Deconstructing Jordan Peterson on Post-Modernism

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Jordan Peterson has always been famously anti-post-modernist and has made many connections between postmodernism and Marxist tendencies. This channel has always supported the impact of @JordanBPeterson on young men and the self-development, we have also strongly criticised any Marxist, or neo-Marxist teaching. Nevertheless, in our recent philosophy lecture on Post-Modernism, it is blatantly clear that Jordan Peterson isn't exactly correct in his analysis, and this ought to be brought to our attention.
For the full analysis on postmodernism, check the brilliant video made by our dear friend Benjamin Qin:
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Notice: The existence of this short clip out of our longer lecture is due to the success and interest in @CosmicSkeptic 's recent upload on Jordan Peterson. Please check out his most recent video analysing Peterson's views. I believe whether you are a JP fan or someone who disagrees with him, you would have a better understanding of what JP is saying (regardless of whether you agree with Alex's analysis)
#jordanpeterson #philosophy #postmodernism
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Usually when Peterson talks this way, he's framing it around the methods/tools by which neo-marxism is currently affecting the overall culture, and in that regard he is spot on.

E.g. "The scientific method is simply one epistemology, and a tool of white supremacy. There are many other epistemologies that are not colonized"

In the example, an objective truth, in fact THE method of finding objective truth is reframed as just one subjective truth


The only sense in which JPs assertion might be correct is the degree to which Marxism in general is so loosely defined (and indeed, broadly diverse) that it lends itself to whatever cultural framing one likes. In JPs case, some existential dread hang-over from growing up in the cold war, I'd imagine, leads him to project "Marxism" where there actually isn't a great deal of Marxism, at least not wholesale as he presents it. Quite frankly, the world and he both would be better off if he had just stuck to Jungian psychology instead of feeling the need to opine on every conceivable topic regardless of his actual knowledge or expertise. Then again, if I had many millions of reasons to opine on every conceivable topic, I can't say I wouldn't take the gig...
