Navigating The Music Industry as a Christian (Part 1)

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Navigating the music industry as a Christian, beginning with my journey....

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I am deleting the last of my secular music (before hearing this). The Holy Spirit led me to do this and while doing it, you posted this. Amen and God bless you! Thank you Lord for leading us and giving us your Holy Spirit. Help us to not grieve Him.


I am a good deal older than you & every word you spoke is part of my story. 63 years old & I made the same call all those years ago. Was I caught up in youthful zeal for the Lord? The answer is possibly yes, but I have no regrets. I play music, I write music I teach music, but I am able to censor what I hear. Highway to hell got censored but Road to Hell passed the muster. Being able to self censor is what life is all about, making proper choices. I can listen to Lola by the Kinks & laugh, & yet, there is material by the Rolling Stones that will never be played on my cd player. Life is all about discernment & making the right choices. I am so glad I stumbled upon your vid & I am glad to support you on your journey. You have made me think which cannot be a bad thing. Blessings upon you.


Y'know as a Christian, I needed to hear this. Thank you for your videos Mark 💙


It boils down to discernment, which you talked a great deal about here. As a lifelong touring musician & songwriter, I've done the same (listening), playing, recording, performing. My musical journey helped pull me away from the Lord. And it would be music that helped lead me back. Music is a gift of God. It pre-exists creation and humanity itself. When it comes to "hard" or "soft" music, I believe it's a matter of taste. What's more important: the message and the vibe. Some Christian music glorifies God (regardless of style), while some glorifies self and the world, which is the same as secular music. Discernment. Thank you for this video, Mark!


As a Christian I went down a similar path in my adolescent years through my mid 20s. Your point about the “gradual” seering of your heart rang true. I’ve very recently decided to cut the cord (even the electronic “Trance” music I listen to that has zero lyrics. The music may not contain obvious profanities or sexual imagery like rap or rock but it’s been my idol for far too long and led me down a dark path of unholy relationships and activities I couldn’t have pictured myself doing earlier in life) It was only with prayer I was able to stop desiring it. Thank you for your words of encouragement.


Thank you dear brother in Christ. Please keep up the good work 🙏🏾 The struggle is real and affects every form of entertainment including the “fictional novel” industry, which I am struggling against. I pray that we will overcome by His special grace 🙏🏾 keep the faith


Thank you so much for this The Fuel Project.You are such a blessing. May the Lord continue to give you wisdom and knowledge. God bless us all.


I gave up secular music after watching the know your enemy series and that was when you first put it out. All those years ago! Then life punched me in the gut 8 years ago. It was one bad thing after another. I failed. I eventually went back to the old familiar music that like you said, relates to me. I haven't stopped and like you said I started off soft, and it gradually got worse. I feel in my heart that I should turn around but I make excuses. This is the first time anyone that I follow has posted about music in a long while. I'm glad you're doing this. I pray I can get back to where I was before and do even better than I was then. I don't wanna put anything above my Lord. Thanks for the nudge. 💗


Wow I’ve literally been struggling with listening to my old hip hop music I really need this thanks bro


You are the only person I know whose parents showed them Hells Bells! This played a huge part in my life in understanding the power of music! Amen, brother! Thanks for these videos!


A youtube video about Satanism in the music industry was what brought me to the realization that God must actually be real, and if i'm loving this stuff that hates God, He's probably not happy with me. Music and dancing was my life, but I had to give up my life to gain The Life. Great testimony, thanks for sharing! Looking forward to seeing how the series develops. I think you have a gift for presenting these truths in as non-abrasive a way as possible, something I need to work on.


Great video, one of the biggest changes I made when I became a Christian was ditching all of my secular music which promoted ungodly things. Lately I’ve been backsliding a few times and it’s true at first the conscience is present but the more you ignore it the more it fades, and the further into darkness you go. Would appreciate prayers too, as I have been losing battles with temptation.


Thank you so much for posting this video Mark! I have several close Christian friends who listen to secular pop music everyday yet it greaves my soul when I hear the lyrics of these songs - they say they ignore the words but it’s impossible to as they are subliminally absorbed. Each time I say how shocked I am and how this doesn’t sit well with my conscience or glorify God they imply I’m being too legalistic. It’s tough as music is so powerful and I don’t want to see my fellow brothers and sisters continue listening to this wicked material. I will prayerfully share your video with them and pray it speaks to them and they have ears to hear.


I can attest to this my beloved brother, I have a testimony about such a temptation where I was letting back in soft and melancholic type music, beginning with Radiohead, then the rest followed. Soon I was drinking again thinking I was just doing very little. It has also been a while since I've prayed or even read the Bible, my fleshly desires took over. The great thing that happened to me was hearing the gospel again and now restored to the Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you brother


Great topic and excellent vid! Looking forward to the next one and hope you're seeing what I've been noticing with much of the CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) leading into the feel-good ecumenical movement. Pied Piper. For example, when people bowed to the statue King Neb set up, they didn't bow until the music played. I believe music is being used to lead people into worship of a false image of God and the music has become an idol itself for many in Churchianity.


This was appropriate and perfectly relevant. I am completely convicted. Awesome job, Mark. Thank you.


This video has brought me to do something I’ve never done before, comment on a YouTube video. I can’t believe this video has been made. I’ve been thinking for a while that music has such a strong hold on me, especially rock (and heavy rock at that Korn, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins to name a few). It’s my biggest interest and the thought of having to give it up is crippling. This has come at a time where I am at a crossroad in my life. I have absorbed so much secular content throughout my life (mainly music, drugs, sex) and though I believe I’m “keeping a lid on it” the majority of the time, the thought of giving these things up forever in pursuit of Christ scares me. Music, especially, forms such a huge part of my identity. That being said, great video man. So refreshing and relatable to hear someone who has struggled with the same interests. Thank you, can’t wait for the next one 🙏


im 8 minutes into this video and love it so far. im subscribing and will be watching all 4 parts.


Was being reminded of these truths for the last couple years. I don't think people realize how much power we give to the spell we chant over ourselves as we recite certain song lyrics.


Interesting video! Was looking for ways to help my Christian band get listened to but still found your thoughts fascinating. Thank you.
