The Real Meanings Behind the Number 666 and the Mark of the Beast | Part 1

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It's about pagan sun god worship that goes back to the tower of Babel.
In this teaching I explore all the meanings of the infamous number of the beast as mentioned in the Book of Revelation going from the basic understanding (man being created on the 6th day) to the more complex that most wouldn't get if told right out the gate (gematria stuff).
Originally recorded in 2018. Since then, a lot more about this subject has been revealed to me.

So He brought me into the inner court of the Lord’s house; and there, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east, and they were WORSHIPING THE SUN toward the east.
And He said to me, “Have you seen this, O son of man? Is it a trivial thing to the house of Judah to commit the abominations which they commit here? For they have filled the land with violence; then they have returned to provoke Me to anger. Indeed they put the branch to their nose. Therefore I also will act in fury. My eye will not spare nor will I have pity; and though they cry in My ears with a loud voice, I will not hear them.”
Then He called out in my hearing with a loud voice, saying, “Let those who have charge over the city draw near, each with a deadly weapon in his hand.” And suddenly six men came from the direction of the upper gate, which faces north, each with his battle-ax in his hand. One man among them was clothed with linen and had a writer’s inkhorn at his side. They went in and stood beside the bronze altar.
Now the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the cherub, where it had been, to the threshold of the temple. And He called to the man clothed with linen, who had the writer’s inkhorn at his side; and the Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and PUT A MARK ON THE FOREHEADS of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it.”
To the others He said in my hearing, “Go after him through the city and kill; do not let your eye spare, nor have any pity." Ezekiel 8:16-9:5

For more information on 666 and the mark of the beast, I highly recommend reading: The Trail of the Serpent by Murl Vance, Miss the Mark by Stan Johnson, and Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps.

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Another thing about the 666 or triskele centered with a triangle. At the end of Precession, anytime after 2020, we were to expect a time of three suns spinning around the vernal equinox. They expected a quick pole shift of between 60 and 120 degrees. So imagine looking at the morning Sun of 21 March 2023 and suddenly seeing three suns. As Earth and sky spin in opposite directions (assuming the ancients were correct), we would see the Stars of Creation like a triple version of the Yin-Yang symbol --- a 666, so to speak. Sirius, Betelgeuse, Sol? Nemesis, Nibiru, Sol? Hard to say until we see it. Imagine a repeat of Revelation 12:1 and Isaiah 7:14. As happened 27 Sep 2017. Isaiah 14. Sacrifice.


Extremely interesting, thank you for all the effort you put in. Your video says “part 1”but I can’t find a part 2, is there one?


The number 666 comes from Ancient Mesopotamia, then it was used throughout the later religions as a significant number. It comes from Ancient way of counting, they didn't have a number 0, it was not yet invented, so they would count on one hand from 1 to 12, and on the other they would 2x-6x that number. So basically instead of using the base of 10/100, they were using the base of 60. It was based on the same system we use for clocks, or similar I should say, a circle divided into 60 parts, and the spaces in between the cuts on the circles were used as place holders, to multiply the set of 60(since they used 60 instead of 100) by 10 or divide it, that's how you get 6, 60, 600, etc. Different systems were used for different things, cattle, volume of grain, etc.
So basically the NuMbEr OF tHe BeAsT comes from Ancient Mesopotamian accountants and tax collectors 😂😂


I liked this it’s really interesting and a lot of it makes sense to me the problem I see is the number 6 is attributed to man based on two things the work cycle of 1 through 6 days one day with the lord (in heaven) is as 1000 years that’s 6000 years of sin before the 7th day and the creation of man on the 6th day I did notice that all your examples involved gold and the worship of a man these were common in all but I’m leaning more towards the worship or celebration of the self and you confirmed it to me so thanks. If the mark is put on the people who don’t serve God then that makes everyone with the mark as having power over the beast based on what you said about 36. but that’s not the case according to scripture because the beast gives power to the none Christians in fact he rises up in them to go after the saints. God is father, son and spirit and we’re body, soul and spirit.

Remember 6 is about work and creation. work is about sin, they worship the creation more than the creator. When the rich man asked Jesus what else he needed to do Jesus told him he had to give up his treasure he worked his whole life building up shame he couldn’t let go of his sin he didn’t want to believe the truth still holding to the law holding to his old ways you see how it builds onto itself as I’m writing anyway scripture says the wages of sin is death we store up death by working sin and we think it’s a treasure.

