Is Speaking in Tongues Necessary for Salvation? (Part 1) | Episode 11

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Pentecostals believe and teach that speaking in tongues is the initial sign or evidence that a person has received the gift of the Holy Spirit. But does the Bible support this claim? Furthermore, is the baptism of the Holy Spirit a requirement for salvation?

In this first episode of a two-part series, Dr. Bernard reviews what the Book of Acts has to say about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and he explains why all believers should expect to receive this gift, along with the accompanying sign of speaking in tongues. Next week, Dr. Bernard will continue exploring the biblical accounts of Holy Spirit baptism.

You can listen to the audio version on this episode on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, and other podcast platforms.

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Although speaking in tongues is a gift of the spirit, many people in the New Testament got saved and never spoke in tongues.


I'm so happy and thankful for the truth found in the scriptures that liberates all who believe and obey!


According to Jude 1:20, it is necessary to remain strong in the faith and to endure to the end—-And I would most definitely say that enduring to the end is definitely a salvation issue; Jesus said, “he that endures to the end, the same shall be saved”.


I am from Aizawl, Mizoram;India and I am a member of United Pentecostal Church Mizoram. I really love listening and learning the words/ commands from this man Pastor Bernard. Please continue to preach the true words of God, Please educate us on the truth .


So he never did just say a simple "yes" to the question.

After spending over 30 years in the United Pentecostal Church David Bernard's answer to a simple direct question here was also my experience the majority of times that I remember one of our ministers being asked if tongues was a requirement for salvation.

They were never able to give a straightforward answer and just say "yes".

Why is that?


Based on scripture, I believe that the ultimate evidence of the indwelling Holy Spirit is the fruit of love. Without love we are nothing.


At 4:19 Dr. Bernard mentions "conversion initiation" and then dying (example). Bro. Bernard states, "you would be saved." I agree 100%. He then goes on to describe the lessons learned from Acts 2:38 which includes the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I also agree 100%. I am super happy with Dr. Bernard's insights into salvation. Praise God!


This question plagued me for a long time. I went to a Pentecostal church and answered the altar call. When I got on stage the pastor tried to push me backwards into the waiting arms of the guy behind me. He pushed quite forcefully. There was no doubting his intention. I was supposed to fall backwards.
Later, when I did not start talking in tongues I was told to fake it till I make it! The instructions were something like, "Just make noises and the Lord will take your tongue."

You cannot imagine the distress it caused me when I could not pray in Japanese or Mandarin, Dutch or whatever. Then, on closer listening the other fellows of the church were not speaking a known language but were babbling some incoherent stuff. The explanation for this was that at Pentecost, this one heard it in this language and that one heard it in that language.
_This placed the gift on the ears of the hearer and not the tongue of the talker._
Aargh! More confusion!

Finally I heard Pastor Billy Crone explain that we are given the Holy Spirit on salvation, conversion.
I got a little peace from this but the question still remained. How do I know I have been given the Holy Spirit?
_The only real outward sign of salvation (that I can see) is that when I sin I feel guilty. Things I used to do with impunity now bother me._

To make matters worse I don't belong to a church at present. I would like to, I've prayed to be led to a church, I make the decision to go, then Sunday comes and the firm resolve vanishes. I have no reasonable excuse for not attending church but I can't bring myself to go. Of course, this makes me question my salvation all the more.

I just wish church leaders could have a meeting and agree on a set of criteria for salvation . . .


The answer is no REPENTING of sin and receiving CHRISTS pardon believing in his shed blood on the cross is what is needed for salvation.


Why does it have to be evident to man that a believer has proof they’re saved. Shouldn’t the proof be the fruits of the spirit at work in our lives? Plus other religions around the world speak in tongues. Are they saved because they do it? Or is someone damned because they don’t? This doesn’t seem very effective because it could be counterfeited. Plus after the book of acts demonstrated events that happened when the church was first established, it doesn’t make everything that happened the “normative experience” moving forward. Do you see cloven toungues of fire in your church. How bout acts of miracle like healings at church every Sunday? If so why aren’t you at the hospital everyday?

