Ray Comfort Exposed - False Gospel + False Repentance = Heresy x 2

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This video exposes the false gospel preached by Ray Comfort; a popular evangelist and a dangerous false prophet who runs the ''Way of the Master'' tv program alongside Kirk Cameron. Sadly he teaches Lordship salvation which is another form of works salvation to a young girl called Hilary. It's the same doctrine that is popularised by Paul Washer, John MacArthur, Jack Chick, David Cloud, Tim Conway the Pentecostal movement and many others. The doctrine teaches that unregenerate sinners must surrender their lifes to Christ in obedience in order to be saved. This goes hand in hand with the ''repent of your sins'' heresy, where people are told to turn over a new leaf in order to be saved. I show from the King James Bible that this is works salvation which will lead you to hell if you believe it.

Romans 3:20

Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

Romans 4:5-6

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,

Link to the whole clip:

The True Gospel Message by Pastor Steven L Anderson:

False Repentance Doctrine Exposed:

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That`s horrible, she could have been saved right then but now she`s more mixed up then ever.


If that girl has simply placed her faith in Jesus Christ like Romans 10:8-13 says, she is saved! I pray she has done that.


You have to stop sinning...um...HOW. Aren't we still just as condemned by our thoughts as well as our actions. If I THINK about stealing, lusting and lying, I'm still guilty of a sinful thought. So the idea of "stopping sinning" is impossible. 
This is the kind of salvation only a man could come up with. I'm glad MY God saves on my believe and faith in Him alone...


He indeed shows her she's not a good person(using human reasoning), but then tells her to repent of her sins, and stop sinning to be saved. This is pure works salvation.


This video pisses me off! Timotheus, you're absolutely right in all you say. I feel really bad for this girl having to listen to the constant damnations Ray is spewing out, having the holier-than-thou attitude. What, suddenly he assumes himself to be sinless??

Bah humbug!

I think I have to throw up now. Poor, poor girl.


Lordship Salvationists are known to use Romans 2:6-7 out of context in an attempt to justify Lordship salvation. They also love to use James 2:17, James 2:24-26 OUT OF CONTEXT to justify salvation by WORKS. John MacArthur is also known to not believe in the blood atonement of Christ as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. We need to be careful. ( 2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:8-9) Lordship Salvation theology is indeed a FALSE GOSPEL and needs to be opposed and refuted!


The mentality of earning and achieving by WORKS becomes so ingrained and deep-seated in many people's minds that the simple promise in John 3:16, John 5:24, John 6:47, Ephesians 2:8-9, Acts 16: 30-31 sounds TOO EASY AND HARD TO BELIEVE AND TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. God has made the free gift of eternal life accessible by SIMPLE FAITH IN JESUS, but it is not easy for many to believe that. Lordship Salvationists are known to deliberately take verses in Scripture OUT OF CONTEXT to support their views.


Thank you for this video.  I always thought there was something not quite right with WOTM and their methods, especially since their show is on TBN who airs nothing but false preachers and apostate gospel.


I feel so bad for that girl. I pray some one reaches her to give her the true gospel. She clearly said "I trust Christ". Then this unlearned, foolish man tells her "you have to stop sinning". I bet he hasn't stopped sinning! What a hypocrite. Poor girl probably started to doubt her salvation. I hope she believes the gospel.


This is so sad. I wish I could've presented the true gospel to this poor girl. I hope she sees this video. More than that, I hope she trusts in what Jesus Christ did on the cross for her and gets saved the Bible way (Acts 16:31).


Romans 10:2- It's too bad Ray Comfort never bothered to look up the meaning of repent before he zealously goes out into the streets.


One of the reasons why Lordship Salvation theology exists is because we are born and raised in a society that constantly teaches that everything in life has to be earned and achieved by WORKS. This is true when it comes to money, possessions, and academic degrees, but NOT SO when it comes to eternal life which is FREE by FAITH ALONE IN CHRIST ALONE. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Galatians 3: 1-14, Romans 5 - the word "gift" is repeated 5 times, and the word "faith" is repeated 6 times in Romans 4.)


If you watch several of Ray's videos you come to realize that he is using the same method that Jesus did using the law to show someone that they have broken God's law and are in need a savior to die in their place. They then need to repent which is to turn from not believing in Jesus to believing in him, confess their sins and accept Jesus as Lord and savior. Repentance is changing your mind and turning from unbelief to belief in Jesus and has nothing to do with turning from your sins.  Turning from your sins is done after you accept Jesus and is not a requirement for salvation.


Often there is difficulty distinguishing between salvation and discipleship. Ray lacks this gift for discernment.


"Repent of your sin" is another way of saying keep the law.
Romans 11:6 says if its by grace it cant be of works


These Lordship Salvation teachers must of hurt many baby Christians with their spiritually impossible teachings .


I watched this video a few weeks back and an still so angry that he did not present this young girl with the gospel. He just handed her useless bible tract that will eventually go in the trash. May he be


Luke 24:47 . And that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. There are many more verses in the Bible that totally discredit this video. So.... if every Preacher does not quote exact scripture about salvation they should not be preaching? Comfort does not say you can be saved just by repentance from your sins.


Also, "repent of sins" is in the MORMON "bible" but it is nowhere in the blessed KJV which is God's Word!


David Baptist: Repentance is change of mind, turning from sin, turning from the old life, turning from unbelief. All are true. When someone says: "repent, " and turn to Jesus, many erroneously see that as 2 separate steps. First repent. Then they say a person can't repent yet, without God in their life. Repent and turning to Jesus is ONE step--one turn, and it is done by God's help, when the Spirit is drawing the person. Bible says God grants repentance. The repentance is not perfect all at once, but it is a new direction. But we still must tell people to repent. 
1 Thessalonians 1:9 (King James) 9 For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; 
