How To Build Closer Friendships

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It can be hard to build close friendships as an adult - especially if you’ve moved to a new city, outgrown your current friends or are entering into a new stage in life and want to find other people who you have more in common with.

But like anything, building something strong can take time and effort - and even though it can seem overwhelming at times, as social beings we need good friends to be happy, so it’s worth it.

Part of how to make friends involves being intentional about how to be a good friend and in today’s episode of Good for Me TV, we’re going to talk about both.



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What are 3 of the qualities you appreciate in a friend?


I can tell you would be a good friend. You have a very sweet and gentle spirit.


Making friends is a great struggle for me too. Thank you for talking about it.


I've always been the flakey friend who doesn't initiate contact as often. I feel like I've been a very self-centered asshole for a very long time. I don't have very many friends now... and it's my own damn fault. Friends aren't going to stick around if you aren't willing to put in the effort to show them they are important to you. Hard realization for me to swallow, glad I finally figured it out. Better late than never? These videos are slowly changing my life. Thank you.💓


It is hard to find friends that you connect with...but SO worth it.


I shared this to my Facebook feed. I know very few people who don't struggle with this. One tip I learned is if you want a friend, be a friend.


For me trustworthy, genuine, wide variety of interest, not superficial, not overwhelming me with one and the same problems over and over again.
I'm happy to have found 2 really good friends. They are just like me, just human, but we can laugh about our own stupidity. We can be serious about stuff that matters and always be there to have an open hart.
It took some years but it's worthwhile to put effort in a steady friendship.


In major cities, here are some reasons it is hard to make friends:
1) People are suspicious and defensive
2) They tend to be more transient
3) Busy lives = little time
4) Many seem to be here for the purposes of self-promotion, not personal connection
5) Habits and routines

...I could go on, but the point is it can be extremely difficult. I'm trying Meet-Up groups, I have tried years of other activities including church, and I'm very self-aware and very good with people. But it is still incredibly, unbelievably difficult.


You’re so right . as a single woman, I was very upset when a lot of the men in my family passed away, so I wanted to make some male friends and my therapist suggested meet up. now I go to a lot of meet up activities mainly karaoke.

I listen to the blues I go to open mic night and I go to Comedy. I also took a comedy class in stand up . I have been doing it for about a year and a half. I have a lot of male friends now. I am much happier now. than I was before and only that first karaoke song was difficult. Plus there’s something to do almost every night of the week! Thank you for your advice I love the sound of your voice . It is very pleasant. 😊❤️👍🏼🌈


Thank you for this video!! Trying to make friends can be hard especially when you are working on improving your mental health. I feel more ready to be open to friendships and start small. I love your videos! You have a great ability to connect with people. The way you give advice with personal experience and psychology is extremely helpful. You make me feel more empowered and give me tools to be a happier me. 😊 Before this, I was having a really hard time thinking making meaningful friendships just wasn't something I am capable of doing right now.


"If you struggle to make friends as an adult you are NOT alone"
Uhhh.... I am alone, that's why I'm here LOL!


I shared this with a friend of mine. Neither of us were taught how to have a healthy relationship of any kind. I have been sharing other videos from your channel with her, too. I think that we are learning together. Your videos and really helping me.


1.Meet new people in community and share interest
2.Show interest in people
3.Going to events and workshops to find similar ppl
4.Having do nothing friends
5.Strike up conversation with ppl
6. Let yourself be open to new experience
7. Try new things
8. Be patient
9. Not worry about much fitting in ( be yourself)
10. Be comfortable - Did it feel good or not
11. Donot take it personally


As a kid I was bullied and beaten up by others some of whom I thought were friends. So all through life I have had a hard time making friends. Thank you Julia for this great advice. I have just started a new relationship and it is amazing how that pushes back all the fear. I am going to open myself up and believe in myself. Thank you, your channel is fantastic


I'm so blessed. I have a group of friends that I have been close and connected with since I have been 2. I'm 61. As an adult, have not found the same connections. I have good acquaintances as an adult, but not the same level of friendship. I moved to a city where people are so transient. Miss my hometown.


Your channel is helpful in so many ways! I find that maintaining friendships is also hard because work and family life can keep you so busy. But those were great ideas on how to connect with people.


Very insightful. I am a senior lady and no one is friendly. I live on Vancouver Island. Everyone seems to be so fussy about friendship.


Get out of my head I just moved to a small town a few days ago. I’m a small business owner so I went to the chamber of commerce today. From there I met people who invited me to other things like the the Rotary club. They also let me know of other people
I should meet and connect with. I was also thinking about taking a cooking class at the local community college. 😆


I'm recently disabled and my body abled friendships have just gone away because I'm not fun anymore. I'm extremely lonely and confused that I've become so disposable.


Hi Julia, it's Alicia commenting on your video on friendships. As I watched your video, I struggle with making new friends, but I still enjoy what you go into detail about your personal story.
