African Cichlid Aquarium Stocking: All my Peacocks, Haps, and Mbuna!

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In this video I showcase every single Lake Malawi African Cichlid that I have in my 6ft Waterbox Aquarium! The tank has been set up since June/July 2021, and most of the fish are over 2 years old now. There are also some younger ones around a year old in the tank too. I hope you enjoy the video and find it insightful seeing all of these beautiful fish close up!! I have some favourites :D Also, enjoy the longest timestamp list known to man below...

1:16 - NVS Aquarium Lids for my Rimless Fish Tank
2:01 - What are Peacock Cichlids?
2:32 - Colour Feeding my African Cichlids (Absolute Colour)
3:12 - What are Hap Cichlids?
3:49 - What are Mbuna Cichlids?
4:33 - OB Peacocks (Aulonocara orange blotched)
5:23 - Red Eureka Peacock (Aulonocara jacobfreibergi)
5:37 - Albino Dragonblood Peacocks (Aulonocara baensch)
6:45 - Dragonblood Sulphur Crested hybrid
6:57 - Sunshine Peacock (Aulonocara stuartgranti "Maleri")
7:15 - African Cichlids and Conspecific Aggression
8:22 - Dragonblood hybrid again
8:34 - Blue Peacock Cichlid (unsure of proper name)
8:42 - Sulphur Crested Peacocks (Aulonocara maylandi)
9:41 - Giraffe Cichlid (Nimbochromis venustus)
10:17 - Red Fin Kadango (Copadichromis borleyi)
11:03 - Iceberg and White Knight Haps (Sciaenochromis fryeri)
11:53 - Blue Dolphin Hap (Cyrtocara moorii)
12:39 - Mirrorball Cichlid (Placidochromis phenochilus)
13:07 - Jalo Reef (Placidochromis Sp. Jalo Reef)
13:35 - Unidentified Hap (help?)
14:46 - OB Marmalade Cat (Labeotropheus fuelleborni)
15:02 - Chilumba Red Mbuna (Trewavasae chilumba)
16:09 - Red Top Hongi (Labidochromis hongi)
17:10 - Yellow Tail Acei (Pseudotropheus elegans)
18:28 - Blue Lips Cichlid (Pseudotropheus sp. “williamsi north”)
19:05 - Rusty Cichlid/Lavender Cichlid (Lodotropheus sprengerae)
19:47 - Blue Cobalt Zebra (Maylandia callainos)
20:09 - Red Zebra Mbuna (Maylandia estherae)
20:39 - Elongate Mbuna (Pseudotropheus elongatus)
21:13 - Electric Yellow Mbuna (Labidochromis caeruleus)
22:20 - Lawsi Cichlid (Gephyrochromis lawsi)
22:53 - Some of the Best Coloured Cichlids
24:15 - Plans! The River Tank and USA Trip

If you enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a like and let me know what you think in the comments down below!

What do you think of the plans for the River Tank?
And what are you most excited to see in my USA trip?

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Happy fish keeping :D
Рекомендации по теме

I have been in this hobby since 1969. I have seen a tremendous amount of changes. The changes in tank construction, types of filters, lighting, clientele, and aquarium stands.


Such a beautiful tank with crystal clear water. The closeups of the fish only make them more gorgeous. Very inspiring!


Aquarium ambience is much more than just viewing, ie: fragrance, sound, texture etc. Glad you brought it to my attention! 👍


One thing I've noticed about Kaity's YouTube channel, is you could be in the worst mood in the world, or are having a bad day. But there's something about Kaity's video's that is so relaxing, and full of positive, joyful vibes. Thank you for making these amazing videos, Kaity!


Wowew!!! I hv never seen such crystal clear water in a fish tank. Brilliant


It's a beast of a tank, and you've managed to keep it interesting with a clever stocking of varying livestock. Well done Kaity!


This is an amazing collection of fish🙌‼️ Tank looks amazing as always and great video Kaity 🤩‼️


I just wanted to say I love your tanks they are so full of color. I used to have African cichlids. I really miss mine and watching your videos makes me really want to set up another tank. Your tanks give me some really good ideas for what I’d do.


wow haven't seen a video as well done as this in a while, very clear and focused footage.


Hi Kaity, love this vid, I’ve just started with Lake Malawi cichlids after years of community fish, these little guys are just so fascinating


Loved this vid. Keep showing us the great content you are showing us always. Hope your trip is everything you are looking forward to.


Thanks for the cool videos, we are really enjoying seeing your fish tanks evolve! Enjoy your trip to the States, safe travels. Regards from South Africa.


Your fish @8:36 all blue you were asking about is a Ngara Flametail Peacock aka Aulonocara stuartgranti. Beautiful tank! Your videos are awesome


Hi Kaity, I set up a Malawi cichlid tank 2 weeks agoand I was careful to don't mix up varieties. Now that I see your video I know exactly what to do to have peacocks, haps and Mbunas living together healthy and happy. Continue like this. Greetings and have a nice day.


beautiful tank and fish have kept alot of the same ones but currently im setting up a lake tanganikan cichlid tank as i find them just abit more peaceful and tolerant. the placidochromis phenacilus tanzania is also named a star sapphire hap and as it grows the male will be covered in stars if it retains the lines then you have a female. if ypu like that fish its close relative the placidochromis electra is also very nice and like the name placidochromis peaceful hap. good luck and happy fish keeping


Wish that you were coming here to Las Vegas, but you are going to some great places with great aquariums. I hope that you enjoy your time here in the USA and much as we enjoy your content.


Really nice job. And this tank shows that in a proper sized tank, you can house all of these different types successfully without a ton of bloodshed. Too many people try to stuff african cichlids in 40 or 50 gallon tanks.


Thanks for sharing Kaity !!! The tank is looking beautiful 😃🤙


Schönes, großes Aquarium mit glasklarem Wasser und gesunden Tieren! 👍


I've got Black Widow Frontosas and Gold Head Compressiceps in my Tanganyikan Tank😍 Cant wait for that video ! I'll listen to you talk for hours, the fish dont hurt either !😅
