Choosing a Bible Translation

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There are so many translations of the Bible, but which one is best? Check out our latest Bible Basics video to understand how to approach choosing a translation.

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Most importantly before you read, pray for the holy spirit, and let it guide you and help you to understand 💯


The further I walk in my faith I am finding that the best Bible translation - is the one you read regularly and deeply.


Dear Bible Project team,
I have been a Christian for 23 years. I know the NT well. But the OT I knew in bits and pieces. In childhood, I learnt stories of Adam & Eve, Israelites' exodus, David & other main stories. But I never saw the binding link between all the books of the OT. I never saw the overall storyline. I just thought of it as collection of stories. I'm unable to express how happy I am to now know that the whole OT is one unified story & all the books complete each other. Thank you so much for this revelation through your efforts. God bless you all abundantly. 😃


Hey guys. How about a video series dedicated to how specific translations came about. Many terms are tossed around these days with little explanation.

IE: Hebrew Masoretic, Greek Septuagiant, Latin Vulgate, Textus Receptus, Deadsea scrolls

Having a better understanding of where the translation came from and what texts where used would help people find a good translation.


Another thing that’s really great if y’all ever get the chance is take courses in biblical Greek and Hebrew :) there a lot of great translations but nothing compares to the richness of the original languages. Learning Hebrew especially was such a blessing to me and added so much beauty and meaning to what I knew of the Bible before!


“The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home.” -Augustine of Hippo


Started with NIV, Recently moved forward to KJV & now my speech is way more better because of the more complex text in KJV.


Best approach: "try to read as many translations as you can"


Before I moved out on my own to a studio, I was blinded by my sins. Being addicted to pornography was one of them. I always believed in Jesus, but I dont think I was truly born again until about 3 years ago. When I moved out on my own, I found a Bible that I had packed. (My family owned many Bibles, but I never really read the Bible growing up). It was a New Living Translation Bible. I began reading and God really spoke to my heart. He convicted me of my sins and taught me how to have a personal relationship with Him. I developed a more prayerful life and a new desire to read His word. I now have a new desire to follow Jesus and surrender everything to Him. Though I slip into sin, the Holy Spirit guides me to ask for forgiveness and to put my eyes back on Jesus. I believe God used the time I spent alone living in my studio to get to really know Him through His word, and the Bible I read was the New Living Translation....I believe God speaks to people in different ways and not just through only one translation.


Mark 13:31
31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.


KJV in my native language is the best translation for me!! 💕💕💕


HUGE PROPS to the animators of The Bible Project! Your animations compliment the voice over so well, and the small sounds are a wonderful touch to the video as well. Amazing job all around 👏🏼


I like the chapter headings in the NKJV - helpful for understanding passage subject matter


Great video!! I personally like the NKJV the most! Always remember the Holy Spirit teaches you and guides you into all Truth! From what I’ve learned in Bible College, it’s best to primarily read a word for word translation like the NKJV/NASB as your foundation of study. Prioritizing accuracy is the most important. And it’s okay to also read another more dynamic/readable translation like the NLT to gain extra insight. But reading those dynamic translations like the NLT should be secondary and always compared to the Word for Word translations. And remember the Holy Spirit is your teacher and guides you into all Truth! As you read He will teach you and so it’s definitely exciting!


If you're going to street preach/witness, you should memorize Scripture from just one version. That way you're not stumbling over your words. For example, if you're a singer, you would memorize one version of the song you're singing. If the song was recorded 100's of times by different artists, each changing the words a little different, that could cause confusion. Again, this is only for witnessing, not studying. When quoting a verse to a sinner, you want to have the answer of the Hope that is in you word for word


I love the Expanded Bible (EXB) translation! It offers several variations of words & phrases in brackets along with notes for clarity when needed (references to ancient cultural practices, cross references, etc.).

Example: Ephesians 5:25–26 Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her 26 to ·make her holy [sanctify her], cleansing her in the washing of water by the word [Cthe “washing” may refer to (1) baptism; (2) spiritual cleansing (Titus 3:5); or (3) an analogy drawn from the Jewish prenuptial bath (Ezek. 16:8–14); the “word” may be (1) the Gospel; (2) a baptismal formula, or (3) the confession of the one baptized].

Of all the versions I've tried EXB helped my understanding the best!


I always read the kjv version, for some reason I just like it better.🤷‍♀️


Which translation should you read?

Well, in short, YES


When you have a question about a word, search for its root in Hebrew.
Cross-reference will bring added understanding. Start with the rule of first mention. Precept by Precept.
