Writing Better Young Adult Fantasy: Part 2 – Big-Picture Elements

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This second video in my three-part Writing Better YA Fantasy series explores writing tips for creating a high-concept premise, vivid world-building, and a strong narrative voice—all big-picture elements that will make your book shine. With plenty of examples from popular YA fantasy novels, I hope to inspire up-and-coming authors to craft even better stories.

Title and End Music:

Background Music by Vindsvept:
+ “The Fae”
+ “The Forgotten Forest”
+ “Hearthfire”
+ “Dryad’s Dream”
+ “Skymning”
+ “Wildkin Glade”


Introduction (0:00)
High-Concept Premise (1:08)
Vivid World-Building (4:18)
Strong Narrative Voice (11:31)
Questions to Ask Yourself (15:29)
Рекомендации по теме

You are the most criminally underrated writing YouTuber I’ve discovered so far. You’re advice is amazing and you’ve helped me put so much. Of course there are other good writing channels, but they’re all big. You deserve to have a lot more viewers


If you want to write a non-western setting and have an agent, I would ask them to help you with finding a sensitivity reader. They’ll know readers who already work with publishers that will know how to give good feedback and suggestions on adjustments that fit your world, fit sensitivity, & fit with what publishers are looking for.

I’ve had pieces come through acquisitions that were read by a sensitivity readers before submission that felt like most of the world building had been fully removed. When we asked for the original manuscript we could see how much the reader pulled out, it was as if they felt anything non-western was going to be offensive. We didn’t take the piece, it was so far from done, but we helped her find a better sensitivity reader to work with that would be able to help her balance rather than suggest the removal of all world building.


I wanted to take my time to thank you, like not for just saying it. I mean it from bottom of my heart. Thank you, thank you so much.
I am someone who enjoys data, information, knowledge. I can't really express it but learning and understanding new things is what gIves me joy. It is like my passion. Learning about writing and everything that comes with it has always been much close to my heart. There are many resources in the internet for that but none like you. So, I wanted to tell you some girl in south Asia is really really really thankful for your such incredible and articulating video.


I don’t think I’ve ever clicked faster in my life


Diane - Your clarity in pinpointing elements of the genre is excellent, as always.


"Fourteen-year old MC chases danger after danger to prove she's the strongest, the fastest, the best - while her family and friends panic about what this behavior will do to the rest of them who can't keep up." It's the closest thing I have to an elevator pitch right now. Thanks for the video essay. Your work goes a long way helping a lot of people.


That was wonderful thank you! I love your videos. Here’s my elevator pitch.

“A timid girl from a town bound by dark forces of religion, learns that her mother’s bedtime stories of mermaids and water breathers are all true, and that if she can overcome her fear of pain and death, she can join them below the Sea to liberate her town from the stranglehold of darkness.”

I’m learning so much from you. I’m keen to learn more about simple YA world building, and about how to flow seamlessly through each chapter (dialogue, time passing, actions, descriptions etc - how to link them seamlessly)


Do you think you can make a video explaining how to make one's writing flow better? I am aspiring to write a murder mystery right now, but when I read some acclaimed examples like Gone Girl or the Woman in the Window, I notice how seamless it is. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Thanks


I can't describe how much you are helping me. Hugs from Brazil. I'll keep writing!


What stands out about my novel: It’s written in first and second person where the MC is a first person narrator and her lover is in 2nd.


I love all your videos, Diane, and this one is no exception. Great, as always!


You can check out my behind-the-scenes notes for this video on my Ko-fi page!


You should know that, you’re a great teacher Diane. Take 💕


Your videos are juts the best thing ever for an aspiring writer. The editing, the script, the way you talk everything helps to make a better understanding of the topic.

Truly, and I mean it, nice work. Your content is one of e the best the internet has to give.


I love you 😍😭😭😭😭😇, Just found the best youtuber as a writer especially now that I’m obsessed with fantasy, supernatural horror


This was a fantastic video! I'm really curious about Every Heart A Doorway. I'll have to look it up. Alright, for anyone who's still reading these comments at this time, here are my answers to the three questions.

1. An elf boy with the ability to control earth has been raised as a weapon of war, but the god he worships calls him to be a prophet and save the entire Dwarfen species from the very elves who turned him into the monster he is. (Mind you, that's a lot of whittling down. I haven't even touched upon the earth dragons who mix chemical potions in their stomachs or the unkillable warrior witches who feed on souls. Or the unicorn herd who worships the moon.)

2. The world is inhabited entirely by elves and dwarfs, who each live about eight hundred years, as well as several species of intelligent beasts. The elves and the dwarfs have been enemies ever since their ancestors, two brothers, made the world mortal by drinking from a sacred fountain. They disagreed on whose fault it was, which escalated into a hateful, unending war between the two sides. Now the people wait for a Chosen One who will come thousands upon thousands of years in the future and make their world immortal again. Also, the elemental magic system is based on music because music was how the world was formed, and so by singing something akin the the Music of the Spheres, people can manipulate matter.

3. I can't really think of any way to describe my writing style positively without bragging, but if I had to choose, it would be bright, personal, and poetic.


Running through the fields, wheat stalks grazed his body, little leaves slashing at him like a horde of angry knives. A cold breath kissed his neck, tickling the hairs and sending a chill down his spine. Not knowing if it was real or his imagination, Walter didn’t take the chance to turn around and find out. Deep down, he wasn't even sure he wanted to know. Pushing himself harder he popped out of the field running back towards the house. Stomping down the path, this time not trying to match his fathers stride. Just pushing his body forward, one foot after the other. Finally he swung open the door. The door slammed and he dropped a barcade bar into place with a massive thud.


I hope you can read my book when I'm done. It's going to be as unique as me, two books in one. Everything I do is a secret. Don't tell your right hand with the left hand is doing. I take that to a whole new level.


Wonderul content as always! Brilliant!


After fantasy, pls do a series for dystopian too.
