Was Nazism Right Wing or Left Wing? An Answer From History

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1 - Prysm of Evaluation

This question is a form of ahistorical syllogism: You'll see several people giving you an answer today in the comments down below. People will not watch this video and they will type either "obviously it was right wing" or "of course it was left wing".

Now there are in my opinion, two major problems here.

1 - They use the American left right dichotomy or political spectrum and they focefully apply it to historical European political regimes an ideologies, hence the first problem is spacial or geographic/cultural in nature.
2 - They use 21st century political spectra and juxtapose them over 20th politics. Thus the second problem is temporal.

The incongruence between modern and 20th-century political definitions within the right-left dichotomy is a complex phenomenon rooted in evolving socio-economic shifting of global dynamics. This discrepancy necessitates a nuanced analysis of the factors contributing to this conceptual divergence.

Within these dynamics the correct and coherent answer is going to be fractal as there is no clean definition overlap. History is a multidimentional phenomenom.

Expecting therefore 21st century American political ideas to overlap neatly and perfectly with 20th century European political factions in order to come out with an aswer is a flawed analytical method.

So the people who are categorically stating "it was left wing" or "it was right wing" are not answering to present a comprehensive analysis of policies, ideologies, historal actions, military conduct, economic, religious and social positions pushed by said regimes, they are just insulting the other side. They are free to do it, but just so we are clear as to what that is.

Make no mistake, Nazi is a slur and so people want to use it to identify and describe their political opponents. That's why it works I will argue as a conduit to the detriment of the way public opinion perceives the other side. In this framework, 'fascism' and 'Hitler' currently have negative valence — they are derogatory, not complimentary. With that established the following coarsely represents the train of thought leading to this usage.

It's a simple process, clearly this doesn't require any deep empirical analysis grounded in historical political science. That's why the media uses this word constantly.

You see once you take that leap then the historical vision will be irreversibly tainted.

The question is flawed to begin with because its basis, namely the expectations and the prism of evaluation are not in alignment. This has rendered the traditional unidimensional political spectrum increasingly inadequate for capturing the complexity of 20th century political parties.

This reflects the evolution in political taxonomy.

First we need to ensure objectivity to our analysis. Focus on: attitudes toward private property, individual freedom, and wealth redistribution if needed even implementing a mathematical apparatus.

Also we should explore the political alligiances and oppositions within the historical frame to correctly define these political regimes. Let's do that. Welcome to our qualitative comparative analysis.

2 - Inconsistent Nomenclature

Some people will use nomenclature as a gotcha moment to place the Nazis within the political spectrum. In other words Nazim stands for National Socialism, so they were socialist, hence left wing.
Nomenclature alone cannot be used as the basis for classification. It's too shallow and unscientific as a parametre. Let me prove it to you. If the name chosen by the party is the basis of the argument, then is the Communist Party in China republican in the American sense? I mean it's the People's Republic of China.
Similarly, is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (aka North Korea) democratic?

In the United States, simple liberalism often means social liberalism and a liberal is a left winger, but in Europe  simple liberalism often means classical liberalism which can be a centre right position, particularly for those right-wing populist movements that may advocate for protectionist economic policies traditionally associated with the left in recent US history, while embracing cultural and social conservatism. Moreover since we are talking about how they named themselves, then note that Hitler himself enied that Nazism was either left-wing or right-wing: instead, they officially portrayed Nazism as a syncretic movement. Yeah let's ditch the name argument shall we.

#history #ww2 #mythbusting
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Yakov Smirnoff said it best. In America, you can go to the White House and say "I don't like Reagan." Soviet Russia has free speech too. You can go to the Kremlin and say "I don't like Reagan."


As far as American politics is concerned the right wants to uphold freedom of speech, gun ownership, a free market, and small government. This doesn't mesh with fascism or nazism.


The oversimplification by pop culture politics of so many issues has been to our international detriment.


As a conservative Republican, there is nothing of Hitler's policies that I would agree with except on the nationalist versus globalist question, I would be a nationalist by default. All of his policies would be to the left of mine.


My politics is slightly left of center. Tried telling someone very far left once that I always found nazi ideology more similar to leftist ideology. They raised their voice and got extremely angry rather than hearing out what I had to say.


It was clearly Reich-wing.

...Ok, I'm sorry, I'll leave quietly now. 🚪


The concept of “left vs right” was popularized by the French, not Americans


I saw a video that explained national socialism: “nationalism without capitalism, and socialism without internationalism.”


"Freedom of speech is the first thing to go"
And that's why I'm so terrified and appalled by the current situation here in the UK.


"A two party system will tear our Nation apart." - George Washington


Were nazis right or left wing?

Ernst Rohm: Yes

Edit: And to those commenting that this is why he got killed, this isn't really true. Rohm led the SA, better known as the Brownshirts, a paramilitary group connected to the NSDAP before it's rise to power. However, it was a separate organization that militantly supported National Socialist ideology. However, after Adolf Hitler was elected and rose to power, Rohm proceeded to claim that the revolution was not yet over, and continued to promote and participate in various levels of street violence. Essentially, as the SA had gone rogue in a since, the members were rounded up (I believe during the night of the long knives) and it's leadership, including Rohm, was executed. First he was locked in a room with a pistol, and when he refused to ride the sewer-slide, two officers mag-dumped him.

The SA was soon replaced by the SS as the NSDAP s militant arm.


Why so glad I found your channel - love the fair and balanced views of these complex and often controversial topics. You have a new lifetime follower!


Hell, the American model of left v right rarely works in AMERICA.
People are not so simple.


Ironically, it's the words of a comedian that most correctly define the intent of our country's founders. "In America, we have the first amendment. We have the second amendment just in case the first one doesn't work out." Dave Chapelle


Perhaps the most accurate way to describe Hitler, Mussolini, etc... would be "Alt-Left". Both Hitler and Mussolini came out of their respective countries Trade Union Movements (known in Germany as Syndicalism). Like Marx & Stalin they were both both big-government Collectivists. However, Hitler considered his brand of socialism superior to that of Marxist-Leninist Socialism in that National Socialism built it's collectivism around Race first and Class second, whereas Marx & Co.'s collectivism prioritised class over all else.

In short, National Socialism was an ALTERNATIVE to International Socialism. Hence Alt-Left.


Just recently the doubt about the "socialism" in national socialism had arisen to me and then I found your video. Thanks to it my doubt has been cleared and my knowledge expanded. Thank you very much for your work and information 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


How can you say the Nazis would be opposed to identity politics when Identity was central to Nazi politics. Think: Who is Aryan, The degree to which one had any Jewish ancestors, Persecution of Jews Slavs Roma and so on.


My initial takeaway from this video is that, throughout recent history, the people fighting against freedom of speech and private property rights are NEVER the good guys.


Pervasive American historio-cultural dynamics are deeply skewing the understanding of a lot of history, culture, and politics.