We’re the work of the creator so we’re the creation your soul is the ego but you are a spirit if your soul that was created by God has not been purified by fire it’s still 6 and your flesh will always be sin 6 but here’s the big one, denial of the Holy Spirit is unforgivable so if you deny Jesus you deny God and God is spirit

Think about Cain he killed his brother, think of able as a Christian Cain was marked for killing the first Christian and God marked him stating that if any try to kill him they would be cursed to, God told Abraham that he would curse those who cursed him and bless those who blessed him. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God so when a non Christian attacks you either by mouth or deed they are attacking the son of God the rock of offense the cursed one who hung from a tree this is denial of the Holy Spirit God will attempt to reach the marked man until he gets through the person will believe or they will deny but God will make it clear to them trust that and after believing and they accept it then they are delivered if not the unforgivable sin is on them and they will then be 666 the fullness of sin. All life on earth is primarily carbon it has 6 electrons 6 protons and 6 neutrons. The take away is that 6 means sin (sin means to miss the mark) the mark was to get to the 7th day we failed we fell in the same day we’re created. We were created on the 6th day and we’re born into sin or death on the 9th month. 3 is confirmation. Peter denied Jesus 3 times and he repented 3 times, he was crucified at 33 years of age and he was 3 days and 3 nights in hell even in movies like beatlejuice you have to say his name 3 times or he doesn’t show most important God is 3 Jesus is the face of God meaning he is God’s identity and our soul is our identity remember Adam was created a soul we’re sons of Adam originally we’re sons of the soul now we’re sons of God we’re spirits inside of the 3 just like we were inside the serpent before.

To understand past this we need to understand what buying and selling is really about how would you carry a number that you know is evil what would be the persuasion. Buying and selling is about working only those with the mark will be able to work this is where I always draw a blank maybe believer will become outcasts and not be allowed to be a part of the world something God told us not to do so go into the world get marked stay out remain in God that’s pretty clear wow praise God for all this wisdom


Wow, this is eye opener! Praise GOD of Israel!


I would not worry too much brethren. Once you make Love your religion, God will reveal all of these mysteries to you in The Holy Spirit. God is Love. The imperfect number of mankind becomes perfect when we practice LOVE as we were instructed by Jesus.


Knowing that Satan contrafit all what God have as important in His Bible we must know first God’s SIGN(mark) so that we can know also the SIGN(mark) of the beast. And now knowing this main principle you should not even start to know the SIGN(mark) of the beast without knowing first God’s SIGN(mark).
Without starting already now to SEE all Bible verses like Exodus 31;13, 16, 17 Ezekiel 20:12, 20 about God’s SIGN will be too much later for you in Matthew 24:30 SEEING His SIGN which will make the whole world to MOURN.
Since generations the Pope always said that having Peter’s keys he had the authority to change God’s SIGN(mark) of authority as Lawgiver being the Creator and this is why now the world have SUNday as SIGN(mark) of his authority.
It is clearly to see that Matthew 24:30 will be fulfilled together with Revelation 11:19(Rev 16:17, 18) on the day of Christ’s second coming and whatever you will search now in the Bible you will NEVER find any other verse to explain Matthew 24:30 where is about His SIGN and not about a SIGN of His second coming.
ONLY the SIGN given in verses like Exodus 31:13, 16, 17 Ezekiel 20:12, 20 CAN make the whole world to MOURN seeing that SIGN.
Any other SIGN cannot make be found in the Bible to make the whole world to MOURN seeing His SIGN.
The SIGN announced in Revelation 13 have to do with WORSHIPPING and the whole Bible make clearly that WORSHIPPING have to do with the only one PLACE given by God as worshipping PLACE(John 4:20-24 etc) where the WORSHIPPERS was going in only one DAY of the week given by God as DAY of rest to WORSHIP Him.
All other days of the week was always commanded (&even in Exodus 20:9) as working days and never as worshipping days.
&Now knowing more about God’s SIGN(Exodus 31:13, 16, 17 Ezekiel 20:12, 20 Matthew 24:30) and about His SIGN which will be made highly visible in Matthew 24:30 when Revelation 11:19 the ark of His covenant(Hebrews 9:4) will be made highly visible to SEE His day given as day to worship Him... now will be easy for you to IDentify THE MAN mentioned in verses like Revelation 13:18 2Thess 2:3, 4 and the day of worshipping which he gave for his world mentioned in Matthew 24:30..
Pope declared officially that SUNday is the MARK(sign) of his authority to change God’s MARK(sign) of authority as Lawgiver being Creator.
And you saw already how Pope is always working to put his MARK(sign) of authority on always more higher levels of value forcing the world to have SUNday as day of REST (than later as day of worshipping going to church to be taught about the new world religion called ChristLam.
Do your best to start knowing all about God’s SIGN(mark) so that will be not too much later for you MOURNING among all who never care to find Bible verses to EXPLAIN His SIGN made highly visible in Matthew 24:30 Revelation 11:19 (Rev 16:17, 18) on the day of Christ’s second coming..


