Learning to cope with post viral fatigue

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Some people recover quickly from viral infections, others suffer significant fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms. Here are some strategies to help you recover. Please add any constructive suggestions you have.
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I had covid late March. I was ill for ten weeks but then felt 95% back to normal. After about 12 weeks I started exercising again and felt stronger than ever, which was weird. I started exercising daily and the illness came back. Not just fatigue but chest infected, over heating in the night. It's 4 months now and I feel I'm recovering again as I can sleep properly once more. My advice, don't start exercising too much. Keep it to walking and yoga for several months. I'm 48, fit and other wise healthy.


My advice is 'always do something you enjoy' - every day. positive emotions, they might grant you a little bit more energy than you otherwise might have.


I’d just like to say thank you for taking the time to share your video. After having a day from what I can only describe as hell with my breathing and fatigue, watching your video, hearing your calm voice has suddenly made me see things in a new light. I’ve always had the attitude of not stressing over things we can’t control, although six weeks into having tested positive for covid has left me even doubting my sanity and worrying about the smallest of things. In time hopefully I will beat these horrid after effects of covid, I just have to learn to adapt to the new me for now. Be kinder to my mind and body. Rest and use this time to reflect. Heh even “ Alexa” has adapted to my new raspy voice that has the little cough in between asking her to lower the lamp light lol. Partner is not amused as she continues to ignore any request of his.


I think i had covid in early march. Since then ive had severe headaches, heart palpatations, fatigue, itchy feet, nausea. Its scary and theres no help out there. Thanks for this video, it makes my symptoms make sense and ill go easier on myself.


One thing that appears to be offering hope (nurse who sees a lot)...Juicing fresh fruits and veggies a few times a week. I saw someone have a huge positive response as far as the "long covid dementia" confusion completely disappear. Best to wishes to all!


Thank you so much for this video! I’ve been suffering with post viral fatigue and symptoms because of glandular fever I got last July. This video summed up everything I wish someone had told me a long time ago. It was a harsh reality check going from going to the gym everyday to nearly a year of doing nothing everyday but I’m slowly getting there. I’m 21 now and I’m hoping by 22 I can be my full self again!


I viewed this after the Private Eye article (MD has been the most sane reading throughout the Covid crisis) and found it really reassuring. I too had ME 30 years ago and made a lot of false restarts, which might well have been avoided with sensible advice like this. This should be really helpful to the many who will suffer similarly post-Covid.


Thank you for the information. There has been such a paucity of advice from other healthcare professionals - understandably given the circumstances - it's really nice to know I'm not just going mad!


Thanks Phil, my sis is a doctor who's suffering this. She's so worried about getting back to training and getting back to normal...6 weeks and counting. She's terrified of it progressing into ME.


Dr. Hammond. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us all. I've been up, and down since March 3rd.

I've read everything I can about this virus, and these "endless" symptoms.

Your's is the first truly constructive advice I've encountered regarding Covid induced post viral fatigue.

It means a lot, and has helped bring me some much needed peace.

Thank you. :)


This is the medical person I trust the most. His articles in Private Eye are required reading, easy to read and understand, and should be used in any case study on Covid 19. He is a great man.


I got Covid in late Jan. It is now late Feb, and I can barely get out of bed. I am just so exhausted and it is very depressing. Happy to hear I'm not the only one dealing with this.


You are like a breath of fresh air. I know I'm doing all of these things but I had a bad respiratory illness a couple of weeks ago and the fatigue is still hanging on. Working on doing what I can, practicing gratitude, and am eating right and doing vitamin supplementation. Used to going for 10-12 hour shifts but I find myself having to sit down after between 5 and 6 hours so I'm doing zoom meetings until everything comes back


Mega dose vitamin d, c, b, multi vitamins and NAC to replace glutathione. I'm back to my spry old self.


Some sensible ideas to help PVF patients find meaning and purpose and to perhaps reduce the likelihood of developing ME.

As someone who developed ME following a viral infection 10 years ago, I was particularly pleased to hear post-exertional malaise (PEM) and pacing mentioned. Had I known about this at the PVF stage of my illness, I might not have gone on to develop ME...

What pacing means will vary with each individual. For me, I find doing roughly 50% less than what I think I can do (which is very little anyway) a good rule of thumb. It's worth remembering that PEM - or a worsening of symptoms - can also be caused by cognitive and emotional activity/exertion. Don't be cajoled into doing more physical exercise just because exercise tends to benefit most other illnesses.

One criticism: while concentrating on managing a chronic illness with lifestyle changes, it's important that this isn't the only thing patients are given. It's vital that biomedical research is conducted into the causes and mechanisms of PVF and ME, and that eventually a cure - or at least effective medical-based treatments - are found. It is not acceptable to leave patients, some of whom have suffered for decades without proper medical support, with only mindfulness and sleep hygiene tips.


Thank you Sir for this lovely chat. Came down with a fever, chills and malaise early March (~3 months ago at time of writing) and have had debilitating fatigue since. On the odd day I'll be feeling a tad better to go for a little walk but it's rare. This has been the most challenging time of my life and have never felt so unwell. I feel for everyone across the Globe who has been affected by this and have so much gratitude for those out there risking their lives to help others in need. Thanks for the tips, I think the community and spiritual side of accepting the things that are out of your control has been very beneficial yet challenging! Much love to you all.


Thank you so much for taking the time! Allot of us needed this


You were one of my 5 portions of fun today Phil, a stimulating one


Cheers, Dr Hammond!

I have ME from a EBV infection in 1993, and now CoViD--induced PVFS. I'm rather hoping they cancel each other out! :)


This video & advice has really helped me during recovery of covid and post viral fatigue . Dr Hammond is a lovely calm person to listen to
