Kim Wore Marilyn Monroe's Dress And This Is Why It's Not Okay.

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Whether you agree or disagree, care about history or not, think its just a dress or a valuable representation of women's history, I think personally it was not okay and here's my take on why.


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Also forgot to discuss that Marilyn Monroe herself said she wanted this dress to be “historical” and “only a dress Marilyn Monroe could wear” [see newest tiktok for the article] soooo the dead’s wishes should have also been respected!


Someone on twitter summed it up perfectly by pointing out that not only was Marilyn Monroe the victim of exploitation whilst she was alive and that exploitation continued even after she died. But that also this dress was hers, it was made especially for her. And for a woman who never was allowed anything for herself, this dress should have remained hers.


I think it would have cool if it was a replica. But the actual dress is insane and disrespectful. Everyone involved should be ashamed.


The fact that Kim wore the actual dress automatically reduces the value of that dress. It had the value of only been worn by Marylin Monroe as the last person but now it's just a second hand dress worn by the worst influencer in the world who profits off of women's and girls insecurities about themselves.


What I find even grosser is Kim being “gifted” a lock of Marilyn Monroe’s HAIR…….. 😳


The irony isn't lost on me that she ruined an iconic piece of fashion history while attending a major event to do with the
preservation of iconic fashion history. This family is deplorable.


Are there no boundaries for rich people?! And there weren’t any reasons for Kim to use the dress either, the theme was the 1800s, and the dress is from the 1960s?


It's insane that so many people were involved in making this happen and no one put a stop to it. Literally makes me furious.


Marilyn could sing beautifully, dance and act and also came from nothing. The Kim Kreature is not even in the same ballpark in terms of talent and iconic uniqueness. The dress didn't even fit the theme lmao God how awkward


When Marilyn wore the dress it screamed her sexuality. When fake Kim forced it, it screamed ‘NO’!, yet she did anyway. We know what that is. It was even shaped like Marilyn. I just love Monroe so much, always have. She came from orphanages and yet made it to iconic stardom.


she made a five million dollar dress look so cheap, i didn’t even recognize it at first… so inconsiderate.


The entitlement that it takes for you to think that you can literally just alter a piece of history is mind boggling. Even from a social aspect, the ego it takes to feel like someone else's legacy is yours is wild.


Despite the fact she is destroying the dress because it wasn't made for her body, it also doesn't fit the theme. The theme was the Gilded Age which was roughly from 1870 to 1900s. I was actually excited to see people's outfits this year because of that theme and so many people blew it. Are they not allowed to look up what the theme means or ask someone for clarification?


I can’t imagine how beautiful Kim would have looked if she got a replica made of the dress that was in her skintone, and did her hair differently. She would’ve looked so pretty and it would’ve been a great tribute to Marilyn. This feels so unnecessary.


People need to stop treating Kim Theftashian as a top tier of humanity


It feels like Kim just always wants to feel like she’s this royal figure entitled to make herself part of history in anyway. Just from other things she’s done in the past. This was indeed such a selfish thing to do. All I can imagine was she made them a high enough offer they couldn’t refuse. Which is ridiculous. The shit ppl choose to throw money at. Not that the dress being shit but just to wear the dress for a night. 🙄


Why would anyone even think of lending this dress off to someone, let alone someone clearly far bigger than Marilyn who had to be sewn into it? Isn't the dress considered a piece of fashion history? Kim mentioned she had to loose 16 lbs to fit in it, why couldn't they have made a replica? (Not to mention it didn't match the theme at all)
I'm fairly certain this was all for media coverage considering she tends to do outrageous things that she knows will bring in alot of critique.

Edit: I had more to say.
The dress was made to be like Marilyn was wearing nothing but diamonds. On Kim it looks like fashion nova, all the full coverage shapewear underneath makes sure there's not even a sliver of skin to be seen, what's the point? I didn't even recognize the dress when I saw it.

Another edit: there was a replica...


This also reminds me of the time she gifted North multiple Michael Jackson items line gloves and his jacket …. Just because she liked his music for a certain time… I think it was her 5th birthday or something😭


It actually makes me physically sick to know what Kim did to this amazing, beautiful piece of history...


My husband was afraid to tell me about it cause he knew I would be so mad!!!! I absolutely love Marilyn....and I despise all of the Kardashians. She made a mockery of that's gross
