Все публикации

Why Does Jesus Pray About Bread?

Can We Enter God’s Kingdom Now?

How Jesus Taught His Followers to Pray (and What to Pray About)

The Hebrew word “he'imin” means to consider someone trustworthy or to trust.

Tim and Jon discuss divine violence in the Hebrew Bible.

Instead of Giving a Rule About Prayer, Jesus Offers This Wisdom

How can we make sure our generosity is done out of love?

Teleios = something that has fulfilled its purpose💫

Why Jesus Suggested Giving, Praying, and Fasting PRIVATELY

Jesus exposes injustice through generosity in this shocking teaching. 🧥👕

How does Jesus unpack an ancient law of retaliation and take its wisdom to a new level? 👁️ 🦷

Why Say “Kingdom of the Skies” Instead of “Kingdom of Heaven?” ☁️

New Ezekiel class

What does avoiding oaths have to do with peacemaking? ✋

How Does God’s Spirit at Pentecost Offer Us Hope?

“Conflict in Relationships Is Unavoidable” • Jesus Offers Wisdom for Seeking Peace

Ruakh = God's personal presence or Spirit

Why Does Jesus Compare Name-Calling to Murder?


Where Does the Word “Righteousness” Come From?

What happens when humans choose to redefine good and evil by their own terms? 💔

God Is a Generous Host

How does Jesus define power? 💪

Jesus’ compassion moves him to enter into death itself to rescue us and bring us near to God.