Benny Hinn's Hardcore Works Salvation - false prophet exposed, false gospel

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Benny Hinn exposed as preaching a hardcore false gospel of works salvation. Of all the false teachers out there I'm aware of, perhaps he's the one who teaches works for salvation most blatantly. The Bible teaches over and over again that salvation is a free gift, paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ and His suffering, that all we have to do to receive it is just put our faith and trust in HIm:

Benny Hinn's message is accursed since the Bible teaches we are justified without works before during, or after salvation:

''But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.''

''Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;''

How to be saved forever:

False repentance doctrine exposed:

Music featured in the intro is from this royalty free website:

Tag: Benny Hinn, false gospel,false prophet,works salvation, miracles, healing,
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How Sad, Jesus paid the price for our sins, and extends his righteousness to us, by justification through faith. Isn't it sad that Salvation is so simple, because God is NOT the author of confusion, yet so many men are confused?

Men stray to works salvation for 1 reason. Because they are guilty of the sin of pride. Even myself, who is born again, at times thinks "isn't there anything I can do to earn salvation"?

To think that we could even give up ALL sin is prideful, because it's saying we can be holy on our own merit. Jesus Christ is savior, through faith alone.


Hinn said: "Its a free gift, but it will cost you - your life."? Who in that room was like "amen, " Benny?


I've said this before, and I'll say it again. It just amazes me how all these people say "nobody is talking about when THAT IS ALMOST ALL THAT ANYONE PREACHES ANYMORE! This is so stupid, it's like everyone at a social gathering wearing a red t shirt except for one guy with a blue t shirt, and then all the red t shirt wearers saying "EVERYONE has a blue t shirt on!"


He says, Salvation is free... but it's going to cost you our life.

Contradiction in the same sentence.


"And then we are told in the Scripture that we must give up all and follow him" - says the man who speaks lies in hypocrisy. 


Thanks for your videos bro, we need more people like us to inform the people. Too many are lost to doctrines of demons rejecting GRACE


benny hinn is a accurate representation of the world we live in today...99 percent of people think its faith plus works or works in order to be saved....i tell people its grace by faith etc and that jesus paid it know what i get every single day? laughed mocked and scoffed at.


Many preachers don't teach "free" grace because they need money.


I love the example you gave I’m gonna give you a car for free. But it’s going to cost you everything!
I used to believe these contradictions myself. Thank God I understand justification by faith. Many of your videos helped me to understand. Pastor Anderson sermons well his good ones anyway. God Bless you Timotheus


In Matthew 6:15 under the dispensation of the law which Jesus was under according to Galatians 4:4 you were required to forgive others of their sins if you wanted to be forgiven of your sins Matthew 18:35 but now according to Romans 11:6 and Ephesians 4:32 those verses make it clear it's no longer on the basis of that Romans 11:6 makes clear that getting eternal life is no longer based on works and Ephesians 4:32 teaches us in the dispensation of Grace that we should forgive others as God has forgiven us but in the dispensation of law that was different it was required that you forgive others of their sins before God would forgive you of yours and if you didn't you wouldn't be forgiven Benny Hinn is guilty of putting people back under the law


