Quickly Learn ANYTHING using ChatGPT in 2023! (Unique Method) 🧠

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ChatGPT is a great tool for learning new information. Not only can it generate solid information on thousands of subjects, but ChatGPT can teach you in a way that helps you retain and learn new topics or skills faster than ever before. In this ChatGPT tutorial I dive into my method of learning in ChatGPT and how it's helped me become more productive.

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0:00 - 10x Learning Speeds
0:32 - My Process (5 Steps)
2:27 - ChatGPT Course and Community
3:02 - Selecting a Topic or Skill
3:24 - Metacognition Phase 1
5:20 - Finding Key Concepts
8:02 - Explaining Information to a Child
10:08 - Mind-mapping Your Ideas
13:47 - Metacognition Phase 2
15:10 - Action Steps
17:41 - Metacognition Phase 3
18:22 - Please Like and Subscribe :)

#chatgpt #openai
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You're videos are helping me so much. I'm a doctor and man, I wish I had this when I was in medical school instead of the "drinking water from a firehose" approach I had to use. Sleepless nights, 12 hour study sessions. You got a bright future kid, keep it up


Remember folks. Learning is continuous. Don't cheat yourself by thinking you "understood" something because you put a time block on it. It is by putting yourself in situations that stretches your understanding and applying it that you truly can absorb something in its fundamentals.


Thanks so much for another helpful video! I didn't know about the mind-mapping tools, and your Meta-cognition layout is very good. Being able to use AI to learn and breakdown topics in various ways is just amazing!


I was just hoping someone would explain this in chatgpt and boom your channel turned up


this is incredibly helpful! thank you for the in-depth explanation. As a sidenote, you're a great teacher. all your videos are straight-forward and the tips you provide can actually be used in real life lol. thanks for all you do!


THX for using your time. Your tutorials are easy to follow even if the topics are over my knowledge. You are using a straight to the point language witch suits me fine. Many THX


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

05:57 📚 Michelle's journey into exploring the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) began when she met a cowboy on an airplane and engaged in deep conversations.
11:15 🙏 Michelle's exploration of the LDS Church involved researching and seeking common ground, particularly focusing on areas of agreement and understanding between her existing beliefs and the teachings of the Church.
16:07 📖 Initially, reading the Book of Mormon posed a challenge for Michelle due to the unfamiliar names and characters, but she later had a powerful spiritual experience that strengthened her faith in the book and its message.
18:02 🌟 Michelle had a profound spiritual experience when reading the Book of Mormon, which solidified her belief and commitment to the LDS Church.
20:19 🧐 Michelle navigated external reactions and influences, such as family and friends, as she began openly exploring and discussing her interest in the LDS Church.
21:13 🌟 Michelle was deeply moved by a young boy's experience of receiving divine help when starting something against the cultural norm, which reinforced her belief in God's involvement.
21:57 📖 Michelle's exploration of the Book of Mormon was guided by her curiosity, despite external concerns and reactions from others who questioned her reading of different scriptures.
22:26 💪 Michelle's friends who were members of the LDS Church recognized her alignment with their beliefs even before she officially considered joining, providing her with encouragement and support.
23:08 🤝 Michelle faced challenges and preconceived notions from her existing social circle when she openly expressed her interest in the LDS Church and her intent to join.
25:14 🏡 After joining the church, Michelle found a welcoming and embracing community that provided her with a sense of belonging and connection that she had been seeking for years.

Made with HARPA AI


I love using Chat to learn new things. My favorite part is after asking it a main question, the conversation keeps going as I ask it to expand on this point or that. It’s like talking to Wikipedia 🤭


I am so glad to have come across your teachings and I am going to purchase the detailed course. This is a great eye opener and kudos to you


thanks a lot.
first time for me to know how to do mind map, I like it.


Great information very well done. I was very impressed by everything you said on there as far as a business concern one question I have is I’m all new to this and I have a social media account for June affiliate and digital marketing and I’m going to specialize in baby boomers and beginners And obviously teaching old dog new tricks so to speak for those older generations and of course beginners like no matter what age I’m trying to figure out what content to put together for my first post on TikTok and I’m just all over the place and I really need help. Is there anyway you can help put something together for me or give me an idea of what I can say and do For chatgbt, and for what I can present in my material both on video and off. Thank you. 🙏 😊


I first found this idea of explain to me like a child from Micheal and Oscar scene in the Office. Good information though.


I decided to use Utopia ecosystem AI, this neural network is free and in terms of functionality is no different


The website you shared for your ChatGPT Mastery Course won't open.


Compilation Error [ sentence out of reason ] At the question : trust you in the humanity ? (the responce is abbsurd) because ChatGPT haven't state.


Hey I like this. NOW I want to Learn HOW to Leverage Banking Instruments like an SBLC Stand By Letter if Credit. I need to get this Knowledge from Banks that Utilize these type of programs in order to generate more Capital for funding Purposes. Question ❓❓ Can this be done on the Free account. Please advise and how would You get Chat GPT to get this kind of information from the Banks??? Please do tell. Thanks 😃🦜 Alan


Spammers. They want your phone number to spam you later and to sell it. Untrustworthy. I uninstalled it and will never use it again.


btw the content of this video was generated by A.I 😅😅😅
