How Actually To Read And Enjoy Books - Writer's Saturday

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I stopped reading when i realised that i was reading just to look like a book warm, but now i read because i want to, like enjoying the details and the ups and downs of the story... It's more like magic now 😍


"the point of reading is experience" <3


This is great advice. I always see people and friends that have goals to read too much, like 1-2 books a week, which they can't do over long periods of time, but it's also gonna limit the types of books you read. You can't read great or more difficult novels in a week, at least that has been my experience.

I'm currently going through Proust's In search of lost time and it's such a pleasure.
But I'm taking my time with this. It's been 3 months and I just finished the 4th volume.
This novel is actually changing how I think and how I see day to day life and interactions with other people, it's unlike anything I've ever read.


Consistency is Key! Great video. What I usually do is break my reading periods into 15-25 minute blocks 2-3 times per day. Works like a charm!


Thanks for this! I realized that I’ve been subconsciously reading all for the sake of achieving my GR Reading Challenge. This explains my 4 year hiatus of being “sick of reading” because prior to this, I read almost 8-9 hours a day.

Nice! I’ll be sure to savor the experience next time.


I've felt that "vomiting" sensation by overloading myself. I doesn't happen very often now.
I like this videos because you give me another perspective of things and help find new ways to enjoy my books.


As a former serial reader (mostly through elementary and middle school) I think I missed a lot in books because I read them too fast. Not in the sense that they where hard to digest or that I missed some underlying plot (that I probably also did) but I barely remember my favorites. Because I didn’t let the story in print on me, affect me or teach me some new way of thought. I realized a few days ago I don’t remember anything about the Hunger games, Harry Potter or Divergent or more recent easy speed reeding such as any John Green book. When I entered high school my literature teacher thought me how to truly read a book, how to analyze it and something that really affected me was her being very strict on how far in a book we are suppose to read, not further, let it sink in a bit first, think about it and then countinued reading. A book I read a year before was in my opinion a pretty average modern horror story, not great, not bad a 400 pager that I went through in less than a week. The same book she assigned us too read during the whole last term, the book was precived totally different when not speed read. The symbolism, references to other gothic pieces, the allegory’s and meaning. It was a totally different experience.


If i have a book, no matter how long it is, i try to read it the whole in 1-2 days ( non-stop reading), i just can not stop, otherwise i do not have peace :D


I don't really read that much i just can't get into it this video might help :)


When I was in film and animation school, my classmates all would reference auteur shit, the equivalent of real literary literature type shit. And I’d feel insecure because I just rewatched Commando of a Jackie Chan flick the night before and that was my jam. When I started reading a ton I felt the same, I would see people reading heavy stuff, and I felt dumb for liking thrillers and “easy” reads. But, a book, like a movie, for me, is entertainment. So I now have no problem plowing through my Goodreads goals because I’m reading what I ENJOY.


I love that you go beyond what to read into How to read. It's an important skill that makes the experience deeper and more enriching!


I've found recently that I have a habit of reading a book in 5 days and then I just don't read for 2 weeks straight afterwards.

I've been trying to get back into my habits since my life got scrambled by Covid-19, and I need to remind myself it's about the quality of my media consumption, and not quantity.
On the plus side however, many theatre companies have been posting recordings of their productions because of the outbreak, so I've been getting into Shakespeare a bit. I watched Romeo and Juliet yesterday and I absolutely adored it!


I’ve came across this book:
How to read as a writer.
The book opened my mind about approaching the materials, improved my understanding and appreciation of the materials that I’m reading. It’s like cleaning my foggy reading glasses. It make reading more interesting. Also, I love to re-read some works again at different age as a grow older and gained more life experiences. By doing so, it gives me different perspectives of the meaning implied/intended by the authors.


That's exactly my issue right now. I read too much in a small amount of time, and now I feel exhausted and have to stop the reading for a bit to take a break. I feel like some days I need to set the bar really low so I don't give up overall. Nice video!

I think a big part of meaningful reading is not reading so quickly that you miss out on actually interacting with the book. Just consuming a book as quickly as possible in order to meet some arbitrary goal is not going be as beneficial as reading a book slowly, asking questions as you go, drawing connections, and really “answering” the book, if that makes sense. I never feel as though I’ve really read a book until I’ve talked about it with someone or written about it.

I think looking at books as a one way street of communication or just another unit of media to mindlessly consume is a great waste.


I started Proust when I was 17. It was awful and the only thing I remember is the muffin. I'm really yo go back to that book.


In my experience, I loved to read as if im entering into a new planet. I try to create an atmosphere where i can feel i am in that book. I watch interviews of the author, music to keep rhythm of the context, search more about the places, the things and the people to empathy with...Earlier i used to have that problem where if the climax or anything is slipped out from anyone around me i would get furious for destroying my experience. But experience is much more different than how i ve been taught...♥️


Being a bookworm my whole life, I studied literature in university and considering bad mental health, uni culture shock, choosing to only major in lit instead of doubling with neuroscience and having to work all through school ... I learned to HATE reading :’) I still love books and reading, but I cannot finish a novel, I get distracted easily, and I just cannot enjoy it as I used to ...

This is an incredible approach! I keep trying to relive middle school days of being able to read a whole book in a day but what I read then was definitely different i what I read now! :’) having ADHD doesn’t help either 😅 definitely trying this less is more approach ;)
Also with my writing!


this is a great advice, and your contents are so good.i think it's because you share your ideas and experience in a honest way.I hope lot of people will discover this channel soon before too late


I can listen to your voice the whole day. 🥰🥰🥰