Paul placed regulations on the church which limited churches from speaking in tongues without an interpreter because it would not be fruitful to the unbeliever. Yet in any Pentecostal church I’ve attended there is no order. It seems very selfish. The entire practice seems super works based. Plus it also sounds like youre synergistically working with God for your salvation as opposed to a gift of grace. Which was justified on Calvary and spoken of
In the past tense every where Paul teaches. I don’t understand how anyone could be in a faith that really believes that our works will save us. Which is what a Pentecostal done. The more they work the more righteous they are. The more they speak in tongues the holier they are. This sound familiar? Faith without works is dead because true faith leads a life of good service. The good works follow faith which is a gift given from God. It’s not a transaction and that is implicit in this doctrine. Talk in tounges, good job you’re saving yourself, come to prayer meeting, good job you’re saving yourself, obey your pastor, good job you’re even more saved now. It’s primed for spiritual abuse and emotional manipulation. If you have ever felt the feeling of being able to boast to other faiths because the holiness confidence your pastor has given you then you are going 100% against Paul’s teachings. You should never be able to be in heaven one day and say “gee you know, I’m sure glad I was wise enough to go to church, I’m sure glad I was smart enough to follow God, good thing I wasn’t an idiot like my neighbor” that’s called boasting and that is taking credit for your own deeds Jesus said they’re as filthy as rags and all fall short of the glory. His mercy and grace saved you. Not a single thing you did on your own.


God is a spirit and we speak unto him in heavenly /holy language! My opinion is YES! We need to transcend the earthly realm!


I don’t know if it has to be a heavenly language or if it’s necessary but I do believe that it’s possible for the Holy Ghost to have a person speak in tongues


And some will still not believe the evidence is tongues... I BELIEVE, thank You Lord Jesus for filling me with the Holy Ghost, Amen. 🙏🙏


Grew up oneness Pentecostal and was in it for 20+ years but where I noticed they may err, is in calling it a heavenly language and most not knowing that the word “unknown” in 1 Corinthians 14 regarding tongues, is a word not in the original Greek. Thus they think because it’s an “unknown” tongue/language that it is a “heavenly” language. I would say it is Heavenly spoke in that the ability is from heaven but they were known languages, yet unknown to the speaker because the speaker hadn’t learned it in the natural manner. They’re languages of man unknown to the speaker. Even look at Acts 2, every man heard them speaking in the language in which they were born! They spoke the languages of man in Acts 2. The speakers however (those in the upper room) did not not the language in the sense of learning it. It has Heavenly/Divinely given. A lot of what is called speaking in tongues today isn’t what is in Acts 2. Whether it was ecstatically spoken meaning in a trancelike state of great rapture or delight, showing or feeling great enthusiasm, I don’t know. It may have, it may not have. But we seem to think that’s the way it’s gotta be. It may not have, but I wouldn’t rule it out but the Bible is silent about. One has to read that into the text of scripture because you can’t say for certain that’s how it is. So much of what is seen in Oneness Pentecostalism or Trinitarian Pentecostalism should at least be questioned and examined in light of Scripture not just experience.


The baptism of holy ghost is the gift of God
When we repent and were baptized
Every believer was filled with the holy ghost and spoke in tongues
We are saved by grace through faith
How will you get into heaven without it
Speaking in tongues under the holy ghost is a confirmation to God
I wanted the holy ghost and i spoke in other tongues
I'm glad i got it
I never ask God why i just praised him he gave it to me


Salvation, justification is immediate, sanctification is a process. You are saved not being saved. You are being sanctified, made more Holy until Glorification, meaning finished by God.


clear and gracious explanation of the matter contained in the question.


Is Dr. K Bernard saying the apostles were not saved until the day of Pentecost????


Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandments.


I haven’t spoken in tongues yet but when I asked if speaking in tongues is a requirement for salvation, I heard that speaking in tongues isn’t a requirement it’s a gift.
