*AGAIN* - Paul Washer Teaches Works Salvation - False Gospel Exposed By Steven Anderson

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This is yet another time Paul Washer gets preached against for preaching works salvation. Paul Washer has beguiled the masses to believe that they can't go to Heaven unless they live a good life. Is that what the Bible teaches? What happened to the fact that salvation is a free gift(Romans 5:18) purchased by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, that it's received without works before during or after(Romans 4:4-6), by simply believing on the Lord Jesus Christ(Acts 16:30-31, John 3:15, John 3:36).

To understand why Paul Washer's Gospel is false, and how he disguises it, one can be helped by knowing the following. Paul Washer is a Calvinist, which means he believes in what is called the perseverance of the saints which is the fifth point of Calvinism. This doctrine of John Calvin teaches that the few who God chose to save before the foundation of the world(2nd point of Calvinism), will persevere in good works till the very end. That's where the damnable heresy of Lordship Salvation comes from. Paul Washer preaches and teaches Lordship Salvation because he's a five point Calvinist. By saying that a person without works is not going to Heaven, Paul Washer is saying that a person without works is going to Hell. And thus what he's really saying is that a person needs works in order to avoid hell, another words that person needs works in order to be saved. The Bible however says:

Romans 4:4-6
King James Version (KJV)
4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,

This means that even if you do no works before during or after placing your faith in Jesus Christ, you will go to Heaven. That's what the verses above teach. Salvation has nothing to do with how we live. It's a free gift paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. All we have to do is receive it. If you choose to continue denying the Bible, and do not repent of the Gospel Paul Washer preaches you will go to hell for all eternity. I'm not trying to be unkind, but I'm sharing the truth in love. Please don't let Paul Washer and John Calvin take you to hell with them. Hell is an eternal place of fire and brimstone and of weeping and gnashing of teeth. If you want to be saved, please take a look at the following Bible based Gospel presentation by Pastor Steven L Anderson.

If you believe the Gospel preached in that soulwinning demonstration, calling upon the name of the Lord by faith, you will go to Heaven when you die.

The Sermon used to make the video can be downloaded from the Faithful Word Baptist Church Website:

The sermon is called ''Principles on Dating''. - in the video, by accident I added the word ''Biblical'' to the sermon title.
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Paul Washer (and many of you commenting here) do NOT know the difference between Justification and Sanctification. Justification is the same for everybody (Salvation through Faith in Christ alone with no Human Merits or Works). Sanctification - Repentance and Christian Living - is different for every individual Christian. The Holy Spirit will work on you and change you. But some are more easily used and changed by the Holy Spirit. Others seem to have a hard time overcoming the sins in their lives.
IT is not for us as Christians to bash those who are struggling in their Christian walk and self righteously condemn them as unsaved or "carnal Christians" as Paul Washer and many of his devoted followers do. Who are some of YOU to point the finger and condemn another Christian for their sins? How dare you? We should weep, pray, and support those who seem to be struggling with Sin. It has been said by some that the Christian Army is the only Army in History that shoots its own wounded.


"Dying to self" is a reference to not relying on works, it means to rely on christ alone for salvation


Faith alone is the only way that saves


I thought this was Paul Washer speaking first and I thought to myself he is speaking truth?
then i realized it was Steven Anderson. lol.


Please keep praying for my family's souls and mine and that we get back together and stay together and that Jesus protects us especially from satanic ritual abuse


What a sad looking man, not surprised he looks like that all the time carrying his works salvation with him.


I doubt P. Washer is even saved. His sudden outbursts of anger are also really crazy. You could never get away with that in any other setting except behind a pulpit. But for some people they think that an angry preacher is some how closer to God or something. He seldom if ever that I know of preaches to the lost. His sermons seem to be only ever directed at making the most faithful Christians doubt their salvation.


Amen Brother and Thank you for uploading this video. I myself till tonight was subscribed to Paul Washer and listening to him preach "Works" for Salvation and not "Faith". I've been following him on YouTube for about 5 months now but NOT not no more.


May I ask? As a legally blind Christian if works are a requirement, then how do I work if nobody gives me a chance to because of my disability? I’ll say they’ll be in trouble with God for not giving me the opportunity to work


Mr Andserson, did you at least talk to brother Paul Washer BEFORE you accused him of heresy??? Be careful, because you will be held accountable for accusing the brethren! Paul Washer is not preaching a works salvation. He realizes that it is God that works in us to persevere to the end. I honestly believe that there is a LOT of pride in your message. Be careful....lest ye fall!


Pastor Anderson is a blessing. Thank you for this video :)


No offense, but so does Anderson himself. He teaches that homosexuality was The unforgiveable sin while Washer teaches that homosexuality Can be forgiven. So You MUST do one Work to get saved, and that is avoiding to become gay.Also, Anderson does not teach OSAS. What if a saved Person becomes LGBT? Anderson would Say a saved Person wouldn't do that. See? He is a Calvinist himself since he denies FULL free will.And no, I am NOT an Arminian, I believe in eternal security. But I also believe that The blood of Christ covers ALL sins, not all sins but homosexuality!


"No such thing as a carnal Christian" Gee Timotheus, that's true! The problem with "free grace" is that too many erally experience "cheap grace" with no repentance and live live Hell-- which is where many are going.


Yes, we are saved by grace through faith alone in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). However, we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12). Remember that faith without works is dead (James 2:20).


Is it possible people are confusing practicing good works with abstaining from sin/rebellious living? Maybe according to the Bible refusing to live in fornication, drunkenness, thievery, etc. is not considered good works in the same sense as charity towards widows and orphans or serving at a local church? Good works won't save anyone, but outright rebellious living is warned against (1 Corinthians 6:9).


I have yet to find a sermon where Paul Washer preaches a work based salvation... Stop hating on the man and read your Bible.


Praise God! I thank the Lord you found the video useful. I'm glad you decided not to follow his videos, he's very dangerous. He's subtle enough not to be discerned by most, yet deadly enough to mix works with the gospel and take those who believe his gospel to hell forever. Please stick around and watch more videos. I also encourage you to download and listen to sermons from the Faithful Word Baptist Church website. They're life changing.


Why don’t they explain works better than they do? Are they talking bout I need too get better on my working skills or are they meaning works are your behavior choices?


He once said in a video "if you don't have works you are going to hell "! What I find with all these Calvinist Lordship salvation preachers they never to my knowledge ever teach on Romans 7 and the struggle with the flesh, I mean here is super Paul the main writer of the new Testament confessing regarding his struggle with the flesh but tells us that Grace will abound more when we face the old Man, I wonder why??? God bless.


‘’Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” JOHN 8:12
“ If we say we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we LIE, and do not the truth”
1 JOHN 1:6
