If You SUDDENLY Have a DREAM About Someone, God Is Saying . . .

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God bless,
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I began praying about this girl I really want to be with and I had a dream where I literally heard “He that finds a wife, finds a good thing” Proverbs 18:22. I don’t know if this is a sign from God or not. Please pray for me.


God has used dreams in the way he talks to me for over a decade, he sends me warnings as well as insight to others through this gift. I believe we all have spiritual gifts and we shouldn’t put a limit on God because he had given us his word...


I've noticed that every time I cry out to God about an issue or ask questions about something, he always answers me through dreams. Like ALWAYS ❤️ and they are always vivid and I always know what they mean or what he is saying about the situation


THIS IS SO TIMELY, IT'S CREEPY. I just dreamt about someone, A COWORKER, and I wasn't praying about him at all. But I feel God is trying to tell me to pray for him. Doesn't have to be for a relationship, but maybe for his salvation. Thanks for this. :)


This was very helpful. Now that I watched this I realized that I was letting my heart rule my mind I'm going to let God take care of it. If he wants me with someone he will let me know, and I think it would be in a way I can understand it. Thank you and God bless.


"In the those days, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions." Joel 2:28


I literally had a dream about someone last night and when I woke up this morning I asked God why did I have that dream and then I just released it and let it go and then I see this video that was just posted a few hours ago!!! That is crazy! If you’re reading this please pray for me, I’m in a real weird season of my life and I need discipline and guidance.
Feel free to comment any prayer needs you might have and I’ll pray for you too.


For me personally, I have to be careful with dreams in general. I have recently been having dreams about things that have actually come true in real life. Therefore, I have to proceed with caution and remain humble regarding my dreams.


I've had a dream where God told me to let her go. I'd been clinging to it and it was long over. Now I don't think of her except when praying for her and her family.


It depends on what type of dreams it is, and who the person is that is having dreams. Yes. All of us can have dreams that are inspired by our own thoughts, feelings, and waking desires. When I have certain dreams, I feel as though I know they was just some random dream that don't really mean much of anything. Some dreams I sense and feel was sent from the enemy, and most of the dreams I have I know the Lord be trying to tell or show me something. It could be in regards to something that is going to take place in the near future.


Commit your ways into the hands for the Lord and he will direct your path. Commit your relationships into the hands of God and God will reveal things you never would have known. God bless you all. Amen


You had me until you said most dreams don’t mean anything... Job 33:14-18! Dreams are very much important. Created only by our one true God and they mean so much that the enemy tries to steal, kill and destroy us through them.


I think that biblical friendships are important. I think one way to know for sure if someone likes you is that you spend more time with them. But today I woke up thinking about how grateful I am for biblical sisterhood! While you're waiting, hang out with brothers and sisters in Christ


Mark must be Holy Spirit led considering how his videos come out when we're facing the problems he talks about


I also believe that dreams are huge battleground for your emotions to be messed with, or manipulated. For instance, if you have a girlfriend or new wife, but you have dreams about your exes. Or things in the past in general, then it has a pull on your emotions.


The best reaction when you dream of someone is to pray for them. Sometimes dreams are also influenced by:
- the desires of our own hearts
- subconscious/passive thought after recently meeting them
- a friend mentioning about them
- communicating with them

If it's God telling you to think about someone, it will be purposeful and it will be beneficial for growth.


One of the strongest ways God speaks to me is through our dreams. When I say our I mean between God & I. He also speaks to me in patterns of 3


If you keep a dream journal by the side of your bed and write them down regularly, you start to become good at interpreting them. I always ask God for an interpretation anyway, but since doing this I've had dreams that have really helped me understand what's going on. I don't think dreams are given much weight in society today. I highly encourage writing them down. You'll know which ones God is speaking through the more you keep a journal. I love all the dream stories in the comments.


If you know it's never gonna happen with this person, your dreams don't matter. And then you're stuck trying not to think about this person 😰


I had a dream of a former lover, he was getting married but chose me over the bride to be. Two days later he reached out to me I like him a lot.
