Running HALTS Fat Loss | Why?

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Running and fat loss are synonymous and for good reason. We move more, we burn more calories. Let's discuss how fat loss works and how running may actually prevent you from losing the body fat you are after.

Walking and fat loss have not always been associated but more and more I believe this is the key to fat loss. Why walking is better than running for fat loss.

Do you love to run, great! Let's talk about how to make running work for fat loss as well.

Running halts fat loss and why?
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I'm a marathon runner who also strength trains 5 days a week mostly with heavy compound movements. I'm at 8% BF year around. I've also competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions.

The trick is to

- Slow your pace to where you can have a conversation with someone you'd be running with. Typically that would be at 60-70% of your max heart rate
- Slowly build up your mileage week over week. Don't start by running 10 miles one week then jump to 25 miles the next. This will potentially get you injured
- Strength train in addition to running. Your strength training should be the opposite of your runs so i focus on heavy compound movements in the 3-5 rep range. The additional strength work i do is unilateral.
- Take your rest and recovery days seriously.


I've been pretty consistent on my treadmill walk every evening for an hour since the 14th of Feb, at 3.5-4.0 incline at 3.5 speed, I don't stop till I see the " calories burned" at 500 (I know it's not accurate the calories burned on the treadmill, but I use it more as a guide) so far I've been noticing differences in pant size and abs are starting to show, thanks for the great content Paul! 👍🏽


I agree with you here Paul. However, nothing gets me that post-workout "high" as much as a 5k run does.


Overcome the adaptations in running by not running the same pace, distance, and route over and over. I change up my neighborhood routes, sometimes I run at the track. Each week, I do a couple short, easy runs; one speed session at the track; every other week I do a hill repeats session alternating that with a fartlek or a tempo run; and on Sundays I do a slow (conversational pace) long run.
I always walk after my runs, usually a brisk mile, and stretch.

I’ve been very successful at losing fat with a combination of runs and walking…and - of course - strength training & a solid nutrition plan.


Yes, I can confirm, that walking (doing it for a year now) works perfectly and you are not so hungry or tired as after jogging. Was great tip some time ago. Thanx Paul.


No complaints from me. You and Mario Tomic are the reasons why I centered incline treadmill in my daily routine. I have not been this consistent with weight loss since ever, I can see myself doing this for years. 30 pounds down since 12/25, and going!


Paul, this is one of the best pieces of advice you gave me. I used to think cardio killed my gains, and never did it. This made cutting weight very hard, and I had to go into unsustainable calorie deficits. I walk 10, 000 steps minimum every day, mostly on incline treadmill. My maintenance calories shot up significantly, and now if I want to cut, it’s not as miserable.


Wow, I absolutely, 100% agree… When I run, I can’t stop eating and I’m currently injured lol so I’ve been walking quite a bit and rollerblading for my cardio… I, too, experienced the dizzy effect of having a low resting heart rate… So spot on


You're the best! I have been walking, scrapped the running and I have noticed a difference!!!! Whoo hoo! I am so delighted! Lots of happy thoughts to you Paul Revelia!! Thank You!! Years! Years of discouraging results along with frustration! To now--- being this simple! So Awesome!!!


I love the fact you mentioned “body’s are not static”, and facts regarding adaptation and “resting heart rate”


I try to do both consistently. The main thing, imo, one should focus on if you're doing cardio to burn body fat is being in an aerobic heart rate. Most people can't jog and stay in that zone so that's why walking is better specifically for body fat loss. But if you can keep an aerobic heart rate while jogging, it's really beneficial to do them both periodically.


I usually run 3 miles in the morning and walk 1.5 in the evening. If any lower body injury occurs it’s hard to get your cardio from high volume high rep upper body exercises. Adapt and overcome is the name of the game. Great advice Paul. 🙏


I never run for cardio, especially during a cut. My go to forms of cardio for cutting would be boxing 🥊 and stair climber. Jump rope would be my 3rd option.


I've been telling people this for years while sharing advice. Actually it's the 1st rule I give people who are trying to lose fat. Learned this from the Great Wahday!


Keep evolving and adjusting- if you've reached an ideal wt. and want more lean, adjust to higher intensity.. as a 5min- mile runner this man has covered all corners of this situation- for example I am a fast distance runner, yet i adjusted comfortably over time- prolonging in bad eating habits- how did I adjust? alternating my intensity through innovating sets, sprints and distance that fit my Next LvL goal- paired with balancing intake of nutrient on all levels- love the channel bro keep it up!


Paul, I love your content! Your willingness to share your knowledge is incredible and appreciated. Can’t wait to see your new space!


8:31: Olympic athletes have been known to have pulse rates as low as 30 bpm. As the body becomes more efficient at performing a physical task there will be an increase in the amount of blood pumped out per contraction to compensate for the reduction in the pulse rate. Thus the amount of blood being supplied to tissues doesn’t drop because of the reduced heart rate. All this is with respect to a healthy individual. I always have a drop in my resting pulse rate as my fitness improves (presently 48 - 50 bpm). I loved running but haven’t done so for over 13 years. I’m 57 and in my best shape ever doing mainly resistance training. Thanks for the video.


Great content as usual, what I do miss is when you talk about running vs walking is the recovery since running / hiit cardio takes more toll on the body than walking. When you combine running/walking with weighttraining I think the recoverytime / rest is also something to keep in mind asfor which type of cardio is best suited for your goal


@Paul Revelia. Your thoughts on walking has helped me big time. It definitely does not invoke hunger as much as running. So with walking I have definitely been able to manage my appetite better than when I was running, hence consuming lower overall calories during fat burning phases.


Hey Paul, i really enjoy switching it up with the cardio. I put my son in the jogger and either go jogging or rucking. I started my weight loss journey a year ago. Started at 333 and now we are down to 230 with a goal of 190. Love the videos, thank you for what you do 👍
