Most Emotional Fallen Soldiers Coming Home

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In the tales of valiant heroes who stood unwavering for our freedom, there exists a chapter both courageous and somber. These heroes, our soldiers, courageously embraced significant risks akin to real-life superheroes in their quest to safeguard us. However, there are moments, in the line of duty, when they do not return home. In those instances, the families left behind grapple with profound sorrow.
Consider family life as an intricate puzzle where each individual is a uniquely fitting piece. When a soldier doesn't return, it's akin to losing one of these integral puzzle pieces. An irreplaceable void is left behind, and no other piece can fill that space.

#soldiers #fallen #soldier
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As a British Veteran I salute my overseas brothers and sisters and their sacrifice. Bless you all and the families who have lost a loved one in the name of freedom.


I've served 15 years in Afghanistan and the army and I've had 3 friends die in my arms. I really with these poor families well and I salute to them fallen heroes.


when I turn 18, I'm sacrificing everything just to make sure the people behind me can enjoy the freedom, the people beside me are safe, and the life in front of the nation can enjoy the freedom we've always had. Rest in Piece to all the soldiers who didn't get the chance to enjoy the future of the country, as their life was cut short. May all of them enjoy the life of eternal freedom in heaven.


You see the mothers and fathers there and it makes you realize these were their babies they watched them learn to walk to talk all the things that goes into growing then they see them sacrifice their lives for their country. War is a horrible thing


I was serving in the Navy and i was assigned to funeral detail. I didn’t wanna do it but my training told i had to. I was in several funerals and it was hard at 1st hold my emotions back but i learned how. After several services my wife noticed that i became kind a stone cold. She said, i had ice water in my veins. She was worried about this duty aggravating my PTSD from previous deployments. Now that im not serving anymore i still can see the families faces and expressions in my head. Of the duties i ever done in uniform is this one. RIP my fellow heroes.


No one or group will ever diminish the respect we uphold for our Country, too much sacrifice and so many have served to preserve our democracy. No amount of hate and division will ever break America!!!


Soldiers never get a second chance of returning home, but have a safe place known as heaven. Stay safe brave soldiers, thank you for sacrificing your lives to serve our Country. All soldiers should remain brave and strong in America.🇺🇸✝️😇🥺🙏🎖️🪖


I was in the base Honor Guard in the Air Force. I couldn't shed a tear or show any emotion.
But at 64 years old I finally can. Crying so hard.


These wars have taken so many of our beautiful young men and women. God Bless them all. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. B.J. You will never be forgotten ever.


THIS makes me mad that SO many come and try and change go folks lets get our morals back for these fallen people


Yesterday I saw "the Outpost". I thought this things really happened and happen every day but we, civilians, don't know. We are permitted to live our lives without thinking about war. About sacrifice. They permit US to live our Freedom. Thank you. Proud of you. Sempre Fi!


"We sent our bravest led by the unqualified to do the impossible and die for the ungrateful."
Thank you for your service and your sacrifice 🙏 😔


Deram a vida para que possamos ter as nossas, obrigado em nome de todos que querem a liberdade!


I fought from 2003-2006. Iraq then Afghanistan. Ive lost 23 brothers and sisters. Never will I understand. Never will I forget. Top once told me, "tomorrow is yesterdays future". Those of us who are still here are their future.


I served in the United States Army for three years and was hurt and forced out. I never thought I’d have to leave my Army or Military family and the day I was discharged I cried because I didn’t want to leave my post. I have been to so many different Military funerals and at the same exact moment every single time I fell apart in someone else’s arms, and that being when they fired the twenty one gun salute. I have watched my Commander hand a folded flag of the love of my life, my best friend, my wife in my heart and the best woman I’ve ever known was laid to rest. We have a now 27 year old daughter who is married and in medical school but every single year on her birthday and the day she was laid to rest myself, my daughter in law and daughter meet at her grave and we spend an entire day remembering, loving and grieving for our loss. God Bless all my family members in US Military uniform and to the ones who we’ve lost I’ll see you soon


Thank you All👏👏👏Living, Passed On and the Unknowns. Again Thank you All for your Sacrifice👏👏👏


Thank you for your service and sacrifice for me and my fellow Americans.

And to the families thank you for your sacrifice


This breaks my heart for each one and their families and friends. Thank you for your service and sacrifices. God bless.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


"I don't want to die for you but, if dying's calling me, I'll bare that cost with honor because freedom isn't free." Many God love and keep our heroes and comfort their families. PS. Good rest Toby Keith, the Father needed another choir singer. Toby, tell Whittney, we still miss her too.


This makes me my dad more.
He was a WWII vet. I love you dad.
