Brian 'HEAD' Welch - Am I Still A Christian?

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Brian "Head" Welch delves into his personal journey and answers the question, "Am I Still A Christian?"


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I remember praying for your salvation when I was like 15, 20 years ago.
Love you Brian


From one Christian metal head to another, we love u Brian.


We used to call it "First Love" Christianity when a new Christian is just in your face with everyone. That "mellowing" is not losing your religion -- it's called spiritual maturity. You can help a lot more people as a Christian when you spend more time listening and responding with love instead of trying to shove it in everyone's faces. And all the tales I hear about Sonny and you reflect maturity.


I believe there is no doubt your prior “obnoxious” display of faith saved multiple people and brought them to God. So good on you man! God Bless❤


I'm so glad your still a Christian ✝️ it took me years of suffering to get back to the Lord. Hold your ground brother. I am Ready 🌎🌊☘️🙏🎵✝️


Im so glad he's still a Christian. God bless him!


I met you in 2013. I was working at a home depot in Nashville. I had just relapses after more than 4 yrs of sobriety. I got sober right around the time you did. You were genuine and authentic. I appreciated that. 2.5 years clean now


I can relate to Brian, I did the same, I was over zealous and heavy handed with sharing the gospel, now I am more spirit led and wiser in speaking to people.


I was really happy when I heard you got saved. I love Korn. You guys are my favorite band from the late 90's. I had a lot of the same issues you guys did back in those days. I would be up for weeks selling shards and listening to Korn. But, like you, somehow God saw me and felt I was worth saving. For me, the hardest part is accepting His forgiveness. It's like, "There's no way I'm good enough for Jesus." Anyway, I ramble. Glad you're doing well. Stay strong, brother.


Brian Welch you are the love of my life forever and for eternity in Jesus Christ name amen thank you Jesus


I can relate. I was an addict. When Jesus got ahold of me I flipped and went hard the other way. I preached open air on college campuses and became self-righteous. What was initially easy to overcome early in my walk became a challenge. I never walked away, I just cooled through massive humbling. Jesus gives us the answers and the tools, but we need to recognize that is “by grace we are saved and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, lest any man can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9. Most of us have no idea of the pressures and temptations Brian faces. The key is submitting and continuing, to focus on Jesus, who is the author and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:2. Brian is an inspiration and needs our prayers to fight on, as do we all. I was saved in 1984, married in 1988 (and I still am) became a lawyer (made some poor choices still) and God still has me. He is faithful even to an f-up like me. Blessings!


Never mellow. Dont give up. Your faith and zeal are a breath of fresh air and inspiration to other Christians.


At the end of the day, only God knows the true nature and faithfulness of one's heart. Godspeed Brian Welch!


Glad you found peace and salvation Brian, I was a huge KoRn fan years ago and also was saved from Gods wrath. I truly believe we don’t have long until we will be with the Lord! Cya soon my brothers and sisters in Christ


Becoming over zealous after finding Jesus is what we all go through. My family and friends soon got tired of hearing about Jesus from me in the first couple of years. But as time went by, I cooled down and realised that no matter how much I wanted to make others understand how I felt, they needed the time and space to find their own way in life. Even though I was never a Korn fan, these days I really appreciate your music, vlogs and channel. And I am sure that you are receiving the applause of nail-scarred hands


We all kind of had “ zeal without knowledge” when first saved, when don’t have to lose our joy, but study to be able to give a reason for the Hope that is in us. A “ three minute Gospel presentation” helped so much.


Stay strong Head; your story is an inspiration to all. I've seen so many Christians both high-profile and regular, who come from outside of "church culture" get disillusioned and fed-up with the faith because no matter what they say and do they can never win. They are either criticised for not being Christian-enough or being too Bible-thumping. You're walk with Jesus is your walk, it doesn't have to exactly fit some sort of holy template. He knows your true heart. I'm praying for you brother.


Merry Christmas everyone! Brian, I met you during the Monumental Meet and Greets and had a chance to tell you that your testimony helped spur my heart to reopen to Christ after years of being addicted and engaging in unstoppable self-destructive behavior. God continues to perform miracles in my life, and I'm just so happy that He has used my favorite band and my favorite guitarist to speak to me after all these years. I know it's not been a coincidence. Thank you for everything that you've done for your family, your friends, and your fans. A very, very, Merry Christmas to you, Jennea, and the entire Welch family from Neil in Santa Cruz, CA. God Bless.


I am so glad I seen this. I am 54 now and spent that overwhelming majority of time as a heavy drinker. I almost died in a car accident and had a personal experience with the Lord that night. I made a complete 180 on the spot and made a promise to the Lord to never drink another drop. I was drinking to the extreme as Brian taking drugs to the extreme, and the only way to fill that void is to go all in the other way to the extreme, if there is even such a thing with the Lord. Just look at the man now, he looks peaceful, comfortable, and confident. Yeah, the Lord did that and there is no need for words when the light just shines from you. Thanks for all you will never know about how you helped me Brian, just know that you did.


I dont think people should have told you to tone down. Your heart is amazing my friend. God bless you brother!
