Exposing the Works Gospel vs Grace: Jonah, Nineveh, 2 Religions of the World

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We look at Jonah and Nineveh and New Testament Scriptures regarding the Gospel of Christ and salvation to see if the Gospel that saves requires works or just faith alone. We see from early in the Bible how works vs grace is established by God and also how the two religions of the world are established separating those of works and those of grace which follow mankind throughout history and still exists today.

I discuss why some religious people always try to persecute and kill Christians, as history proves, and also how that relates to John Calvin and Calvinism today.

0:00 Intro
1:25 Gospel of Christ
3:13 Figs vs Skins
6:05 2 Religions of the World
10:04 Calvinism in society
12:20 Jonah and Nineveh
16:07 Ephesians 2
18:11 Titus 3
18:45 Romans 4
22:14 False Pastors
22:54 Jesus Question
23:57 Ending remarks

#JesusIsLord #Calvinism #Gospel #FaithonFire
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This is brilliant. I’ve read the bible back to back but still was confused regarding the world and grace element.


This is fantastic, absolutely can't get enough of these kind of teachings... Thank you for what you do Brian, God bless you and yours 🌹🤗


I love you brother Brain. You're the only Charismatic that I watch because sadly I haven't come across any others who are solid in the Gospel and not involved in the NAR. ❤


Too many Christians make sin MORE POWERFUL than the Finished work of Christ. Still focusing on their sins instead of who it was that washed us from them and who you are now. We are a NEW CREATION after receiving Christ. We all have a BRAND NEW IDENTITY IN CHRIST. But too many keep identifying with the old self. Look I get it, I still have some habits that God is working with me on but I'm STILL His child, still loved and still RIGHTEOUS in His Eyes and righteous in my eyes as well. Friend when we start to identify more with who we are now in Christ and the relationship we have with Christ and our Father the Holy Spirit takes care of the rest. I've had habits that were removed without me even trying. In fact I forgot about a couple until someone reminded me, hey I notice you're more at peace on the road when you drive, you're not yelling at people who "cut you off" etc. But I never once thought, "Hmm, I better learn some self control". No friends, that would be a WORK. Instead, rest in God that HE will do the changing. I mean there are times I've asked God to help and there are times I never asked and change came anyways. The only one who wants you to focus on your "sins", "mistakes", etc. is the ACCUSER, Satan. NOT JESUS! I mean think about it.

What relationship do any of us have based on some "law" toward each other? I don't go to a friends house and rehearse a sheet of paper he gave me about the stuff he doesn't like. We learn what they like and don't like THROUGH RELATIONSHIP, not a list that we each gave each other.
Start focusing on who you are NOW IN CHRIST and not on the old DEAD MAN who was Crucified with Him (Galatians 2:20) I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (1 John 4:17) "love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD."


John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.


sadly most churches have those goats of pastors behind the pulpit. It's a real pain, so I'm grateful for the internet in this case. At least a few like you spread the truth that Jesus is the saviour and that for salvation we do not work but receive His sacrifice by believing that it is ours.

those goat pastors have grossed up people's minds and it is hard sometimes to bring the good news to people out there. But isn't that exactly what we ought to endure, persevere and be patient with? Planting the seed and having trust that God does the rest? That in the end is my greatest comfort!


Have you seen the stealth Calvinism going on at Beulah Baptist Winter Garden, Orlando, FL, with good ol Justin Peters involved? It is sad.


The Ninevites were spared from physical destruction by their works.

Nothing to do with salvation at all.


Mark 1:15
‘The time has come, ’ he said. ‘The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’
Acts 2:38
Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Ninevites did not get saved but got spared from destruction cause they believed what prophet said and repented and humbled themselves before God.


AMEN. The assumption that Cain's spiritual condition decreed by God from "Birth" after the fall prevents him from responding positively to God is specifically contradicted in Gen 4. For me, the question is answered very clearly because Cain was born no more or less fallen than any other man today but rather in the same spiritual condition as every man born throughout history.
Gen 4:6-7; "And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him"
God speaks to Cain before he has killed his brother in a manner which specifically declares Cain has the ability to do what is right.... i.e. a legitimate, genuine, ability to choose to do well. This is NOT salvific, and nothing man can do will ever 'merit' salvation, But it is obvious God has not denied man the inherent ability to obey and please him. Some men do, many do not. And Heb.11 has a nice list of some of them.

In my opinion we cannot assume from this passage that God is being disingenuous with Cain, even mocking him about his ability to choose to do well. If Calvinist's assumptions are correct, it makes God out to be a liar from the start of creation. And isn't that exactly what Satan proposed to Eve in the Garden? I do not think this is a coincidence. Satan always attacks the character of God... always.
Calvinists are required to defend the very Character of God from the claims of their own system.

Augustine and John Calvin didn't invent the lie which became TULIP, they fell for it.


Jesus described Satan coming to intercet preaching of the true Gospel with a false "gospel" here:

Jesus said, "Now the parable is this: The seed is the Word of God. The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the Word from their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved." (Luke 8:11-12)


There's a quote in the bible saying our works are lime filthy rags. The works preachers conviently leave that out. Justin Peter's said that in one of his videos.


Hello Brian, so you are saying that needing to repent of my sins and turn to God is considered works from my part? Because if that is the case, if I’m not missing your point at the end of the video, then calvinist have a point here.


Good job. One of the worst false gospels, which preaches salvation by works, is preached by Celestial, who isn't even saved.


Kris valloton just did a teaching on this very thing!! How people want “justice” and not “reconciliation” and how disgusting it is! It’s very sad actually they have NO


Just look what the so called Puritans did to the 'Praying Indians' who actually converted to their belief system. it was in studying the sermons of those people that John MacArthur turned from preaching salvation by grace alone to inventing his version of Lordship salvation.


Thanks, can you do a video in the future about these people who are coming against yhe apostle and calling him a false apostle and an anti-christ . its a growing movement and theres one of these very paul haters in the comments in this video thank


So here's a question for Brian. If a pair of homosexuals are in a same sex marriage, they then respond to a gospel invitation to put their faith in Christ, do they have to renounce their relationship and get a divorce? If yes, then wouldn't that be "backloading works into salvation"? IF no, does that mean that God doesn't care whether or not they practice homosexuality? Their sins are eternally covered, even if they don't acknowledge it as sin?


Repentance from sins is not a requirement for salvation
