How Did We Get The Bible | Michael Kruger

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Join us on a journey into the origins of the Bible with renowned scholar Michael Kruger. In this captivating exploration, we delve into the historical context, the formation of the biblical canon, and the fascinating journey of how we received the sacred scriptures we cherish today.
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Thanks so much!
Any well read Bible / theology student, can see Gods authority, and the accuracy, historicity, and sufficiency of Gods word breathed out.


Great clarification of scripture misconceptions that have persisted for hundreds of years and are used to dissuade unbelievers and new believers to reject the canon.


Great video. I look forward to reading Michael's books. Is the Q&A season available to watch?


This guy is awesome! Never heard of him until now!!❤


In essence - we have in the NT canon (as with the OT canon) the God-breathed words of Scripture through the pens of His chosen human representatives. Divinely inspired works through human personality. Utterly unique, absolutely amazing, and powerful to save. For they bear witness to the God-man, Jesus Christ...Saviour of sinners like you and me. Soli Deo Gloria!


Speaking to an audience eager to have presuppositions confirmed, his lecture makes sense. People have to be ready to ask hard questions and hear uncomfortable answers. I don’t think that was his audience. When out in the ocean, you don’t drill holes in the hull of the ship in which you want to be, no matter how curious you are about its integrity and solidity.


At the Council of Rome in 382AD, the Church decided upon a canon of 46 Old Testament books and 27 in the New Testament. This decision was ratified by the councils at Hippo (393AD), Carthage (397, 419AD), II Nicea (787AD), Florence (1442AD), and Trent (1546AD).


He gave me reasons to question the Bible I never thought of


Why does codex Sinaiticus, 4th century Bible, include two other books as part of the New Testament:

Epistle of Barnabas
Shepherd of Hermas


The question is who are those early christians that decided which books belong to the canon? You are avoiding this question because you can not accept that there is a body that Jesus left on earth to represent His authority...Matthew 16:16ff
TRUTH is always based on FACTS not in our own opinion or biases...


Christians didn't have a BIBLE until the end of the 4th century. They had some books (letters), the larger cities had somewhat complete collections of NT writings. They also had the Septuagint version of the OT which was more dispersed than the Hebrew version. We have a complete collection of the 73 books by the mid 3rd century or end of the 4th century.


Anyone know where the Q&A can be found? Thanks!


Notice the discomfort when someone innocently brought up the Dead Sea scrolls as evidence for the Old Testament Canon. Unbeknownst to the commentator, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain at least three works of the Apocrypha. Found among the Dead Sea Scrolls: Ben Sira (also known as the Wisdom of Ben Sira, Sirach, or Ecclesiasticus), the book of Tobit, and the Epistle of Jeremiah. non-Protestant canonical books . Oops! Move along.


My question is, what about the books mentioned in scripture that aren’t in the canon? Jashar, Enoch, and the epistle to the Laodiceans?


Yea about that ‘’
It was the Catholic Church
Ignatius of Antioch
Was the first early church Father who used the word Catholic in 107ad - 109ad


How Did We Get The Bible?
Through the Roman Catholic Church (or KATHOLOS EKKLESIA if you want to go by the original Koine Greek scriptures in the book of Acts).


Wow someone recommended me to listen to him and I honestly had a great hope I was optimistic ready to listen the most important point for me was his first one and I man I couldn't believe it.. yes he offers an explanation thanks for that but nevertheless that's just an idea, an inference or hypothesis at best.. I was ready to listen to something more definitive. For a Christian protestant obviously this will be sufficient since you already believe in Martin Luther sola scriptura ideology but not for someone that is not into protestantism. Well I tried and I tried hard for my girlfriend only for here but someone must follow the truth and the most reasonable path which is that the early church was oral tradition, Christ founded a church not a scripture and the Bible also requires us to follow tradition. I will not leave my orthodox Christian faith and if that's the reason of she breaking out with me then I will accept it and trust Jesus Christ my lord


If there were arguments on what books were canonized. Wouldn’t some in that time consider apocryphal books “canon”?


Thank God for The Catholic Church that gave us The New Testament!🙏🏽


Does he mean that each of the 4 gospels has 2500 manuscripts or does he mean each one has 625 manuscripts for a combined total of 2500 ?
