The Narcissists' Code 470- What story are you telling yourself that keeps you with the Narcissist?

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What story are you telling yourself that keeps you with the Narcissist? What are the things that you are telling yourself that keep you there? are the things you telling yourself true?

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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I don't feel good about any of this... Last night I found myself... Feeling the deepest sadness that I've ever experienced in my life.


He seemed to have 2 different personalities. I stayed in the relationship because I just focused on the “good, ” side of him. I chose to live in denial. I thought if I gave enough to the relationship, he would eventually see my worth.


Dr. Ramani suggested making an ICK list. Write out all the bad things you remember happening during the relationship. It’s your “go to” list when you get sad about the situation.


TESTIFY !! your heart will follow your brain, you will become indifferent with time, when common sense kicks in and you remember WHY YOU LEFT....YOUR SELF RESPECT AND SELF WORTH!!!!


Such great advice! I started recording our conversations and it captured the threats, gas lighting, blatant disrespect. Now if I go back and listen to them, I can SEE what he's doing!


I tell myself I know what he is. My brain and heart are fully aligned because our children are more than a relationship. I tell myself I cannot protect her when he keeps her from me. i tell myself to hold on just a little more- I will not free myself until she is safe.


My story would be I’m telling myself that he came in and took care of my daughter like her father, I met him when she was a yr old, and I be looking at the good side of this devil 👿 but I’m able to move on now I’m getting all my power back now, I know it’s no change in this narcissist, and I been telling myself this, and it’s getting better for me to go forward.. I love ❤️ me more. Thank u 🙏 Lee for this one ☝️ great blessings to u…


Hey Lee Ham Def made it to the 3rd Like 👍🏾 and my Story was def a Hot mess when it comes to Narcissists..

The Story Im telling myself now is- Its just time to be ALONE, and live in Piece, because if this is all I know, I’ll just become a Hermit!

Thanks 🙏🏽 So much for your Life’s Work Mental HEALNESS.


"Your heart has selective hearing" 🎯Serious stuff here, but also had me literally laughing out loud 😂


"The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 😓👍🙏


This video has left me with turbulent feelings. But you are right... what story HAVE I been telling myself?!?
Your videos have given me such insight and are helping me gain back a strength I didn't realize I was now lacking after 25+ yrs tgether. The person I was has been deeply buried and I've been trying to dig her out for a long while but the shovel had been so heavy. I couldn't seem to gain any ground. I understand now some of what's been holding me down. Still a long way to go, but that shovel doesn't seem so heavy anymore.
I thank you, gratefully.


This is so true
I followed my heart and got heartache for three years
A month free and just trying to heal… it’s very hard


Perfect timing! Even though I broke up with the Narc 3 weeks ago, I asked myself why I keep thinking so much of him and vivid memories of the relationship haunt me....


Thanks so much for your valuable message, as usual.


The day I realized the story I was telling myself, I started to see things more clear. My body had been sending me signals but my story didn´t let me listen....


Thank you. A lot of people need this video.


It feels like I need emotional help. I am not eating nor sleeping.. and I feel so tired and worn out.


He's calling me from jail pretending like he's crying. He's blaming the fact that he kidnapped me abused me and screamed obscenities to me as an excuse for what he did 3 days ago. He bit me and crushed me against poles and threw me down. I have marks on my face and all over my body where he did this for hours in the middle of the street from 12:00 a.m. to around 5:00 p.m. I feel like crying but I can't.


Thank-you so much for all your help! You have helped me get over my trauma bond. I am free from my husband and I am not going back. Good to hear it from a narcissistic point of view. It helps so much! 😊 I am sorry to hear that people are so mean to you. You are just trying to help us victims


I respect you lee I believe what you are saying because I've lived It with a man and I did start journaling never have done that my whole life I appreciate your help and support and thank you