Benn does not under stand the biblical proses of justification, which according to the bible is received through believing that God has raised Christ from the dead, along with a verbal profession of faith, without any works being required by Gods grace, Here is the scriptural evidence: ROMANS 10:9:If you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Christ from the dead, you will be saved.10:Because it is with the heart that a person believes and is JUSTIFIED, and it is withy the mouth a person professes their faith and is saved. EPHESIANS 2:8:For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves. But it is the gift of God.9:Not according to works least anyone boast. 2 TIMOTHY 1:9:Who has saved us and called us, not according to our works. ROMANS 3:24:And all are freely justified by God's grace through the redemption which has come through Jesus Christ. ROMANS 6:11:And if it is based on grace then it can not be based on works, other wise grace would no longer be grace. ROMANS 4:4:Now to the person who works wages are not credited as a gift, but as an obligation.5:The person who does not work, but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited to them as righteousness. ROMANS 4:14:Because if those who depend upon the works of the law are heirs, than faith means nothing and the promise is worthless15:Because the law brings wrath, but where there is no law, there is no transgression.16:Therefore the promise comes by [FAITH] so that it may be by GRACE, and given to all of Abrahams seed. ROMANS 4:24:But also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness-FOR ALL WHO BELIEV ETHAT GOD HAS RASED CHRIST FROM THE DEAD. And this is in conjunction with the doctrine of freedom from the Law of Mosses, which states; Believers are not under law, but are under grace, because of this switch of plans of justification, from the law of Mosses which requires works and has over 516 different regulations and commands along with circumcision, to grace, witch requires faith in Christ without works by God's grace for justification, here is the scriptural evidence; ROMANS 3:27:Where is boasting? it is excluded. Because of what law? The Law that requires work? No. Because of the law that requires faith.28:For we maintain that a person is justified without the works of the law. ROMANS 6:14:You are not under law, but under grace-EPHESIANS 2:15:By putting away in his own body, the law, with all of its regulations and commands. ROMANS 5:13:For sin was still in the world before the law was given; But sin is not charged against any ones's account where there is no law.In conjunction wit the doctrine which states; No one will be justified in God's sight through the works of the law; ROMANS 3::20:No one will be justified in God's sight through the works of the law-GALATIANS 2:21:I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be obtained through the works of the law then Christ has died for nothing! GALATIANS 5:4:You who are trying to be justified through works of the law are cut off from Christ! You have fallen from grace! GALATIANS 3:10:All who depend on the works of the law are under a curse, for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything which is written in the book of the law."11"It is clear, no one who relies upon the works of the law is justified before God. 2 PETER 2:1:fFalse teachers introducing destructive heresies, they are damned. 1TIMOTHY 4:1:The Spirit says expressively, that in the latter time many will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons of demons.-  


whats sad is that he has an audience that believes everything he says and NONE get up and leave upon hearing this lie and nonsense. salvation cant be free if it cost something ansd it then becomes a reward.


I believe he's trying to say that when it's a cost, it means to convert and to give up the things in this world. Shall we continue to sin??? No, once you know the knowledge, we must deny all. Works wont save you, but Jesus will judge you on your deeds, good and bad. Salvation is free, but dont play with it, if Jesus took me out of pros itution and drugs and live it freely for years, and then i turned around and decided to go back on it knowing the truth and knowlegde where will I go. If I didn't repent before I died, then surely I will loose my salvation, in revelation talks about blotting your name out. But if I was a baby in Christ and go back quickly to drugs n prostitution then I will still be saved because of the lack of knowledge. Didnt know any better. There is so much power in the blood, people will always have different interpretation, and context. But the bible is for us to be corrected, i will never know the whole bible, and i don't mind be corrected has well cause I know there is so much to learn.


Yes faith is dead with out works, that is why a verbal profession of faith is required in ROMANS 10:9:10, and the salvation being spoken of in the book of James is not JUSTIFICATION, but temporary salvation of the mind through good works and the laws of sowing and reaping-(GALATIANS 6:7)- and your statement is nullified canceled and made mathematically infeasible by other contradicting verses and doctrines which debunk it and cause it to become impossible, which are as follows; The Law of sin, which sates all people are salves to sin, and God has ordained it to be this way so that righteousness and salvation may be given through faith, by God's grace, so that, God is the one who is righteousness, and the one who gives righteousness, so that, no one may boast before him-(ROMANS 7:14: 1 JOHN 1:8: ROMANS 11:32, GALATIANS 2:21, 22, ROMANS 3:23-28)-In conjunction with the doctrines of credited righteousness, and eternal salvation by God's grace, through faith in Christ, without works, or works of the law-(EPHESIANS 2:8:9, ROMANS 3:21, 22, ROMANS 10:9, 10:2 TIMOTHY 1:9, ROMANS 5:1: ROMANS 3:34, ROMANS 6:11)-In conjunction with the doctrine of freedom from the law of Mosses-(EPHESIANS 2:14:15, GALATAINS 3:24, ROMANS 6:14, PHILLIPIANS 1:9, )-IN CONJUNTION WITH the doctrines which state; No one will be justified in God's sight through the works of the law, and that all who attempt to be justified in God's sight through the works of the law, are placed under biblical curses and denounced by all of the apostles-(ROMANS 3:20, GALATIANS 2:21, GALATIANS 2:16, GALATIANS 3:10, 11, GALATIANS 1:9, GALATIANS 3:1-5, GALATIANS 5:1-4)-


