Learn Anything FASTER With ChatGPT (5 ChatGPT Prompts For Studying)

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A lot of brain power is lost trying to search for information, fact checking, understanding concepts, memorising and so on. With these 5 ChatGPT study prompts, you can be that sure that you'll be studying efficiently by having knowledge at your fingertips.



Hey! Welcome to my room! I'm Ken, a Physiotherapist and casual video editor who absolutely loves learning, self-improvement and exploring. I'm here to enrich your lives one videos at a time.

1. FLOWCHART: 'Create a flowchart to explain [TOPIC].'
2. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 'You are a a college professor in [TOPIC]. Create 10 multiple choice questions based on the topic of [TOPIC]. There should be 1 correct answer and 3 incorrect answers.'
3.SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS: 'You are a college professor in [TOPIC]. Create 5 short answer questions based on the topic of [TOPIC]. Allow me to answer one question at a time before providing me another question. For each question I answer, please advise if I am correct or incorrect and provide an explanation accordingly. Grade my answer in percentages.'
4. SUMMARISING YOUTUBE VIDEO: 'Please summarize this YouTube video into key dot point: [INSERT YOUTUBE TRANSCRIPT].'
5. LAYMAN'S TERMS: 'Explain in Layman's terms: [INSERT QUESTION].'
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I've been doing this since chatgpt came out. Its a massive help when learning programming concepts. I can ask about weird niche edge cases and it answers them like a professional tutor. ChatGPT is like a free private tutor for anything you could ever want. Just need to prompt smart.


Literally the only reason I enjoy ChatGPT. It's better than asking most teachers

This is legitimately more helpful than anything it's done yet


Make sure to fact check the answers. Hallucinations can still happen


1. FLOWCHART: 'Create a flowchart to explain [TOPIC].'
2. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 'You are a a college professor in [TOPIC]. Create 10 multiple choice questions based on the topic of [TOPIC]. There should be 1 correct answer and 3 incorrect answers.'
3.SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS: 'You are a college professor in [TOPIC]. Create 5 short answer questions based on the topic of [TOPIC]. Allow me to answer one question at a time before providing me another question. For each question I answer, please advise if I am correct or incorrect and provide an explanation accordingly. Grade my answer in percentages.'
4. SUMMARISING YOUTUBE VIDEO: 'Please summarize this YouTube video into key dot point: [INSERT YOUTUBE TRANSCRIPT].'
5. LAYMAN'S TERMS: 'Explain in Layman's terms: [INSERT QUESTION].'


using chat gpt in studying medicine. asking it to explain tough concepts and talking to it about things i didn't understand. and getting examples of symptoms and cases. it is a blessing to the medical community. although it might replace the doctors in couple of years. but hey, if it replaces us and saves more people, we are down


After I started studying with ChatGPT my level of understanding has gotten so much deeper. I can ask limitless questions with it being to able answer all. I can learn just the way I want. Only problem with it is that some of the information it has given me has not been factual so now a lot of my time is also fact checking it's answers.


This is why I have always studied creating synthesised flowcharts to look at whenever I feel unsure about the information. When I found out GPT could completely cover the making of the chart academic life got so much easier


Woah, this is really useful! I was always captivated by ChatGPT and AI in general, but this takes it to a whole another level, haha. Thank you for the tips, the prompts will come in handy


Your videos are so helpful- more so as an accelerated student in a stressful yr 12 exam period. These short bite sized videos of yours are diamonds in a landscape of videos that fish for views/watchtime.
Thank you!!


This is solid advice .. active recall and efficiency for studies is a must! thanks


The short answer questions is similar to how I've been using chatGPT as a tool for studying programming stuff, and it's been invaluable. This vid gave me some new ideas though that will help me make even better use of its capabilities, much appreciated! The youtube transcription idea is brilliant- plenty of vids I'm sure have great information in them that I just don't care to take an hour to consume in its entirety. The visual tip at the beginning is great too- I accidentally had gpt make a comparison table not realizing it could present information differently than just pure text, and I'll be experimenting a bunch with the ways it's able to display info. I've gotten way too many numbered lists in straight up text that are just a huge pain to read for me but asking for the same info in table form makes it unbelievably easier for me to quickly interpret/comprehend. Take a like and a sub!!


775 subscribers and you are delivering this quality of videos, damn man you are really putting efforts in providing quality content.


Never knew this i only every used chatgpt to help me write essays, with this i think i can write my own now. Thanks Ken, and Thank you ChatGPT


I love it. Thanks for sharing this concise and helpful video.


Honestly, I tought this chanel had way many more suscribers cause of the quality, dude keep it up your soo underrated, the only thing I would say is that the audio quality doesn't feel 100% good, but still 85%, which is good enough. Thanks for the video!!


oh yeah it helps with almost everything, especially it helps a lot with programming.
But maths, sadly it goes a little off sometimes with that one.


Thanks for sharing these helpful study tips!


You are the best, this is the video I am looking for, thank you for making this .


Got finals this week so glad i found this vid W


To the point and considerate with viewers time