When I was younger, curiosity led me to hallucinogenics. In this state I became ONE WITH the universe. Most experiences are the same in fact. And it feels very real. This spiritual awakening led me on a journey, only to find Jesus. This "new age" occultic belief system is demonic. They even have a counterfeit Christ, and deem that they themselves have "Christ consciousness ". They lower Him Off his throne saying that Christ had also realized His potential and th ats what He meant by saying I and the father am one, etc. They believe that everyone can have Christ consciousness. And when you're in that state of being one with universe /consciousness, they realize that they are God. We are all God's. They pervert the scripture just like Satan airways has. And we know that Satan comes as an angel of light and that's the thing, this experience is so real. There's almost no way out. Christians can be deceived. I still struggle with thoughts of what if. But, I keep in prayer, study and know that Jesus is truth. I think this will massively play into the great deception. This, "we are all God's" thought. I think it'll be a worship of self. I think the mark is invisible. On point prepardness does this theory awesome justice. He puts it all together flawlessly. It was a thought I'd mine before I ever stumbled upon his channel. There's so much to say but thought I'd share it here as a former "new age" thinker and having very real, spiritual encounters. I've walked in the spirit realm. It's very real. The very last time I did, I could feel and see the presence of God and evil. I could see and feel the battle for my soul. I cried out to Jesus and he brought me back to the physical realm. Praise God.


A lot of scripture was left out that would challenge some of the presenter's doctrinal positions. For example, he says that Jesus' statement, "...the Father is greater than I..." refutes "oneness theology". I don't know what that is, never heard of that "theology", but Christ also states, "I and my Father are one." John 10:30. Also, it is a fact that historically, the Roman Catholic church Fathers invented the "trinity" and its meaning and the bishops of Rome soon after adopted it as an official church doctrine which has been known in RC as the church's greatest doctrine. It began with Tertullian with his strong Romanesque background and Greek education in Platonic philosophy. It took its next step in theological development in AD 325 at the Council of Nice as presided over by Emperor Constantine himself. From that point on, if you were not a "trinitarian" you were subject to persecution by the church of Rome.

The godhead of the Bible is that God is the Father, His Son is "His only begotten Son" and represents the Father and the fullness of the godhead dwelling bodily, and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and represents Jesus Christ upon the earth. See Rev. 1:1, 4-6; Galatians 1:1; 1 Cor. 1:1; Philippians 1:2 and John 14:16, 17; 14:26; 15:26, 27. There are three that rule over all creation as they all were involved in all the creation; everything from Heaven to Earth. They are agreed, united, one in will and person, but are three distinct persons and personalities.

Two excellent points made at the end of this presentation:
1. The 42 months are given after the explanation of the deadly wound in Rev. 13:3-5
2. The black pope of the Jesuit Order is the real authority behind the White pope or bishop of Rome.


Where did the 6’ rule come from during 2020?


I don't listen to anyone who uses a corrupt translation, its the breath of life in the KJV Bible, and this is important for the breath of life ties to so many other scriptures throughout the WORD of GOD, and JESUS in particular is that SPIRITUAL LIFE!!! Its the same thing as the word HIS in Number 20:8 that all other supposed Bibles eliminates, this word HIS is supper important because the word HIS represents JESUS HIMSELF, and it ties to 1 Corinthians 10:4!!! I have been in the ministry for 44 years, and the only thing that I've seen these other so called versions do is breed uncertainty, liberalism, and neuter the TRUTH!!!