BENNY HINN IS PREACHIN JUSTIFICATION THROUGH WORKS OF THE LAW TO WHICH THE BIBLE HAS ALREADY PLAINLY STATED IS BOTH IMPOSSIBLE AND DAMABLE HERSEY, GALATIANS 2:16:Know that a person is not justified through works of the law, because even we have believed on Jesus Christ so that we may be justified by faith, and not through the works of the law, because through works of the law will no one be justified. GALATIANS 5:4:You who are truing to be justified through the works of the law have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen from grace! EPHESIANS 2:8:For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and that not of your selves. But it is the gift of God.9:Not according to works least anyone boast.


DEMONS ALSO BELIEVE AND TREBILE, that there is one God, made the mistake of attempting to use a verses which is speaking in regards to demons believing that there is one God, verses believing that God has rasied Christ from the dead, that is the whole premise in which the bible plainly states a person is justified, if you do not believe that a person is justified through faith in Christ by God's grace then you are a false believer according to GALATIANS 2:4, 5, GALATIANS 5:4, GALATIANS 3:10:11, because you don't want to believe the following verses which are required far a person to believe in order to be saved-(ROMANS 4:24, ROMANS 2:21, 11, ROMANS 3:24, ROMANS 6:11, ROMQANS 3:27, 28, EPHESIANS 2:8, 9, ROMANS 5:1, ROMANS 4:4, 5: ROMANS 4:14-16, 2 TIMOTHY 1:9:PHILPIIANS 1:9: ROMANS 3:20: GALATIANS 2:21, GALATIANS 2:16, GALATIANS 5:1-4, GALATIANS 3:24, ROMANS 6:14, EPAHEISNA S2:14, 15)-IN your post you have just dined all lot of scriptures which shows that you are a false believer and are still in your sins-


We are saved by grace but we have to obey the Lord just as benny hinn said..u who are destroying God ministers will face the consequence of what you are doing.


WORKS, PENANCE & PURGATORY in the Protestant version of the Bible (Ignored by protestants)
REV 20:12...The dead are judged BY THEIR WORKS.
James 2:18 Faith without works is dead Matt 19:17 Jesus tells us if we want to enter into Life, we must keep the commandments.
James 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. 3 Philippians 2:12-13...12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
In Matt 25, JESUS tells us to feed the poor, clothe the naked and do good for others. All this falls under the catagory of doing good works.
Luke 16:19-30 The story of Lazarus and the rich man shows us that the rich man went to hell for refusing to help Lazarus who was poor and hungry. (He refused to do good works)
PENENCE: Luke 19:8. Zacchaeus told Jesus if he has cheated anyone, he will repay them 4 times over.
Mark 2:20 Jesus said (regarding his disciples): The days are coming when the Bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.
Matthew 6:16 When you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrits do
Daniel 12:10 "Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.
Matthew 12:32 Whoever speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will Not be forgiven, either in this world, nor in the "world to come" This implies that some sins are forgiven in the "world to come" (purgatory)
also 1 Cor 3:12-15 & more in the Catholic Bible


You guys are truly wrong he is the one who preaches real truth. In the book of James it says that ''faith without works is dead faith'' we need to be obedience to christ to show that we believe. Even demons believe and tremble, they aren't saved, why? because they don't repent of their sins. We can't just say we believe but dont act on it same with if you had a knife and a cop said he would shoot you if you dont drop the knife. And you just say yeah i believe in you, but you don't do anything you dont act. Same with believe in jesus we need to walk in obedience, be holy for no man will see god. Look it up folks dont be decieved!


It's complete clear brother you are not educated in the bible. Jesus say anyone that would come to him should deny himself and follow him, Mathew 16 it's clearly means it will cost you your life to be with Christ. For the fact that Peter was preaching how people should dress in right with God. It's complete life costing. For the fact that Paul spoke about how he should keep his body holy In case he mighty be disqualified, it's clear even for Paul he knows that he had to work to have a free grace of God. It's free but it cost a life. I'm not defending benny hinn in any form but you are quoting something right he said to prove him wrong which clear indicates there something wrong with yourself. Find me in the bible that where it speak salvation doesn't cost you a life?
