Marilyn Monroe’s ‘JFK’ Dress Aired Out by Kim Kardashian

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Kim Kardashian wore perhaps the most famous dress ever to hit the red carpet of the Met Gala. The reality star sported an outfit made famous by Marilyn Monroe. Monroe was wearing the iconic dress when she breathily sang “Happy Birthday” to then-President John F. Kennedy in 1962. The dress is owned by Ripley’s Believe It or Not, which granted Kim permission to wear it. She had to undertake a workout routine to fit into the garment.
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I can't believe she was allowed to wear this dress, I'm honestly shocked.


"Believe it or not, they actually agreed to let Kim wear it"
Translation: Kim gave the museum a huge donation to be able to wear that dress in return


No one will ever wear it like Marilyn. Punto final!


The thing is, she doesn’t even look incredible. The allure of this dress was that Marilyn looked nude while covered in crystals. It was dyed specifically the match her skin tone, you could see the natural curves of her body and her real breast outline. With Kim, she’s stuffed herself into shape wear, is swearing spray tan so it doesn’t match her skin tone at all and slicked her hair back that also doesn’t fit her skin tone. Disrespect aside, all this little stunt did was showcase both Kim’s narcissism and her unnatural body.


To me, this is like spitting on Marilyn’s legacy! This dress is more then a dress worn buy a beautiful blond. It’s literally a piece of history. And to be worn by trash?! 🤯 😡
Her sweat and skins cells have now tainted the dress.


It's not appropriate for a historical artifact to be flaunted around. This dress isn't just a dress Marilyn wore, it's part of history.... This is so unbelievably disrespectful to Marilyn, she should've been the only one to wear it.
Edit: Marilyn also asked that this dress not be worn by anyone else, so this is 100% disrespecting her wishes.


She’s only wearing that dress cause she’s rich and famous. They would never allow the average person to wear Marilyn Monroe’s iconic dress.


No comparison. Marilyn Monroe was in a league of her own with her beauty, talent, intelligence and kindness.


It’s upsetting to me how they just blew off Marilyn’s wishes and let Kim wear the dress in exchange for a huge donation. Also if Kim was “respecting the dress” like she said she was, she wouldn’t have worn it in the first place.


They stated that Kim is: 5'2 38- 27-42 Marilyn was 5'5 36-24 -34 and the dress was literally sewn skin tight on Marilyn. How do Kim get her hips down to 34? You can't, the dress is not zipped up completely for Kim that is why she is wearing that white jacket to hide it. Kim gets her five minutes of fame wearing Marilyn's dress and quickly changes into the replica one at the Met. Suddenly, no longer needs the white jacket.


this is so disrespectful to Marilyn's legacy and just weird and it makes the dress's history ruined


It irritates me that she was even allowed to do this. Marilyn is a national treasure. KK will never be on her level


Marilyn was also an intelligent woman and cared about her ability and performance as an actress. Kim is disrespecting Marilyn's memory if she thinks she's on the same level as her


Kim can never outshine Marilyn's elegance


Marilyn looked absolutely stunning in the dress. The dress significantly depreciated in value after Kim wore it. The dress looked like it came from Fashion Nova on Kim's body and her reputation doesn't help it.


Marilyn looks and will always look 100x better in that dress period!


Real celebrities, real icons in Hollywood … wouldn’t dare touch such a piece of history, out of respect! That was Marilyn’s dress, the one and only Marilyn Monroe! She was a true lady, a class act and is loved by so many. Marilyn’s dress should NEVER have been touched, and especially not altered! This act on KK part, is appalling and disgusting!!!


That’s like letting someone paint something new on the Mona Lisa. When you’re rich and famous you can do anything.


This is stain on history that will never be made up for. One of the most naturally beautiful women in history now has her dress worn by the single most fake woman in history. Overall, it's a stunning dress no matter which mannequin is wearing it.


“Making sure the dress wasn’t damaged” the whole time the dress was being worn, it was being damaged. Even being on display, the garment is being destroyed by gravity. For any kind of give, there has to be some pull. So saying that it wasn’t damaged, is a complete lie.
