Met Gala: Kim Kardashian Wears Marilyn Monroe's $4.8 MILLION Dress | NBC New York

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Kim Kardashian’s 2022 Met Gala look was a part of history—the dress was once warn by Marilyn Monroe when she sang “Happy Birthday” to JFK. The dress is now worth $4.8 million and is reported to be the most expensive dress in the world.
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Wow. The irony. One of the most iconic bombshell dresses in Hollywood history just made Kim Kardashian look plain. That dress is faithful to its original owner.


Living proof the woman makes the dress and not the other way around. Marilyn Monroe was a knock out in this dress. Kim got the dress and looks 'blah' in it. Proof you can't buy style, class or the 'wow' factor - no matter how much money you have...


Kim devalued the dress. Marilyn Monroe was a true ICON. Not a reality personality famous for her tape and materialistic and Self absorb brand.


This is a disgrace.
This dress should have remained in the case in the museum.
Shame on Ripleys for this decision.


No one should ever been allowed to wear that dress, after Marilyn Monroe.


She could have worn any dress, I am sure in anything she looks gorgeous, why she wanted this one...for the attention and love Marlyn got. She got love and admiration due to her sweet and genuine loving heart, she simply was unique and no one can ever equal her...Love is not to buy with money


Everyone involved in having Kim wearing the original dress, should be ashamed of themselves for it is part of History. Just because you may have the bling doesn't mean you get to wear the original bling.


A sad day for anyone who cares about preserving fashion history.


Historical pieces belong in museums and attended to by professionals. No matter how meticulously they worked, this has still damaged the dress by exposing it to unnecessary handling.

She had the replica. Should've worn only that and she would deserve no backlash.


Why on earth is Kim wearing this dress, to begin with? That was a disgrace. The dress should never have been worn by anyone other than Marilyn Monroe. And historians are correct, it was putting this iconic dress at a huge risk. Is Kardashian still yet trying to stand out in public? Again? More attention? Honestly, I don't know about anyone else, but I am tired of the Kim Kardashian circus. The dress should go back into the museum never to be taken out again. It looked awful on Kim anyway. Marilyn was the only one who could pull off wearing this dress with class, elegance, style and look absolutely gorgeous. No one else. This should never have been an option for Kim.


She owns a replica…she could’ve have simply worn that. People need to understand that this dress is a literal piece of HISTORY and should have stayed preserved. Absolutely disappointed in kim. It’s not about who looks more iconic wearing it..more about the history and value it holds.


Its a peice of history i wish was untouched and left alone. In my opinion, i dont think she should be wearing it... its Marilyn's not kims... doesnt sit well with me


This dress is a piece of history, not a costume. She was more than a symbol of attraction, she was also a symbol of a trapped woman.


I can't believe kim k talked ripley's into letting her wear the most iconic dress. It was iconic for a reason and bc marilyn monroe was the last person to wear the dress. That's why it was so valuable. Now the whole dress has a diff meaning.


Kim Kardashian might have worn that "ICONIC DRESS". But too bad for her because she didn't even look an iota like Marilyn Monroe. Nobody in this 🌎looks as "GORGEOUS" as Marilyn Monroe.
I don't understand why that crowd of people was making all that hoopla about that "COPYCAT?"... Why did Kim Kardashian wear such a rare dress, and not be able to walk in it or even breathe?... What kind of history are you talking about?.
Yes, it was a historic moment when ⭐Marilyn Monroe⭐ sang "Happy Birthday Mr. President"
Peter Lawford: "Mr. President"... "The late Marilyn Monroe" It's "Spooky" hearing those words, and how true they were... Marilyn Monroe died 3 months later after "Happy Birthday, Mr. President"
The dress originally cost $12, 000. It was so tight that Marilyn Monroe had to be sewn into it... "Purr"...


Sorry this dress was not for Kim. She did not do justice or had that impact like Maralyn did when she wore it.


This dress is a piece of history it should have never been worn. This is total disrespect to Marilyn.


Marilyn, queen of icons, sorry for this sacrilege.


lady gaga would be a better Marilyn Monroe i dont even know why they put kim in this icon dress


She should of just wore a replica. This dress belongs in a museum. It's tasteless because Marilyn couldn't give permission for it to be worn, because she's dead. Kim literally borrowed a dead woman's dress. Wearing a 60 year old dress will stretch it out and distort the fabric. What a shameless publicity stunt. She should have known many die hard Marilyn fans would be upset.
