The Dark Truth about Contraceptives W/ Jason Evert

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Jason Evert shares what the pharmaceutical doesn't want you to know about contraceptives.

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Five or six years ago, I remember objecting to the Catholic teaching regarding contraception. The reason for this was the I was prescribed several times with them (at age 16) due to problems with my period. I always said to myself that NFP was not an option for women like me. One day I saw a video of Jason explaining that women don't really need the pill. I didn't believe it and years passed. Recently, the problems with my period got a lot worse (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and I was prescribed with them again. I remembered what I had heard from Jason, and looked for other treatment (basically special diet and exercise with a specialist). I couldn't be more THANKFUL. I haven't felt this good for a very long time. Now I tell all my friends about the terrible effects of hormones. The Catholic Church is wise, people! Listen to the Church


"NFP taught me that my wife's body is perfect" wow


I can say as someone who was on depo shot due to bad periods for two years I was severely depressed. Suicidal at times.. it’s a common side effect but no doctor ever told me this.... not to mention gaining 20lbs. I finally felt normal after going off it...I lost 20lbs in a week after I got off it...


I'm not Roman Catholic, but I don't like the idea of putting something into my body that can stop a child from being formed, even if the reason is medical and not for birth control.


I think this is a very important debate we should have. How come we focus on organic and healthy nutrition and yet we are ok to prescribe pills that have a proven negative effect on women's bodies. In my opinion we should give women the respect they deserve. And if a woman still wants to go for it she can certainly do so. I just think women deserve better.


I think it is a sad state for society when women are legitimately surprised when they get pregnant.


How are these things not making headlines??? Thank you for sharing Jason. Your book “How to find your soulmate without losing your soul” changed my life.


I always knew the moral issues with contraception, but I never knew about the physical problems it incurs on women. Thank you for this video Matt. And God bless Mr. Evert


Wow!! Girls need to hear this! When I was 12 years old and started developing acne, our doctor wanted to put me on the pill. No jokes. Fortunately my mom (a medical practitioner herself, not a GP though) wouldn't hear of it. Unfortunately, most parents are not that informed.


I had been put on the pill in high school for periods that were heavy, irregular, and painful. They were really bad. The pill made the problem worse. A year after I decided to stop they found high risk precancerous cells on my cervix. They were removed. Eventually, I discovered vitex and red raspberry leaf and my problem was corrected after close to 10 years of medical science having no idea what caused it or what to do. The bcp is not the answer. The pill doesn’t always prevent ovulation either. It does prevent implantation, so it acts as an abortificient. I was later told at one point I wouldn’t have a baby and I needed to go back on the pill. I asked about the vitex I started taking. They didn’t care or know about it. God gave us natural ways to fix ourselves. I learned to look for a natural solution once modern "medicine" simply didn’t heal.


Ok... I’m a conservative confessional Lutheran (LC-MS) and I am staying Lutheran but this video just made me nail in the coffin against contraception.


Wait, so you're telling me they're turning the freakin' frogs gay?


The way these two talk about honoring a woman’s natural design is so wholesome, I wish this was the mainstream view of men today


Wow. This is so enlightening. I need to look into this more and do my homework. Crazy how no one ever talks about the dangers. Thanks so much Jason!


No lie. There was literally a contraception commercial right after this video. Counter-intuitive, youtube!


I see a few angry comments about how men shouldn't discuss this or whatever but I haven't seen any actual coherent arguments against what they've said


I was Protestant during my childbearing years. My husband and I both did not trust hormones and did not believe IUDs were okay, so we used the barrier methods. I never had any negative side effects from using condoms, diaphragms, sponges, etc. or the spermicide. No pre-emclampsia (however you spell it). I had never heard of NFP; if I had, we would have tried it. But the barrier methods were certainly the lesser of the evils. If I had been Catholic then, I'm sure would have tried hard to make NFP work.


I have had unfortunate severe case of endometriosis for 20 yrs. If I had not taken these meds (depo, leupron, IUD, BCP) along with surgeries, I would not have been successful with two pregnancies. Depo was created for this particular disease not as a birth control. These drugs shrink these masses which decrease life altering pain and from it breaking off and traveling into the blood steam which travels to the heart. There needs to be understanding between deliberate elimination of life and taking medication to create life and not to feel like someone is stabbing me to death everyday. To but this into perspective, those pains have been worse than my natural labor pains.


Hi Matt, very interesting discussion. What is also interesting is the fact that I was NOT able to "Share" this on FB!
