How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone

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Fellow men, it's 2024 stop confining yourselves into these friendzones. If she's not interested for whatever reason, move on. You deserve better, so look for better.


"Anything other than 'Yes' is friendzone". Thank you very much.


im just gon rant here
for a bit. the friendzone is a punishment for people's stupidity. some people "play it safe" when they try to get a girl and end up in the friendzone and try to seek some kinda back door to a relationship when doing this. if you like her just tell her. Julia has said that the worst answer is a no and if you knew your intentions you'll be able to move on andnot gonna get friendzoned. Trust me when i say that being rejected is better than being in the friendzone.


Yep. I asked a co-worker out she said no for what may be a valid reason but it was still a no. So I stopped looking at her a lot and talking to her-immediately. She was out of it for a few days around me not knowing what to do or say. I don't know if she missed my validation or felt like she made a mistake. It's been 3 weeks I talk to her professionally and treat her like my other female co-workers. I think she was impressed I could flip the switch and not care and I'm hoping she eventually will change her mind. But I'm not going in the friend zone ever again with her.


Thanks julia.friendzone is the deadzone.


The friendzone stinks. Great consolation prize, but why would you settle for a bronze medal instead of a gold one?


I did everything you sad and it worked.Im tired of friendzones, and if its not working out, im moving on.I got my first girlfriend 5 days ago.


Perfect timing Julia dealing with a situation like this and i told her I'm just not gonna talk to u anymore


If she friendzones you then tell her to F of and then leave her.


The best way to escape a friend zone? Is just. let it be known that a friendship is not what you want and just keep it moving because if the roles were reversed, they would do the same thing. Some people don't want new friends. Some people want a relationship. If people don't want to be friends with you, just let it go. If people don't want to be in a romantic relationship with you, just letting go. Some people will care if you don't want to pursue things with them. Some people don't care the ones that care and have feelings is going to be tough for them to deal with the fact that they've been dealing with for few years spending time with going on dates with and then they friend zoned you and all of a sudden you stop all communication with them and you move on with your life everything just stops.


Exactly, just make your real intentions known that way your not wasting time. If she says yes then awesome, if she says no then just move on. Thank you Julia! Great advice


Yeah I revealed my cards towards a girl I have been long time friends with. She tried to sugarcoat it and make it "less painful" for me by not rejecting me directly, however I told her: "Next time this happens with a guy - be more direct. Because not everyone would be like me potentially knowing your answer. Take it from a friend (: ". Learn to accept defeat guys. It's the only way. She won't be yours. There will be others. In the mean time you are allowed to suffer you are not made of stone. But also suffer in a positive way that makes your life better so one day the girl who saw you only as a friend could potentially say to herself: "What if I did not friendzone him?"


Julia spitting facts
Also Lot of guy's Fall in friends because she is a relationship and she emotionally invested into someone else and lot of women put guys in friend zone as a backup plan if her and her boyfriend break up


Shouldn't girls be smart enough to understand the dynamic though? If she doesn't view a guy as a romantic partner then she needs to stop taking advantage of him by using him as a person to lean on emotionally and mentally, or to talk to him about other guys/relationships, or just shit he doesn't enjoy.

This is a 2 way street here. Are women incapable of understanding this? If a girl considers a guy her friend then she needs to be interested in his hobbies/interests and do things that he enjoys, not suck the life out of him. It's unethical and honestly disturbing.


All true!!!
I just had that situation after reconnecting a 3rd time. I finally told her bye bye and have a good life!


I think I also fall into this same category as well. I met someone one IG. I made this first move of introducing myself. We both work as freelancers in the live entertainment industry. Shes also a single mom and cares a lot about her son, and we both agreed to hang out one day (possible date) when we both see or work each other in each others cities. Almost every other week, we text each other when we both are not busy, but she does enjoy my responses.


' Allow yourself to fall into this simpy weak mindset of hoping that if youre just friends first, shes going to end up falling for you but that just Never Happens.... ' god i wish someone had said this to me when i was young.... would have saved me so much heartache


Her straight talk is 100% accurate. I've made the mistakes she's talking about, and will never allow it to happen again. Make your intentions clear from the very beginning, and do not accept anything less.


There is nothing wrong with the friend zone. I put women there all the time


exactly this happened with me this year, bloody hell
thanks ma''am for the info
