Learn Anything FASTER With ChatGPT

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how to learn anything fast with chatgpt
how to learn anything fast with ai full study guide with chatgpt
how to learn anything fast using chatgpt full guide to studying with ai

A lot of brain power is lost trying to search for information, fact checking, understanding concepts, memorising and so on. With these 5 ChatGPT study prompts, you can be that sure that you'll be studying efficiently by having knowledge at your fingertips.

i have some Pompert for you , use it when you want to search somthing

1. FLOWCHART: 'Create a flowchart to explain [TOPIC].'
2. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 'You are a a college professor in [TOPIC]. Create 10 multiple choice questions based on the topic of [TOPIC]. There should be 1 correct answer and 3 incorrect answers.'
3.SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS: 'You are a college professor in [TOPIC]. Create 5 short answer questions based on the topic of [TOPIC]. Allow me to answer one question at a time before providing me another question. For each question I answer, please advise if I am correct or incorrect and provide an explanation accordingly. Grade my answer in percentages.'
4. SUMMARISING YOUTUBE VIDEO: 'Please summarize this YouTube video into key dot point: [INSERT YOUTUBE TRANSCRIPT].'
5. LAYMAN'S TERMS: 'Explain in Layman's terms: [INSERT QUESTION].'

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