Why you don't need to push when giving birth || Down Breathing || Hypnobirthing Breathing Techniques

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In this video I explain how to do 'Down Breathing'. This is a hypnobirthing breathing technique you can use once your body starts to push. This is a more gentle way to birth your baby rather than being coached to push and reduces the risk of tearing. It's all about working with your body rather than against it!


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Uuugh it's so refreshing to find someone that provides an informative quick video without 90% of the video being of pointless boring chat!


My sister told me when I am ready to deliver my baby "DON'T PUSH, baby will come out on their own when she/he ready". Her first 2 baby the doctor told her to push. The 3rd baby, different doctor told her "DON'T PUSH" but focus on her breathing and baby will come out on his own. My sister did exactly that, she said it was the best birth ever, it was quick birth and easy birth.


so I just had my sweet baby girl, natural home birth. I pushed until she started crowning. then my midwife told me to breath and not push. she came out on her own in her own time. it was beautiful. and because I relaxed and breathed she came out slowly and I didn't tear. ♡ so really lovely birth, and easy recovery. Thank you so much for All your advice, I've learned so much from you! ♡♡♡


I breathed out my baby. I had very minimal tearing and a quick delivery. This is a great method.


It’s amazing how positive and refreshing you are about labour. I’m so sick of mums giving me their horror stories, what not to do, don’t do this don’t do that, this could go wrong this happens to a girl I knew etc....I’ve been so anxious about labour (I’m 9 days away from due date) but watching you is really helping me feel relaxed and prepared so thank


Thank God I’ve finally found an empowering channel. My baby is due in two weeks and so many woman have practically mocked me for being positive about a home birth. I know I can do it and I know it doesn’t have to be a horror story. This information is so helpful and thank you to all the WOMEN IN THE COMMENTS who have encouraging and positive words. God bless all xoxo and good luck!


I am back here to thank you for this video. First time mom here and had my baby on 9/24 after spending 11 hours in labour. This video helped me so much. When it was time to push, the nurse told me to push like I was making poooo which took me one full hour and got so exhausted and made me feel I couldn’t do it anymore 😢 all of a sudden, I remembered how you teach blowing out the candle. In just 10 minutes my baby girl was out. Thank you so much


This completely solved my constipation during pregnancy and worked like a charm for labor. Thank you so much!


My pushing experience at my first birth was a nurse on each side of me yelling at me to push harder harder HARDER. Never for a second did I believe that was normal. I tore and they were shocked how fast my daughter came out.. This time I put on my birth plan for a nurse to tell me when contractions begin and end and otherwise let me do my own thing. This video is really making me feel like I made the right choice. We'll find out on two weeks!


You honestly don’t need to push, your baby will come out naturally


I finally understand why my ob kept telling me to blow out a candle and let my body do the pushing lol I though she was crazy


You are seriously helping to ease my worries about the pushing process and listening to you is filling me with confidence. Thank you so much.


Everything in this video is 100 percent right, being in the correct birthing position, and knowing how to breathe and relax is 95% of the battle. Believe it or not, your own natural contractions are strong enough to completely push the entire baby out on its own.


Thank you immensely for your videos! I did my upstage and downstage breathing during my labour and the intense labour only lasted 2 hours. My baby arrived healthy at 38.4 weeks. Heartfelt thanks!


TMI but it’s so funny to realize I’ve already been down breathing my poos for years. Whenever I have a difficult or uncomfortable one, I’ve learned to relax and breathe it down rather than push. Breathing down is much more effective. I had no idea I was practicing for birthing 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Just thought I'd leave a comment to say thank you. I watched all of your videos before giving birth to my son two weeks ago. We had a surprise home birth with zero intervention, zero medical assistance and the body naturally pushed our baby out. I kept thinking of down breathing and letting each contraction do its thing rather than tensing and honestly believe that trusting my primitive instincts was what helped.


Just practiced this method in the bathroom 😂 it works! Very excited to try this in labour!


I had never heard of "down breathing" or know anything about hypnobirthing, and apparently I did this in labor with my second baby! It helped so much with managing my discomfort, remembering how with my first baby, i tended to push in between contractions and when I had a surge, I tensed and drew up. So cool to know this is really a thing!


Thank you so much for your informative videos! I found your original video on Up Breathing coming up to the birth of my son in Dec 2016 and practised the technique. I got my husband to count for me throughout my entire labour and was able to have natural, medication -free, birth (although not quite pain-free lol). It really kept me focused and stopped me hyperventilating which I think was a major problem for me in labour with my firstborn. I can't believe how quickly he came out down breathing (5 mins vs 1.5hrs of pushing with my firstborn). Thank you so much again.


I can’t begin to say how wonderful and lovely of a woman you are for living your life to empower others! You literally brought tears to my eyes
