Todd Friel False Gospel - Wretched Exposed

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Todd Friel exposed as preaching a false gospel of works salvation in this short video. Todd Friel is behind the ''Wretched Network''. I show that he's a false teacher using the King James Bible. Todd Friel tells people that they have to do works of the law to be saved. The doctrine is condemned in so many different ways in the Bible. The book of Galatians alone deals with it very thoroughly. For instance, the Bible says:

''knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.'' Galatians 2:16

The above verse is very plain. Our works of the law(turning from sin), or lack of them, has got nothing to do with our justification.

The Bible also says:

10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.

11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.

Verse 10 above teaches that if you want to be justified by obeying the law, then you have to keep the whole law perfectly, otherwise you won't make it to Heaven. That's why the Bible says in verse 11 that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God. That's because we all sin and come short of the glory of God every day, if we are honest with ourselves, and with God.

Todd Friel is a dangerous, accursed false prophet, please beware of him. His false Gospel can only dam souls to hell, because it produces people who trust in their own works, instead of trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

If you want to be saved, here's a clear true Gospel presentation:

Todd Friel also is yoked up with another false prophet by the name of Paul Washer. They have a lot in common because they teach the same damnable gospel of works salvation.
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A: We have "sins" that need to be "forgiven".
B: We have a "Savior" which "forgives all sin eternally" IF the person places all their faith "in Him".

So we(unbelieving sinners), are given the message of the gospel(eternal forgiveness of sins) and if we "change our mind"(repent) from unbelief and "trust in Christ"(faith) we have access to that "eternal redemption" offered through Christ.
I can't believe I have to even break it down like this! If someone has to "repent of all their sin", which sin is left that you would need Jesus' forgiveness for? Jesus is the propitiation *FOR* our *SIN* ! He is the payment that SATISFIES God's requirement for all righteousness, God doesn't want your "grocery list" of "repented sins" for salvation!
Let me make it even SIMPLER than this with the words of Paul and Silas...
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house." .
Acts 16:31

IF you have "BELIEVED" then I got news for you... You've "REPENTED" and are now saved and "sin free"(in your spirit that is).


When the jailer asked Paul what does he need to do to be saved, Paul never said it comes with a string attached, he simple said to believe in Jesus Christ


Psalms 38:18 shows that David was sorry for his own sin. And so the Bible does show it.


Salvation leads to repentance. Always.


Funny how you use Pastor Anderson as an example at the end. He preaches sound biblical doctrine I think, but has massive anger and ego issues. I think Todd is a great guy, not a false preacher. One or two words out of place, and suddenly he's going to hell? I think all the hatred between Christians is too much


I knew he was wrong. Every time I watch him he irritates me. I see some or a lot of comments saying Todd Friel is right. Ok my fellow brothers and sisters. Have you even bothered to see what the Strongs Greek says? Well Strongs Greek 3341 word is metanoia which translates to Change ones mind. So no you don't have to" repent of your sins" all you have to do is believe. Jesus has done all the work for you. Even if you believe what our saviour has done and you do lots and lots of works you will get the same reward as those who have only believed. Do works yes!! But not for salvation. You have to actually research some words or you will be taken for a ride. And another thing to say God doesn't want us attacking people. If you teach the gospel you are held to a higher standard and we will be judging when we are in heaven. We are to call out those who are speaking lies. We are allowed to judge other believers to make sure they are doing the right thing. This is the 21st century so we can't always just go talk to people, sometimes you have to call them out online. We aren't in the 90s anymore


I keep trying to tell my Grandma to be careful in the church she goes to as they always teach her that her good works will save her, Yet she won't listen if I show her what Jesus told us!


i listened to todd friel and there's nothing wrong with what he teaches.. its biblical though. He is just a brilliant pastor God given wisdom to go to street and make a debate... rare this days


Could you then explain these scriptures
1John 3:6-7 “No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous."

Proverbs 28:13 - He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh [them] shall have mercy

Maybe I'm just misunderstanding the terms of which the debate is over. From my understanding of scriptures a truly converted heart and mind no longer desires to sin and is repentant, to me it seems that if we do not preach repentance and turning from sin we have the kaos and false conversions I see within the church on a mass scale.defiently not trying to lead any away from true biblical teaching and trust in Christ, looking for clarification and scripture to support objections to this docturine.


