I Stopped Tithing But!

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I stopped tithing too because I studied and the word of God tithing was always food. And the pastor would always tell us you are crused with a crused if you don't tith. I give to the poor I give to people when the Lord tells me to give. Because in the word of God These people were blessed because they gave to the poor.
Matthew 25:35. 19:16-22.
Galatians 2:10.
Now I have no problem giving money to a church to help keep the lights on or etc.... But I don't like being manipulated into giving because the Pastor said I will be crushed if I don't give him my money. Be blessed beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.


Hey brother, you are correct on the matter. Carry on in the grace. God bless.


Deuteronomy 14:22-27.
They were allowed to changed the food into money because the trip was so far. But when They reached their destination they changed the money back into food.


You're right. Tithing is from your money, time, effort, prayer, teaching what Knowledge you have been given, ect. I am tired of preachers pushing you go to hell or will be cursed if you don't send money.

Praise God for His Son, Jesus. Salvation comes through the faith in Jesus, the Christ. Hallallajula.


I love to give! Thankyou Jesus for allowing me to work to give! It's all because of God! Amen... how do you know if it's God telling you? My heart tells me and perhaps that is God..


I was taught that you tithe at the place you are being "spiritually fed." I'm extremely convicted when I'm TAKING spiritual food from ministries, feeding my soul, growing in the Word of God and receiving the spiritual blessings that come from those teachings and NOT giving back financially so those ministries/people can be blessed and CONTINUE to be a blessing! That's why Pastor Rob receives my tithes & offering....


I've been wondering where to tithe or help support. This has helped me alot. Thank you brother. God bless you Robert.


Very smart words Robert. That is a very smart thing to do. Thanks!!


I have some questions and statements that I hope you are willing to answer and consider.

You made a Statement that we Tithe in Principle and that there is a blessing attached to Tithing.
Can you give me an example of Christians Tithing in Principle in The Bible ?

If there is a Blessing attached to Tithing today, do you also believe that there is a Curse for not doing so? The same scripture that is most often used for receiving a blessing for Tithing is found in the book of Malachi, also talks about being Cursed for not doing so.
How can we apply the Blessings part of Tithing Today, but ignore the Curse part for not Tithing?

Think about this question, Who did the First Generation/Century Gentile Christians Tithe To?
*Meaning The First Gentiles Who Became Christians After Jesus's Death, Burial, And Resurrection Like Cornelius Who The Apostle Peter Ministered Salvation To In The Book Of Acts?

Who Did The Children Of Israel Tithe To After The Temple And Storehouse Was Destroyed by The Romans In 70 A.D.?

Lastly, How Can Anyone Tithe Today Without Priests, Levites, A Temple and Store? And Why Do Today Christians Tithe using Money when Matthew 23:23
shows that Tithing wasn't money along with many other Scriptures?

I look forward to reading your answers to my questions and thoughts about my Statements concerning Tithing.

Just Chill iN Christ, Kyle Loren Manning


I am so happy I saw this. Actually I stop tithing due to difficult financial situations and then the revelation came. Personally, I believe in freewill offerings not tithing.


U ever heard off a church called lighthouse they used too tithe £40/£50/£60/£70/£80 in the church


Yes you could break up the Tithe and give it to other ministries but it depends on how the Holy Spirit leads you.


Amen why do christians think we are still under the curse. Jesus took the curse so do not be cohersed into giving. However God loves a cheerful giver so be lead by the spirit to give as God directs.


Pastor Rob going deep: "The curse is removed but the blessing still remains"....so lets not forget Malachi 3:10, (New International Version)Test me in this, " says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.


NEWS ALERT: A pastor somewhere had a vision from God that everyone in his church was supposed to have a bently and a mercedes benz lololol (true story) xD !!!


I think that is beautiful the Lord directed you to tithe for that particular sister, praise the Lord. It is about giving to the Lord from a pure heart because many people give their 10%, expecting that, that will MAKE God give them something back, they give with an unpure heart and that will not move God lol ... :)


you shouldnt tell people to tithe when there is no such thing as a money tithe. the issue we have as a people is we fail to study. many pastors have put themselves in the place of Levitical priest and this act is sending many to the slaughter. the tithe was always food, never money, and it was part of the 613 laws, the same laws we claim to not be under, read and study my friend.


hmmmm, so this is dispensation brother Robert? what about offering?
