Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Fantasy | 25+ Best Books For Every Reader

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Here is my Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Fantasy! All of these books/series I think are great places to start, let me know your recommendations in the comments!

3:15-His Dark Materials
3:48-Inheritance Cycle
5:58-The Emperor’s Soul
9:27-The Hobbit
11:58-Legend of Drizzt

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#fantasy #books
Рекомендации по теме

HP 2:45
His Dark Materials 3:15
Narnia 3:27
Inheritance Cycle 3:48
Percy Jackson 4:20
Stardust 4:48
Neverwhere 5:19
Howl’s Moving Castle 5:32
The Emperor’s Soul 5:58
Warbreaker 6:39
Elantris 7:40
Sword of Kaigen 8:41
The Hobbit 9:27
Mistborn 10:03
Night Angel Trilogy 11:06
Legend of Drizzt 11:58
First Law Trilogy 13:06
Riyria 13:58
Dragonlance 14:22
Kingkiller 15:00
Farseer Trilogy 15:52
Dresden Files 16:17
Belgariad 16:57
WoT / ASOIAF 17:33
Stormlight 17:58

Let me know your recommendations for beginner fantasy books! Originally I also had The Witcher, Discworld, and Sabriel in here but had to cut them since I just didn't have enough time to edit those segments.


I've been reading fantasy my entire life but i love watching videos like this, they reminds me how big and fascinating this genre is


I would still like to reccomend The Lies of Locke Lamora. It is light on magic, having a very simple magic system. The dynamic between the 2 main charachters is also one of the best things I have ever read.


I've got to say, your editing is a lot better than most booktubers.


"fantasy is one of the most beloved genres in literature." you couldn't start this video any better.
loved this video.


I love your book recommendation series. I started reading because in 2020 YouTube recommended me your ‘books to read during quarantine’ video, and since then reading fantasy has been a huge part of my life. I love how you made the intimidatingly large and complex books and series seem accessible through your summaries and the art work you show. It’s easy to catch your passion for these books


I’m in my middle 70s and was introduced to science fiction/fantasy by my hubby way back when. The first book i read was Anne MacCaffreys The ship who sang and i was hooked. I just read all of her books and hungered for more Pern books. I definitely want a Firelizard of my own even now. I still go back and read these books. The characters became my best friends. I continued with them when her son joined the writing. My second favourite is the Belgariad series….Just love Pol. Then all the Hobbs books. Ive got bookcases of them and just cannot give them away even though I cannot read the actual books anymore. Thank goodness for Kindle and Audio 🎉


I started with fantasy audiobooks like Mistborn and Lightbringer, which were awesome experiences. I moved on to reading the Stormlight Archive and Wheel of Time. Right now I'm in love with Red Rising


Eragon was the series that got me into fantasy. The first book starts out a little slow but the 2-4th books really accelerate the pacing and further develop the magic system. Very highly recommend


The Riftwar Cycle by Raymond E. Feist. My favorite series and one that reignited my love of fantasy.


The Name of The Wind is an excellent start because it is comedic, exciting, and very well written. It opens up some magic and a new world that is not too complicated and not hard to follow.


I'm glad the Belgariad was included. It's outstanding. For beginners, there is also the option to read some great short stories. You can meet characters like Elric without reading a whole novel.


Your videos and editing always bring me passion to read


I love videos like these because they make me realise that no matter how far I go with my reading, I'm always going to have so much more to explore!


Terry Pratchett's discworld. The Hogfather or The Wee Free Men are both excellent entry points into one of the greatest fantasy series of all time.


Just getting into fantasy!Just started Mistborn!! Thanks for all of your recs!! I will read them!!


Eddings was my gateway into fantasy with the Belgariad and Mallorean series. His other storyline about the Knight Sparhawk is another favorite of mine. I enjoyed medieval history growing up and Sparhawk fits into that quite well with the addition of magic.


Incredible video! Most beginner fantasy guides I’ve seen focus on transitioning from reading no fantasy into YA fantasy or transitioning from YA to adult. I love that this video is comprehensive and addresses all categories of readers. Plus, your videos are always nothing short of inspiring!


The Prydain books by Lloyd Alexander and LeGuin's Earthsea novels for youngsters, The Once and Future King for traditionalists, Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser series as well as Robert E. Howard's Conan stories for sword and sorcery. Most of Simon R. Green's books are good for newbies as well, but he plays pretty fast and loose with genre.


seeing so many brandon sanderson books makes me wanna cry. he will be my forever favorite author. his magic systems are always so unique and complex it just leaves you with awe.