Remember when Jesus said, to many people, “sin no more”? According to you that’s works of the law.


yes I was listening to wr a year ago or so and he was preaching works salvation hard (making fun of those who believed in salvation by grace through faith) - so many people hear this garbage that "you can't be saved without first wholly committing your life to Christ" - this is a scary doctrine and a false doctrine that will send many people who thought they were saved to hell because the believed that they were in part responsible for their own salvation (works based salvation)


But Isn’t Turning a Work?
repentance signI would suggest that those who try to say that turning (as a response to repentance) is a work are incorrectly understanding what the word means.
The “turning” to Jesus is not a work, but rather a demonstration of a heart condition that is repentant and desires to be forgiven. In “turning” to Jesus one must “turn” from self and sin. But this “turning” is not an act of work. It is simply a volitional act of our free will.
God created man with a free will to choose, and our faith is not a mindless faith. It is a rational (thinking), emotional (feeling), and volitional (responding) faith. It is a faith that is birthed and fueled by God through the revelation of Himself and His Word. God reveals all things necessary for fallen man to understand and respond in faith to His offer of salvation.
When one understands his sin and that it separates him from his creator, it should produce the emotional sorrow and rational change of mind of repentance–and that should generate the volitional act of seeking God to receive forgiveness, new birth (union through Jesus) and relationship (communion with God).
Repentance is not a work. We are saved by grace alone through faith (Eph 2:8). But that faith comes from a revelation of one’s sin that causes the heart to sorrow and the mind to change. The response to thinking differently about one’s sin is to turn to Jesus and ask for His forgiveness and saving grace.
The only “work” we do is to “call upon the name of the Lord.” When a repentant sinner does that, Jesus is faithful to save.
Rom 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
It is is Jesus’ work on the cross that paid for our sins and His grace alone that saves.
Eph 2:5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),
Eph 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.


The body of Christ is devouring it's own arms and legs.


Repentance is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, which believers receive by trusting in the grace of Christ for salvation. What Friel’s message is believing upon the Gospel of Christ results in repentance, and if it doesn’t it is not a true conversion or rebirth. Come on man don’t call repentance “works salvation”. John the Baptist, Jesus and every apostles of the New Testament preached repentance of sin, you know the very thing Jesus died for. Read the Bible, all of it, don’t pick and choose to fit a narrative.


also, i appreciate that clip that you left at the end of the video. what’s funny about that pastor in particular, is that he is being “exposed” as a false pastor as well as Todd, his case is different from Friels but the fact still remains they are both looked at as false teachers. Todd Friels and Steven Anderson are are false teachers in the sense that certain parts of their ministries are flawed by Gods definition, and we all as followers of Jesus need to help each other with learning God’s word more accurately instead of being spiteful (not saying you specifically) and coming at them with an ego similar to priests in Jesus’ time.

if you see someone teaching the gospel wrong constructively correct them, let’s help one another know the word of God correctly so that we may all see each other again after this life!


We also must go back to the part in the NT where it says that works will prove the Christian's faith, and also that faith will make the Christian want to do good works.

But faith is more important than works.


I think Todd might want to change his words, but I wouldn't put the label of 'false teacher' upon his head. Look at the fruits they are bearing! The tree is recognized by its fruits.


Repentance of your disbelief is the only repentance needed! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved!


Jesus never said not to obey the law. He just meant that it will not bring you salvation!!!! We should still be obedient, but repent if we go astray....


brother/sister i believe you misunderstand brother Todd’s words. by the grace of God are we saved, no works will get us into heaven, to be given the gift of forgiveness and eternal life we must put our faith in Jesus alone and believe in Him as the son of God and savior of the world.

Todd asked the man “do you know what you need to do to receive the gift of forgiveness?” the man responded with “is it just ask for forgiveness?” and Todd said “well it’s part of it” the bible tells us the ONLY way to receive forgiveness is by believing in Jesus, so yes i agree with you that there is no ‘second part’ to salvation but God also tells us to repent anyways; (“Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations.” ezekiel 14:6 kjv

“And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” mark 1:15 kjv

“And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent.” acts 17:30 kjv)

brother Todd might’ve misinformed when He said that repentance is “a part of salvation” God made it clear that in order to be saved we must fully trust in Jesus, God also makes it clear to repent but He did not say repentance along with believing in Jesus will get you forgiven, the problem is without repenting (you defined repentance correctly), its counterproductive.

how can a sinner say that they believe in Jesus yet their thoughts about sin and Jesus are the same from before they decided to put their trust in Jesus? your whole mindset is different when you are a Christian (follower of Christ Jesus), you don’t think the same way you used to when you were without Christ.

when you believe and put your trust into Christ you will most likely follow suit and repent, and it’s not because you think repentance will be some type of a bonus. i think the problem here with Todd was that he was kind of baby-ing the Gospel to this man for him to understand it. and the only reason Todd said repentance first is because that’s what the man answered first so Todd corrected the guy on repentance and went in that order but of course repentance not being the basis of how to obtain forgiveness.

there is only *ONE* way to be forgiven; put your faith and trust into Jesus Christ
