How to Speak Like a Leader

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How to speak like a leader. Leadership communication skills often boil down to four key differences when compared to the average person. FREE 7 Instant Tips for Confident & Composed Public Speaking

How leaders communicate:

1. Leaders speak concisely. They figure out what the heart of their message and leaders talk clearly and concisely. Developing good leadership communication skills means getting right to the point. This is the key to most executive-level communication. Leadership communication skills often boil down to conciseness.

2. Leaders can speak outside of their own area of expertise about the value of other areas of the organization. In contrast, individual contributors often get entrenched in their own personal background of knowledge (e.g., IT, engineering, etc.). Leaders understand and can speak about the value of all of those different areas. This is most noticeable in groups. A key group leadership skill is speaking outside of your expertise background. Good leadership communication skills mean moving beyond self-advocacy and speaking about other areas more fluently.

3. Leaders speak a level above individual team concerns. How leaders communicate differently is also by focusing on the coordination and strategy between and among teams to help groups work toward common goals.

4. Leaders can speak about virtually every task to the overall goals of the business, the overarching priorities of the entire organization. Leaders communicate this way (a) because they think this way, and (b) because their communication matches their priorities. As a result, others hear them and say, "Oh, yeah. That's how we work toward this goal." Again, this often comes out in group settings. When it comes to group leadership skills, good leadership communication skills means reminders about the bigger picture their individual work supports. That's how leaders talk most of the time.

Now you know "how to talk like a leader." Put it into practice right away.

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I want to influence everyone around me with my speech. This is my dream skill. And you are the master of public speaking.


0:23 Leaders communicate differently
0:33 Concise statements
1:09 Can speak outside of own expertise
2:07 Can speak above individual departmental priorities
3:17 Can connect it all to the “Business”


I like the point of leaders speak in terms of big picture, the broader goal of the organization. Thanks Alex. God Bless


Just found your channel and I'm humbled at how much effort and quality have gone into your video productions. I'm now taking exec/leadership seriously as I want to unlock the next level of my career - I hope to do this with your videos as a guide because I love love everything!


I want to run for Congress when I'm older, and this really helped!Thank you!


This intro with the lion sound is so much cooler :) I dont understand why you got rid of it!


Can you do a video about being a leader of an non-profit group where the members are volunteers. How do you engage them and let them be motivated when they lack it?


Nice points made and I would add that the presentation of leadership is dependent upon the breadth of the knowledge of the dynamics involved in achieving the objective(s) desired. And that is what I believe describes CONFIDENCE that engenders the degree of support that can attain the impossible.


Best leadership summary I have ever explained 👍


I really enjoy your videos about leadership, so much that I've taken the step to enroll in 3 of your courses online. I'm beginning to take charge of my career and take some personal training courses to build my communication skills. You're videos are very valuable to me. Awesome job Alex!


Brilliant stuff. A compliment that I have a note to self to speak at your pace.


Alex thank you for creating such a concise and impactful video. Being more concise can be a big breakthrough, not just in my sales job, but also in communicating with my Youtube audience!


Wow this is amazing. Good stuff and there is something special about you, I dont know what it is but anyone can fell it when they are watching and listening to you.


0:00 intro 0:30 Concise 1:05 outside expertise 2:02 level above 3:11 connect 4:15 conclusion 5:18 end.


Thank you, you are a wonderful person thanks to your guidance I was able to renew my skill, communication👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


I know this is an older video hope you see the comment I watch a lot of your stuff on public speaking really good now I'm leaning more towards executive presence and gravitas hope to see some of that stuff come out thank you.


Thank's alot for u advising so now i wanna to grow up my speech to be a great leaders, so this is my skiil purpose . but sometimes arduos to me how to make relasionships with the others one!!


The key is to be delusional enough to believe in yourself and tasteless enough to speak with confidence on matters that you’re only partially competent in.


Thank you so much! I'm trying to use these tips in the future 👍!


Good talk but not all leaders are concise. Some go on and on because they are very eloquent. They should be concise but not all of them are.