I would like to further deepen your understanding and awareness. The Bible is originally a Jewish book, salvation was brought through the Jewish disciples and the END of all things, logically, will come about by the apostate Jews. 600, in Jewish gematria is the phrase "the serpents tail" and "The end of days". 60 is the Hebrew letter "samek" and means "surrounding circle" or shield and 6 is the Hebrew letter vav and represents "man". "Man" as stated in Gen 2:7 was formed from the dust of the ground. According to Gen 3:14, it is also the serpent's FOOD. What does that mean? It means that Satan has the legal right to DEVOUR 'man' in his carnal nature. When Christ was lifted up, we were delivered from the curse of the law, but ONLY if we attach ourselves to HIS Salvation. If we don't, then the Serpent STILL has legal right to excercise his authority over the DUST.
The Jewish Nation, is his main target because THEY were entrusted with preserving the Word of God and the Law. However the PRIESTHOOD was changed to the Melchisedec priesthood through Christ. So a DIVISION was made between the Jews who rejected Christ and stayed under the Law and the Aaron's Priesthood and those Jews who transformed into Christ's Kingdom under the Melchisedec Priesthood. Since the Jews rejected Christ, they have placed themselves under Satan's authority and are as DUST....VERY DANGEOUS DUST! They revert to being "Jacob" not "Israel". Jacob was a "deciever" and obtained the blessing through DECEPTION. (Sound familiar? The Last Great Deception???)
Yes, many tyrants have come and gone but the MONEY behind them, funding all secret societies and banking systems, money changing and the Occult has been Kabbalistic....dare I say....Jews. The Beast system is being funded, in part, by naive Christians who look up to and financially support the Jews but in the end the snake will come out from under the rock and bite them.
The Kabballah is the religion behind Judaism. I believe the 7 heads and 10 crowns refer to the 'sephirot' in the Kabbalistic 'Tree of Life'. Jews also HATE Christianity and just as Cain (which means 'man' according to Eve, his mother) killed his brother, Able....the Jews, who we deem to be our 'brothers' seek to kill us.( because they are Cain and naive Christians are Able)They have the money, the power and a plan to do it. They also have a time frame in which they MUST destroy ALL Gentiles and that is BEFORE the 6000th year ends and the Millennium begins so that they can 'Sabbath Rest'. ( A good book covering the subject is Beware the World to Come by Christopher Jon Bjerknes)
The NWO is a Jewish establishment. The Pope, by the way, is a Jew. I don't want to come off as antisemitic, but Rev., written by a Jew, is warning us about the Jewish Anti-Christ who will encircle the entire world at the end of days (the serpent eating its tail)and impose monetary mandates( because Jews have all the money) against ALL and will kill ALL who do not comply. What is happening right now?? Its all there. Look deeper, my friend. They are hiding in plain sight. Also, the Talmud is CALLED the BABYLONIAN Talmud. Jeremiah 3:8-11 calls Judah a treacherous WHORE. Therefore she fits the title 'The whore of Babylon'.
Thats enough for here.
Hope that directs your thinking 'out of the box.' Blessings, brother.


Nimrod was the first mason. G stands for Gilgamesh who is Nimrod


The pope has a title which we say as vicar of christ in english but the vatican writes it in latin, it is written as VICARIVS FILII DEI added together by roman numerals is 666. Revelation 13:17 and 15:2 call it the number of his name.


The Father and the son are the beginning and the end of different things.

The Father is the beginning of the creation of all things and the end of the creation of all things.

The son is the beginning of things created, and the end of things created.


Why so many assume the authority to explain scriptures... mixing this and that... this is why many are misled...


Great information. Thank you and God bless you.


so easy to understand as long as you have understanding. Take the ancient roman numerals start with one, five, etc when you add them up you get 666. This merely proves it Roman.Their are four other ways to get this number.


Use of a round wafer implies sun worship?
Hislop and Chick argue that the wafers of Communion are round, just like the wafers of the sun-worshippers of Baal. They don’t bother to mention that the wafers used by the same pagans were also ovals, triangles, some with the edges folded over, or shaped like leaves or animals, etc. The fact that a wafer is round does not make it immoral or pagan, since even the Jews had wafers and cakes offered in the Old Testament (Gen. 18:1-8, Exod. 29:1-2).

Unfortunately for Chick and other Fundamentalists, their arguments backfire. An atheist will take the pagan connection one step further, saying, “Christianity itself is simply a regurgitation of pagan myths: the incarnation of a divinity from a virgin, a venerated mother and child, just like Isis and Osiris, Isa and Iswara, Fortuna and Jupiter, and Semiramis and Tammuz. Beyond this, some pagans had a triune God, and pagan gods were often pictured with wings, as was your God in Psalms 91:4. The flames on the heads of the apostles were also seen as an omen from the gods in Roman poetry and heathen myths long before Pentecost. A rock is struck that brings forth water in the Old Testament . . . just like the pagan goddess Rhea did long before then. Also, Jesus is known as the ‘fish, ’ just like the fish-god Dagon, etc.”

Fortunately, all of the supposed parallels mentioned above self-destruct when examined with any scholarly rigor. If not guilty of historical inaccuracies, they all are guilty of what can be called “pagan influence fallacies.”


Another lie that I can’t stand is that they say Satan is the light bearer when he is the darkest! What he does, is he manifests as light! He is antimatter witches of darkness! So what’s the big deal with him being a light beer or a light bringer? Sorry I’m not spelling this. I’m just reading it out loud because of a wonderful AI. Also, what ever happened to let there be light by God? Exactly! God created light, so what does Satan do? Seeing that he is the light bearer, he’s making everybody think that he’s like the light he said he would be like the most high. He never said he’d replace him now I mean replace him. He knows he can’t replace his daddy.
