because I know it's an old video, but best of everything to you and your future works) 😊
