Should We Call Out False Teachers or Ignore Them?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1377
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"The best protection against the darkness of error, is the light of truth."


we should call them out to warn others


Thank you so much Pastor John… I have learnt a lot through your anointed Preaching. God bless you!


Thank you so much Pastor John. Daily early hour podcasts are a real Blessing to us. They are particular dear at a crucial time in my immediate family, and without saying all your brothers and sisters in Christ everwhere around the world and to those God is calling. May our Heavenly Father Bless you to overflowing in Christ Jesus, our Lord.


Very well said. Calling out false teachers needs to be done very carefully and with right motives. And if we can’t biblically explain what makes their teaching false, we should pray and study His word more to see if it is false and why.


Thank you for this, it was very helpful.praying you feel better soon pastor john!


Eph 5:11 LOGOS And have no partnership with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.


don't just sling mud, provide evidence with a tone of fighting for the truth. my takeaway. God bless, watchmen.


"15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. 18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."


2 Peter 2:1-3
1 Cor. 4:6
• Who calls them out, when and how?
• Matt. 7:15 Jesus speaking: Beware means Stay Alert (Especially Shepherds)
• Acts 20:28 & Matt. 16:6 Talking is to Shepherds.
Phil. 3:2, 18
Romans 16:17
• To avoid false teachers we must know who they are. Shepherds in particular should be aware to who they are.
• 1 Tim. 5:19 “avoid” and “rebuke them” - But Elders, Shepherds and Church leaders should do this. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry.
• Especially Pastors expose them but in an appropriate way.
• 1 Cor. 4:5 Judge their physical actions and words but not their heart. Only Jesus knows the heart.
• Judgement should be in detail. Dissect and explain scripturally and exactly why their ways are false but Elders who are wise and established in the Word should do this not any believer.
• Do not sling mud. Don’t just name drop. Definitely not in self righteousness because we are not perfect ourselves.


I agree, expose wickedness, to protect the flock also rebuke to correct and teach righteousness.❤🙏


From a biblical perspective there's a problem in defining "false teachers." Just who among us can unequivocallystate that we have perfect knowledge of the Scriptures? The fact is, we are ALL guilty of some error. We may notknow our specific error(s), but with the large amount of verses that cannot be taken literally,  we can be sure we have missed/ignored some of the truth. As a case in point, the issue of eschatology sees a wide diversity of opinion with scholarly teachers representing a wide cross-section of denominational thinking, aligning to Postmillennial, Premillennial and Amillennial perspectives. John Owen and most other English Puritans, were Postmillennial; John Wesley the Methodist, was historic Premillennial;  D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was Amillennial; C.I Schofield followed a dispensational Premillennial line of thinking. All of these great teachers could present numerous Bible verses out of different books/chapters to "prove" their views were correct. Obviously they could not all be right and more likely, they were all wrong about the exact timelines and order of events preceding the Day of the Lord. For this reason we would do well to be careful about "calling out" specific teachers just because they don't exactly align with our thinking. Nothwithstanding, there are numerous inflexible dogmas within the pale of Christianity that are supported by many Scripture verses. When teachers depart from these dogmas, infecting their followers with heresy, we would do well to censure them.


Jesus continually told his disciples I am the judge, He is the one that determines your fate. We knowing the truth must be vigilant to call the false teachers out but we are not the judges. Romans 14 is very important on this matter. Help me Lord to speak truth and if I am in error show me through the Holy Spirit my error.


I seen protestors protesting Todd White and was really confused but it helped me not fall into their teachings


More often than not when someone calls out a false teacher really it's just someone who thinks different than them. Even seeing the fruit of a true prophet can be tricky. Sometimes someone has more inward fruit of The Spirit than you do in a week. I say this to unite and help stop persecution of Christians by other Christians. Obviously there really are false teachers like Mormons.


I called out Joseph Prince of New Creation Church in Singapore to a friend who was attending it. He preaches Word of Faith doctrines and has been pointed out by various pastors in other denominations and congregations. That friend refuses to see it, claiming there is no perfect pastor. She's too deep in it for anything from outsiders like me to make a difference. Only God can help her now.


Very well done. The only stumbling block for me u is a why does John piper himself associate with ministers of error even great error such as Rick Warren

Very confusing


I would say let the Holy Spirit guide you..there is a time and a place for everything. You can call out a false Shepard at the wrong place and wrong moment and cause MANY to become unbelievers..if you're gonna call out a false teacher you must be ready to then become a teacher


Very well explained, quoting throw out the scriptures!


Blessed is the man who walks not in the council the ungodly nor standeth in the path of sinners but God does say to expose but no good deed goes unpunished
