Neuroscientist: THIS Is How You Stay Motivated FOREVER | Andrew Huberman

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Andrew Huberman shares the 2 ways David Goggins uses to overcome laziness and stay motivated all the time.

00:00 Intro
00:33 The Mesolimbic Reward System
01:33 Top-Down Control & Limbic Friction
03:07 David Goggins & Delayed Gratification
06:37 2 Ways to Override Limbic Friction

This video is a condensed and highly edited version of the full 170 minute podcast from @HubermanLab. We highly recommend watching the full episode and following the pod.

Andrew D. Huberman is an American neuroscientist and tenured associate professor in the department of neurobiology and psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine.

David Goggins is an American retired United States Navy SEAL. He is also an ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, public speaker, author of two memoirs, and was inducted into the International Sports Hall of Fame for his achievements in sport.

Speaker: Andrew Huberman
YouTube: @TheProofWithSimonHill

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Think about it like this:
There are 2 primary paths you can travel in life.
1. You can choose to suffer by your own hand in order to better yourself. You suffer so that you grow and develop, becoming more brave and capable as you do.
2. You can suffer infinitely more as a result of your inaction.

There is no way to avoid suffering. Life is literally a process of decay. If you do nothing, in a vain attempt to seek comfort and avoid suffering, you will suffer much much more in the long run. If you choose to suffer, knowinly forcing yourself to develop, you will suffer much less. Your health will better. Your mood will be better. Your relationships will be better. You will be able to do more and experience more, in ways that are far more fulfilling. The best part is that, after choosing option 1, when life inflicts more suffering upon you, you will be far better equipped to handle it. You will have had daily practice in embracing the pain, making you much more likely to overcome it as you have done every other day. Please choose to embrace suffering. Dont worry about being motivated. You dont need motivation, you need to be prepared.


Thank you Dr H for giving me the words to describe what I do. I was in oxycodone for chronic pain secondary to hypermobility type ehlers danlos syndrome for 20 years. From age 19-39. After going through many years of PAWS, I finally just accepted that my life was going to be harder than that of a TAB (temporarily able bodied” individual. So I made it my job to get my dopamine, motivation levels back and to my surprise I became a version of myself that I look up to now (if that makes any sense). I identify as the person that says “ bring it”, I’ll figure it out. My life is an “n of 1” experiment and I am making the cards I have been dealt in this life, work for me not just happen to me. I am 100% dairy free carnivore for the past 5 years and the strongest version of myself, sick or not, that I have ever been at the age of 47. I use bio hacking to get to what others see as base line. I have pan hypo pituitary and pan ulcerative colitis. Along with an alphabet soup of other medical conditions that come with getting sick and medicated at such a young age. Everything in life is a trade off. And the truth is that I would not be this 3.0 version of myself if it were not for all the challenges I have been faced with. I would not be the woman that is loved so fully by the type of man my husband is. A type of man I look up to and could only have ever dreamt of being with before I got sick.

Thank you again for this video and for giving me the words to describe how I live my life.


There's something about the spirit of self-control in "top down" thinking. Thank you. This is interesting 🤔


Hours of crawling to my truck with a shattered body then I climbed in it and found my phone I can never describe that victory the greatest high ever beyond overwhelming


Great video, I think the ability to utilize top down mindset is very important. Your right I believe looking ahead at where you will be or end can also be great motivation. David Goggins is so inspirational, because as he explains that almost everything he has to do has been challenging. The never give up attitude is so great .


Proofed once more my theory about dopamine: very helpful content !


Video on mindset to nail clutch moments in life would be great


The only guy who can break down extremely complex topics and make them easily understandable for the general public..


I always wanted to know about this and how it works ty


If I understand it right, you are saying there are only two ways to override the libic friction. One is to increase the overall level of alertness through dopamine and norepinephrine. But what is the second one? Did you mention it in the video and I didn't understand it? Or didn't you mention it?


Do it out of emotion? How? I just do it because nothings actually holding me down so just get up it's not abt what I want I use logic to override that friction thing


Carly Simon may have said this a bit more eloquently in her song, “Anticipation.” 😎


I do this a lot bc I never wanna do anything. But I have no idea what I want to do with my life


Anyone know the study that’s cited? Can you provide a title or link?


My question has always the amount of top-down or willpower partly genetic? Some people seem to have a vast amount of it whereas some people seem to always be demotivated and can't get past it? Like Andrew said, maybe they can't see the win in the distance..hmm.


I once trained hard like David G and I ended up overtrained and injured. As with anything in life it’s all about finding a good balance. I love exercising and I train hard but smart


Staying motivated forever is called discipline


Comment what topic you’d like to see our next video address!


Where is the I do it because I have to?.


8 minutes of jargon. No actual points.
He could have said all of that in 1 sentence or 3 seconds
"Push yourself to do it even when you don't want to"
There you go 8 min video into 3 seconds ⚡
